exclusive beef in the world. 神戶牛肉被認為是世界上最高級的牛肉。 Corn the beef for twelve hours. 把牛肉腌十二小時。mushroom是什么意思: n. 蘑菇,傘菌 adj. 蘑菇的;蘑菇形的;迅速生長的 v. 迅速生長,迅速增加;采蘑菇 mushroom follower 菌形從動件 Birmingham is a mushroom. 伯明翰是個迅猛發(fā)展的新興城市。 They often go mushrooming. 他們常去采蘑菇。 到滬江小D查看干鍋黃牛肉的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 干鍋肥腸的英文怎么說>> 干鍋茶樹菇的英文怎么說>> 干革命的英文怎么說>> 干粉用英文怎么說>> 干法旋窯水泥的英文怎么說>>
2012-06-28 -
,你就會去做烹任,然后就成為一名廚師。 Those are potatoes cooked in their jackets. 那是帶皮住的土豆。 到滬江小D查看干豆角回鍋肉的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 干爹用英文怎么說>> 干電池的英文怎么說>> 干堤的修復加固任務的英文怎么說>> 干大蝦的英文怎么說>> 干脆面的英語怎么說>>
2012-06-28 -
火鍋的英文: hot pot chafing dish chaffy dish 參考例句: Special chafing dish. Delicious in taste. Welcome to try. 特色火鍋,口味鮮美,歡迎品嘗。 Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. 蘭開夏郡火鍋也是有名的菜肴。 African roast, Hongkong-flavour casserole, Korean food, everything is from soup to nuts. 非洲燒烤、港式火鍋,韓國料理,一應俱全。 I wish that everyone's life is like today's hot pot, so warm and full of energy. 祝咱們家的日子像今天的火鍋似的,紅紅火火,熱氣騰騰。 Eat it as a meal in itself simply as is, or baked in the oven and served as a fondue. 食用時,單獨將它作為一道美餐,或者在烤箱中烤成乳酪火鍋。hot是什么意思: adj. 熱的;辣的;很受歡迎的;非常棒的;性感的;棘手的 Hot dog; sausage roll; red-hot; red hot 熱狗 Hot summer, hot day. Everyone is slow and lazy. 天很熱,所有人都慢吞吞的。 The hot iron seared the trousers. 熱熨斗燙焦了長褲。pot是什么意思: n. 鍋,作某用途的器皿;大量,大筆錢;獎品;擊球入袋的一擊 v. 栽入花盆;使(幼兒)坐便盆;亂射(動物) These are the cooking pots. 這些是烹鍋的英文: hot pot chafing dish chaffy dish 參考例句: Special chafing dish. Delicious in taste. Welcome to try. 特色火鍋,口味鮮美,歡迎品嘗。 Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. 蘭開夏郡火鍋調用的罐子。 They potted dozens of rabbits. 他們胡亂射擊打死幾十只兔子. The boy potted a partridge. 男孩射殺了一只鵪鶉。chafing是什么意思: n. [醫(yī)]皮膚發(fā)炎 To irritate or inflame, as by chafing or sunburn. 發(fā)熱因摩擦或日曬而發(fā)熱或變紅 He chafes under the restraint. 他因受束縛而動怒。 The rope chafes against the branch. 那條繩摩擦著樹枝。 到滬江小D查看火鍋的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 火光的英文怎么說>> 火攻的英文怎么說>> 火工的英文怎么說>> 火電站的英文怎么說>> 火電廠用英文怎么說>>
on the ground and sing—contentment of the people 擊壤而歌 Stick the paper with paste. 用漿糊粘紙。skillet是什么意思: n. 長柄煎鍋,【英】長柄深平底鍋 Rub up the skillet please. 請把長柄鍋擦亮。 Bigger caught the skillet and lifted it high in the air. 別格接過鐵鍋,高舉在手。 Bigger aimed and let the skillet fly with a heavy grunt 別格瞄準著,重重地哼了一聲,讓鐵鍋飛了出去。 到滬江小D查看不粘鍋的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 不沾油的英文怎么說>> 不怎么樣的英文>> 不贊同的英文怎么說>> 不在視野中的英文>> 不在的英文怎么說>>
剁碎。 Salt is a crucial ingredient in cooking. 鹽是烹調的一種重要材料。pan是什么意思: n. 平底鍋;秤盤;牧羊神 v. 嚴厲批評,抨擊;淘洗,淘金 This is a scale pan. 這是個秤盤。 What's the size of the pan? 這秤盤的尺寸多大? They panned off the sand and dirt. 他們用淘金盤淘去砂泥。 The gravel pans well. 那砂礫產金量高。 Please scour the pots and pans. 請把壺和鍋刷干凈。 到滬江小D查看烹鍋的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 砰擊的英文怎么說>> 怦然心動的英文怎么說>> 抨擊用英文怎么說>> 盆盆肉的英文怎么說>> 盆景的英文怎么說>>
鍋耳的英文: handlehandle是什么意思: n. 柄,把手;把柄;手感 v. 觸摸,舉起;搬動;操作,操控;管理;處理;經營;運用 She handled dangerous snakes and asked to handle a tarantula. 她親手接觸了危險的毒蛇,還希望觸摸一只狼蛛。 [Informal] a title; a handle 頭銜 Handle that gun with caution. 拿那支槍要小心。 Most things have two handles 大多數事物總有兩種解釋 The handle showed signs of wear. 這門把顯示了磨損的痕跡。 到滬江小D查看鍋耳的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 鍋包肉的英文怎么說>> 鍋把的英文>> 鍋粑鮑魚的英文怎么說>> 鍋巴海三鮮的英文怎么說>> 聒噪不休的英文>>
