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  • 別對我撒謊:S01E09-part2 騙婚?

    斷過 學(xué)生貸款 信用卡債務(wù)... 所以呢? 我公司剛上市不久 合伙人的妻子就離開了他 還帶走了兩歲大的女兒 利用孩子撈了一大筆 那你需要我們做些什么? Nadia 說在我們相識之后才知道我的身份 我只是想確認(rèn)她說的是事實(shí) Lightman 博士為聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局 ,交通安全管理局 警方等進(jìn)行欺詐調(diào)查 我們不插手私人生活 但還是謝謝你 我能再聯(lián)撒謊系上中學(xué)拒絕我的女生們你們的網(wǎng)站功不可沒呀 聽著 看完這個再做決定就當(dāng)幫你們頭兒一個忙 我猜你這微表情意思是"我靠" 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 別對我撒謊:S01E01-part1 眼見為實(shí)?

    Lightman 是知名的謊言識別專家,尤其擅長通過面部表情和肢體語言發(fā)現(xiàn)隱藏的謊言。Lightman小組經(jīng)常幫助執(zhí)法機(jī)構(gòu)查案。一位虞誠的教徒的孩子被目擊證人指控謀殺了自己的老師。同時,小組還被任命查出一位高官性丑聞事件的真?zhèn)巍?通過微表情來判斷一個人是否撒謊?你信嗎?呃。。。我不信,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 在本集的選段中提到了一個男孩殺死自己老師的案例,但是事實(shí)果真如此嗎?眼見為實(shí)嗎?也不一定的吧~~ 聽寫填空,不用寫編號,注意句子開頭要大寫喲 The mayor thanks you and Dr. Foster 1_______________________. This case is a 2__________. We got a juvenile offender, family of devout Jehovah's Witnesses. We gotta be real careful here. Three day ago, James Cole, 16-year-old student at Jackson High, murdered his teacher, Susan McCartney. After Mr. Cole got into Mrs. McCartney's house, he smashed her head into a glass coffee table. He then was caught fleeing the house by two patrolmen. Been in custody here ever since. 3______________________about the McCartney murder? Assistant US Attorneys Hutchinson and Estin. The kid was at the scene of the crime; he had motive, means; and he resisted arrest. And he failed a polygraph test. It's murder one. Well, I guess we're all here then: 4_____________; 5___________; and us, 6__________. The US Attorney's office wants to try Cole as an adult. But if the mayor is gonna support sending a 16-year-old to prison for the rest of his life, he wants to be certain we're talking about a premeditated, cold-blooded murder. He wants you to 7_________________________________. We'll need the crime scene photos and the autopsy report. I thought you could tell somebody was lying just by looking at them. The question is never simply if someone is lying; it's why. for coming on short notice land mine So what exactly does the mayor want to find out someone who wants the truth somebody who wants to be right the idiots in the middle provide an independent assessment of intent 市長感謊言識別專家,尤其擅長通過面部表情和肢體語言發(fā)現(xiàn)隱藏的謊謝你和Foster博士能立刻趕來,這案子很棘手啊。被告是青少年,全家都是虔誠的耶和華見證人信徒,我們得萬分小心。 三年前,Jackson高中的16歲學(xué)生James Cole謀殺了他的老師Susan McCartney。Cole進(jìn)入McCartney小姐家房子后,把她的頭撞向玻璃咖啡桌,逃出時被兩個巡邏的給逮住了。一直拘留到現(xiàn)在。 這個案子,市長究竟還想查出什么? 副檢察長Hutchinson和Estin。 那孩子在犯罪現(xiàn)場,有動機(jī),有手段,而且還拒捕。 測謊儀也測出來了。 一級謀殺。 現(xiàn)在我們也來了。有人想要真相,有人想證明自己是對的,而我們則是夾在中間的笨蛋。 聯(lián)邦檢察長辦公室希望,我們把Cole當(dāng)成年人來審,但市長若要支持把這個16歲的少年終身監(jiān)禁,他想要確定,此案早有預(yù)謀,且手法相當(dāng)殘忍。他想讓你們提供一份獨(dú)立的評估。 我們需要現(xiàn)場照片和尸檢報告。 我還以為你們看看那個人,就能知道他在撒謊呢。 關(guān)鍵不在他是否撒謊,而是為什么。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 別對我撒謊:S01E02-part 4 強(qiáng)奸的真相

