As sharply higher numbers of women work through [w]pregnancy[/w], many hear the same advice: Relax. Don't stress out or you will harm your [w]unborn[/w] baby. 隨著懷孕期間堅持上班的女性人數激增,很多孕媽媽聽到的忠告都是:放松。壓力不要太大,否則會傷害到肚子里的寶寶。 Contrary to old beliefs, however, research shows that ordinary day-to-day job and home [w]stress[/w] isn't likely to cause low birth weight or other problems for most women. Traffic delays, work [w]deadline[/w]s and other everyday hassles aren't likely to pose a threat to unborn babies, researchers say, and pregnant women who feel they are coping well tend to do just fine. 不過,與老觀點相反的是,研究顯示,對大部分孕婦來說,普通的日常工作家庭壓力不太可能造成新生兒體重偏低或其他問題。研究人員說,堵車、任務的最后期限和其他日常煩惱事不太可能對胎兒造成威脅,那些自我感覺應付自如的孕婦往往做得不錯。 Instead, new studies are revealing a link between a certain kind of stress and some [w]developmental[/w] delays in the baby: worrying excessively about the pregnancy itself. 相反,新的研究揭示了某種壓力與寶寶發(fā)育遲緩之間存在聯(lián)系:對懷孕本身過度擔心。 This 'pregnancy-specific anxiety' was linked to lower [w]cognitive[/w]-development scores in babies at 12 months of age, based on a study published recently in Child Development by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, echoing other research. Women who [w]experience[/w] this kind of anxiety worry excessively about potential problems with [w]fetal[/w] development, miscarriage or giving birth. 根據加州大學爾灣分校研究人員最
Part I ? Part II? 代孕媽媽為哪般?(點擊查看完整文本) 代孕媽媽在美國是個合法但是有爭議的一個話題。代孕牽扯到了經濟利益、懷孕的喜悅及情感波動、健康隱患等諸多因素。最重要的是在懷胎十月、一朝分娩之后,孩子要屬于別人。究竟是什么使一些女性愿意做代孕媽媽? ? 伊朗核談判時隔一年多再次啟動(點擊查看完整文本)? 在伊朗核問題談判陷入僵局近15個月之際,美國、英國、法國、俄羅斯、中國和德國六國與伊朗代表4月14日在土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布爾開始新一輪核會談。 單詞故事:一些形容重要人物的短語 (點擊查看完整文本)? 今天的單詞故事,小編帶媽媽為哪般?(點擊查看完整文本) 代孕媽媽來了形容重要人物的短語,大家來一起學習一些那些曾經在你的耳朵一溜而過但又讓你疑惑不已的諺語吧,相信在以后的日常對話中你一脫口而出,一定會讓別人 眼前一亮。 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內容或屏蔽相關鏈接。
處理,兩者互為補充、相得益彰。 電子育兒將更細致精準 80后的父母更喜歡在互聯(lián)網搜索育兒的相關問題和困惑,對于這種電子育兒方式,裴立英認為網站的信息的確非常豐富,但是很多媽媽們的習慣是遇到問題的時候去搜索關鍵詞,這樣得來的海量內容難免會自相矛盾,常常會讓媽媽們不知所措,無從判斷哪個建議更適合自己。雖然現(xiàn)在很多母嬰雜志的稿件會取自母嬰網站,但是網站提供給雜志的只能是新聞點,或是突發(fā)的熱門事件。大量的深入采訪、真相的揭露、專家的建議,還是雜志做得更到位。如果說網站突出的是“快”,那么雜志突出的則是“深”。 以母嬰雜志為例,從階段上來講,主要分為孕產期和育兒期,從內容上來講主要分為知識性和生活性。對于母嬰內容來說,從階段到內容上來講劃分的趣事會越來越細致、針對的讀者群也越來越精準。裴立英看好與滬江網這樣的專業(yè)互動平臺的合作,可以豐富《好孕媽媽》的產品。同時她也提出自己的建議:網上的早教資源一定要操作簡單、教學專業(yè)、形式活潑、互動性強,這樣才媽媽們篩選更精準、更有效的資訊是母嬰編輯的工作,在這個過程中看起來只是幫助更多的媽媽能讓寶寶有興趣學習。 裴立英認為孕媽媽和寶寶的健康是全社會都關注的話題,而且也是育兒的第一站,如果這個年齡段的母嬰雜志做得不理想會影響后續(xù)讀者持續(xù)關注母嬰雜志的信心,看不出母嬰雜志相對于母嬰網站方面的優(yōu)勢。滬江網和愛知書店推出的母嬰雜志票選活動非常好,能夠引起年輕的準爸媽的關注,也能推動母嬰行業(yè)出版高質量的刊物。