    本期導(dǎo)讀:還記得強(qiáng)奸案嗎?那女子真的被強(qiáng)奸了嗎,還是只是她說謊而已呢?微表情將說明一切 Given the correlation between arson and rape... Well, it's interesting, but it's irrelevant, I'm afraid. Turns out Lake's ptoon mated rather a lot to say. Heidi said ______________1________. Well, I didn't bring them in to hear them talk.

  • 別對我撒謊Lie to Me第三季未獲訂全季 面臨被砍危險

    [en]Fox network has declined to pick TV series “[w=lie]Lie[/w] To Me” for a full season.[/en] [cn]??怂闺娨暰W(wǎng)旗下的熱門劇集《別對我撒謊》未能獲得全季預(yù)定。[/cn] [en]Production of television series “Lie to Me” was not picked by Fox network but the show is not cancelled. Though a move such as this is never positive

  • 別對我撒謊:S01E02-part 3 塔夫是否在說謊呢?

    本期導(dǎo)讀:塔夫的語言壓力已經(jīng)通過測試,他是否在說謊呢? You finish the vocal stress analysis on Taft? Yeah. _____1_____. Oh, championship ring. Sweet. Must have cost a fortune online. Actually, I...I learned it riding the pine for the 86 team. _____________2__________. That's Traft's vocal stress baseline. And given how

  • 別對我撒謊:S01E02-part 3 塔夫是否在說謊呢?

    本期導(dǎo)讀:塔夫的語言壓力已經(jīng)通過測試,他是否在說謊呢? You finish the vocal stress analysis on Taft? Yeah. _____1_____. Oh, championship [w]ring[/w]. Sweet. Must have cost a fortune online. Actually, I...I learned it riding the pine for the 86 team. _____________2__________. That's Traft's vocal stress baseline. And given

  • 別對我撒謊:S01E03-part 2 候選法官隱藏了什么?

    本期導(dǎo)讀: 候選法官對死去的女兒甚是傷心,但是根據(jù)Lightman Group的研究,卻看不出她的表情有任何傷心;you know, 驗謊專家總有法子的~~ 一起來看看他的妙招~~ You got any gum? What? Gum. Chewing gum. Gum? Uh, yeah, yeah. Thank you... You get anything off her? Well, her tears are real. I still didn't see any 1______on her forehead. Okay, that was 2_____. Just 3_______________ on the judge. Oh, that was interesting. Okay, you want to tell me what that was about? Still no action in the forehead, or around the eyes, even though she's startled. Okay. Most definitely 4_____________. 5_________. She's using botox. 6__________ I couldn't pick anything up. It paralyzes the facial muscles. Tears were real, and her forehead would show sadness if it could. Yeah, but she still doesn't have an alibi for the night of the murder. Chances are, any mother who killed her daughter would display 7________ unless she was a sociopath. If the mother's not lying, where does that leave us? 8___________________. FBI says they think that Danielle knew her killer. It's possible that person's here. It's 9__________to show up at the victim's memorial. Be it'd suspicious not to, especially if 10____________. 喜歡美劇聽寫的猛戳這里哦~~節(jié)目可以訂閱了呢! sadness disgusting keep your eye hiding something Her age No wonder shame Looking for someone else pretty risky they were close 有口香糖嗎? 什么? 口香糖,有嗎? 噢,有。 謝謝。 看出什么來了? 她的眼淚發(fā)自內(nèi)心,從她的前額,我還是看不出悲傷。你真行,太惡心了。 你只管盯著法官就好。挺有意思。 好吧,到底怎么回事? 前額或是雙眼依舊沒變化,盡管她嚇了一跳。 知道了。 肯定隱瞞了什么,就是她的年齡,她注射了肉毒桿菌。 怪不得我什么都看不出來。 肉毒桿菌麻痹了面部肌肉,眼淚是真的,如果她前額能動,也會顯露出悲傷。 但謀殺當(dāng)晚她并沒有不在場證明。 通常殺害女兒的母親都會表現(xiàn)出內(nèi)疚,除非她有反社會傾向。 如果她母親沒撒謊,那我們?nèi)绾沃郑?調(diào)查一下別人,F(xiàn)BI認(rèn)為Danielle認(rèn)識兇手,兇手有可能就在這里。 在受害者的追悼會出現(xiàn)很冒險。 不謊出現(xiàn)更可疑,尤其她們可能很親密。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 別對我撒謊:S01E05-part 1 消防員之死,意外還是他殺?