看下你的弟弟和妹妹們?[/cn] [en]That skirt is too short, change it! [/en][cn]裙子太媽媽都愛嘮叨,那各國的媽媽短了,趕快換掉![/cn] 中國: [en]You are doing really bad on your exam. U want me to go to parents party at school? I have no face going there.[/en][cn]你看看你考試考得那個熊樣,你還想讓我給你開家長會?我可沒臉去
2013-05-09 -
次生寶寶后就中大獎。[/cn][en]??A “l(fā)ucky mother” in Norway won lotteries after she gave birth.[/en]?? [en]What a lucky family! [/en][cn]??多么幸運的一個家庭![/cn]?? [en]“This is [w]crazy[/w]!” 29-year-old Hege Jeanette Oksnes said after her family won their third [w]national[/w] [w]lottery[/w] (彩票) in the last six years. The [w]strangest[/w] thing is that it always happened after she gave birth to a child (生孩子).[/en][cn]“多么瘋狂??!”29歲的Hege Jeanette Oksnes說道,過去的六年中,她的家庭中了3次國家彩票。如此怪異的事情總是發(fā)生在她生完孩子之后。[/cn] [en]Just last month, Tord, Hege’s 19-year-old brother, won $2.6 million in the national [w]Norwegian[/w] (挪威的) lottery. Before that, Hege herself won $1.4 million, and her father won $2.1 million in the same lottery.[/en][cn]僅僅是上個月,Hege19歲的弟弟,Tord,在國家挪威彩票中中了260萬。在那之前,Hege她自己中了140萬,她的父親在同一種彩票上中了210萬。[/cn] [en]The first two times they won the lottery, it happened just hours after Hege gave [w]birth[/w], and the third time it happened three months after she had her third child.[/en][cn]他們起初兩次贏得彩票,僅在Hege生完媽媽小孩后的幾個小時內,第三次是在她生完第三個孩子過后的三個月。[/cn] [en]“I have three brothers who haven’t won the lottery. They’ve asked me to have at least ten more babies,” Hege said.[/en][cn]Hege說:“我還有三個沒有中過彩票的哥哥(弟弟),他們希望讓我至少再生10個孩子?!盵/cn] 您可能還喜歡: >>《上海學生英文報》專題 >>《上海學生英文報》官方網站 >>《上海學生英文報》新浪微博 >> ?滬江中小學新浪微博 嚴肅聲明:本系列文章由《上海學生英文報》獨家授權,報社地址:上海市閔行區(qū)都市路4855號2座708室,電話:021-24175764,如無授權,請勿轉載
[en]Tiger Mother[/en][cn]虎媽:望子成龍型[/cn] [en]The traditional Chinese way of supporting and pushing the child to realise his full potential. Tiger moms demand perfect grades because they believe that their children can get them. They also believe that they know what is best for their children and therefore [w]override[/w] all of their children's own desires and preferences.?For them, the best way to protect their children is by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they're capable of, and arming them with skills and work habits.[/en][cn]“虎媽”們的做法接近傳統(tǒng)的中國式教育,即鼓勵甚至逼迫她們的孩子充分發(fā)揮潛能。她們會要求自己的孩子表現(xiàn)完美,因為她們相信孩子們做得到。她們也相信自己知道對孩子來說什么才是最好的,因此往往無視孩子們自己的想法和愿望。對“虎媽”們來說,保護孩子的最好方式就是讓他們對未來做好充足的準備,讓他們明白自己的能力,并且掌握各種技能和養(yǎng)成良好的習慣。[/cn] [en]Chooper Mother/Helicopter Mother[/en][cn]直升機媽:無微不至型[/cn] [en]The anxious Chopper/Helicopter Mom?[w=hover]hovers[/w]?around her children?24/7, whether they are at home or in?school. She storms into the principal's office when her children didn't get good grades, involves in all school activities, hires party planners for her toddler's 3rd birthday party, and protects them from all dangers.