    害了他,然后把他拋在那里。 我請你們來是為了找出到底是誰說謊了。 那并不容易。身處著火的房子是集體行為, 面臨逆境他們異常團(tuán)結(jié)。 當(dāng)真如此? 隊長 Morrow 和 Clayton 中隊長。 那些看似神秘的話并不能讓你高高在上。 因此,并不是由訪問我進(jìn)行詢問。 Lightman 博士將進(jìn)行詢問么? 不,不是,只有由他們尊敬的人詢問我們才能夠找到他們的漏洞。 所以,不是由撒謊,測謊我們來提問而是由您來。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 《識骨尋蹤》第五季要和《別對我撒謊》玩穿越?

    Lie to Me和Bones是??怂闺娨暸_兩大炙手可熱的破案劇:前者分析嫌疑人的臉部表情揭穿謊言,男謊主人公犀利的觀察能力是全劇最大看點(diǎn);而后者則從被害人殘缺不全面目全非的尸骨中尋找蛛絲馬跡,男女主角忽遠(yuǎn)忽近的曖昧關(guān)系則是該劇的大噱頭。試想這兩部劇集如果玩穿越的話,那將會擦出怎樣的火花? 據(jù)悉福克斯正在考慮《識骨尋蹤》第五季中,安排上演男女主角Booth和Brennan與Tim Roth扮演的《別對我撒謊》男主角Lightman博士攜手共事,聯(lián)合破案。但內(nèi)部消息稱,這個設(shè)想現(xiàn)在只不過是早期的構(gòu)思,可能“不會成為現(xiàn)實(shí)”。大家不放在這一計劃土崩瓦解之前雙手合十祈禱吧。 (要是能成真的話,這集會超

  • 別對我撒謊:S01E09-part1工地發(fā)生坍塌,救援工作卻無法進(jìn)行

    所以能認(rèn)出厭惡是因為你不斷從朋友親人的臉上看到 我猜開給頸傷的止痛藥用光后,你就開始自我治療了吧 嘿 我曾經(jīng)嗜毒如命 我完全理解你 Spaly先生 你是不是對于坍塌前的位置問題撒了謊 因為你當(dāng)時正在別處 high 呢? 這是誰? 這謊導(dǎo)致救援工作無法正常進(jìn)行,他為什么說謊又是誰? 這個呢? Kisker 這個是 Denman 這是誰? 我知道他們是誰 他們現(xiàn)在下落不明 Spaly先生 好的 聽著 我上來了 到儲物柜取出藏的毒品 我... 忘了時間 但我離開下面絕對不到一個小時! 那你是在坍塌前一小時看到他們在東南區(qū)?就因為你提供的信息 我們整個搜索都集中在東南區(qū)地下二層了! 但現(xiàn)在他們還不知在哪兒 不知在哪層呢! 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>