[/en][cn]焦慮過度的“直升機媽”一天24小時圍著孩子轉,不管孩子們是在家還是在學校。她會為了孩子沒考好而怒氣沖沖地找校長對質,會參與學校里的一切活動,甚至會為了3歲小孩的生日聚會雇傭專門的聚會策劃人員,總之,就是要保護孩子們遠離一切危險。[/cn] [en]Free-range Mother[/en][cn]自由放養(yǎng)媽:撒手不管型[/cn] [en]The casual [w]Free-range[/w] Mom lets her children breathe, explore life at their own pace, make things instead of buying the best...you get the picture.?Some free-range moms are a bit too [w]laid-back[/w], others may argue.[/en][cn]輕松悠閑的“自由放養(yǎng)媽”讓她的孩子們自由成長,按照自己的節(jié)奏探索生活,自己DIY而不是去買最好的……總之,你們都懂的了。但是也有人擔心,某些“自由放養(yǎng)媽”未免太懶散了一些。[/cn]
應得。愛媽媽她要甚于愛你自己。沒有了她,生命將毫無意義。[/cn] 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內容或屏蔽相關鏈接。 點擊進入聽無止境小組》》》
在她心底。[/cn] [en]4. Don’t draw other family members into a conflict[/en][cn]4.不要把其他家庭成員卷進沖突里面[/cn] [en]I must confess that earlier I had a terrible habit of drawing my brother and dad into conflicts between me and my mom. I wanted them to support me and help us find a mutually beneficial solution. Unfortunately, their active participation only intensified the problem. As a result, small and insignificant mother-daughter fights grew into long-lasting family conflicts. I learned a big lesson and realized that my bad temper made my family suffer.[/en][cn]我必須早點坦白,我有一個習慣就是我總是會把我的兄弟跟父親卷進我跟媽媽的沖突里面。我想要他們支持我并且?guī)臀艺业揭粋€互利的解決辦法。不幸的是,他們的加入只會讓問題愈演愈烈。結果,小小的,根本無關緊要的媽媽跟女兒之間的爭吵演變成了持久的家庭矛盾。我被好好的上了一課并意識到:我的壞脾氣都讓所有家人都跟著遭殃的。[/cn] [en]5. Enhance your communication[/en][cn]5.多溝通[/cn] [en]How often do you communicate with your mother? Psychologists say that regular communication with your parents is a normal thing that makes them happier. Lack of communication between mothers and daughters can create emotional barriers and even trigger frequent quarrels. The generation gap is not the only barrier to effective and healthy communication with your mother. The main reasons are buried deep in your subconscious mind. When you finally find the reason, you’ll be able to overcome misunderstanding in communication with your mom and bridge the generation gap in a quite short period of time.[/en][cn]你多長時間跟你媽媽溝通一次?心理學家說經常和你的父母溝通是能讓他們更快樂的一件平凡事。媽媽跟女兒之間缺乏溝通會產生情感上的障礙,甚至會引發(fā)頻頻的爭吵。這個代溝不是你跟媽媽有效的、健康的溝通的唯一障礙。主要的原因深埋在你的潛意識深處。當你最終發(fā)現(xiàn)這個原因的時候,你就能克服你跟你媽媽溝通上的誤解,并且短時間內就能建起那座代溝的橋梁。[/cn]
的父母,他被這么多愛包圍著??!媽媽和孩子一切都好?!盵/cn] [en]Duff, 24, [w]announce[/w]d in August that she was expecting her first child, saying that she and Comrie were "ready to start this new [w]chapter[/w] in our lives." And she described the experience of being pregnant as "kind of like a little [w]alien[/w] has taken