傷了。 The saucepan should be scoured out 這口煮鍋里邊應該刷凈。 Fried bacon spitting in the pan 在鍋內啪作響的煎腌肉 Eating your groatsworth of mou en civet, fleshpots of Egypt, elbowed by belching cabmen 跟那些打抱嗝的出租馬車車夫們擠擠碰碰在一塊兒吃那廉價的燉牛肺,埃及肉鍋。 The pot calling the kettle Black 鍋嫌壺黑 scour out a saucepan,ie with a scourer 擦亮長柄鍋 pot是什么意思: n. 鍋,作某用途的器皿;大量,大筆錢;獎品;擊球入袋的一擊 v. 栽入花盆;使(幼兒)坐便盆;亂射(動物) These are the cooking pots. 這些是烹鍋的英文: pot pan boiler參考例句: She scoured the saucepan with cleanser. 她用清潔劑把鍋擦亮。 He often helps her wash the dishes. 他常幫著她刷鍋洗碗。 The pot calls the kettle black. 鍋調用的罐子。 They potted dozens of rabbits. 他們胡亂射擊打死幾十只兔子. The boy potted a partridge. 男孩射殺了一只鵪鶉。 pan是什么意思: n. 平底鍋;秤盤;牧羊神 v. 嚴厲批評,抨擊;淘洗,淘金 This is a scale pan. 這是個秤盤。 What's the size of the pan? 這秤盤的尺寸多大? They panned off the sand and dirt. 他們用淘金盤淘去砂泥。 boiler是什么意思: n. 鍋爐;熱水器 The boiler discharged steam. 鍋爐排放了蒸汽。 The boiler burst up just now. 那只鍋爐剛爆裂了。 Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators. 通過管道把熱水從鍋爐輸送到散熱器里. 到滬江小D查看鍋的英文翻譯>>
;風干 A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco. 烘爐烘啤酒花或麥芽或烘烤加工煙草的干窯 The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed. 船上是禁酒的,不準賣含酒精的飲料。 The work will drain him dry. 那工作會耗盡他的精力。 The maid towelled the child dry. 女傭用毛巾把孩子的身體拭干。 Use an emollient for dry skin. 乾燥的皮膚要使用潤膚劑。ton是什么意思: n. 噸;大量 It eats a ton of food a day. 它每天要吃一噸的食物。 A ton of interviews to get through. 會見很多訪客。 The total shortage was 500 tons. 短缺之總額為五百噸。 Hundreds of tons of oil spilled into the sea. 數百噸石油溢出流入大海。 Yesterday I bought a ton of coal. 昨天我買了一噸煤。 到滬江小D查看干噸的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 干豆角回鍋肉的英文怎么說>> 干爹用英文怎么說>> 干電池的英文怎么說>> 干堤的修復加固任務的英文怎么說>> 干大蝦的英文怎么說>>
草料的頂棚 A SONG OF CHANGGAN 長干行 As dry as a bone 十分枯燥,干透了 Verbal mischief is not yet dried 口業(yè)未干participate是什么意思: v. 參與,參加;分享 She is an active participant in this activity. 她積極參與這項活動。 Their assent to participate must be documented. 必須用文件來證明他們同意參加研究。 unfitness that bars you from participation. 因為不勝任而不能得到參與某項工作的資格。 Participation should not be voluntary. 參與不干與的英文: participate參考例句: Dried nasal mucus. 鼻屎干干的鼻屎片 They are willing to take manual jobs. 他們愿意干體力活。 drudge at a tedious work 干應是憑自愿。 She participated in the church service. 她參加了禮拜活動。 到滬江小D查看干與的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 干印備份機的英文怎么說>> 干邑的英文怎么說>> 干一行愛一行的英文怎么說>> 干羊肉野山菌的英文怎么說>> 干性油的英文怎么說>>
管他怎么努力去干都不會成功的 Why do you always pick on me to do the unpleasant joBs? 你為什么總是找我去干討厭的差事? Having played ducks and drakes with his own money, he wanted to play the same silly game with mine. 他在把自己的錢揮霍完以后,又要拿我的錢去干那些傻行當。 went是什么意思: v. [go] 的過去式;去,走 They went there to poll. 他們去那里投選票。 The Buses went in opposite directions - one went south and the other went north. 這兩輛公共汽車朝相反的方向開,一輛向南,一輛向北。 The bomb went off as a police patrol went by. 當一隊巡警經過時,炸彈爆炸了。 We went rabbiting yesterday. 昨天我們打兔子去了。 The engine went beautifully. 這臺發(fā)動機運轉得相干的英文: go and do ;went and do參考例句: Whatever might happen, he was determined to do it. 無論發(fā)生什么,他決心去干。 There must be someone who had put him up to that 肯定有人唆使去干當好。 到滬江小D查看去干的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 去掉的英文怎么說>> 去得太遠的英文怎么說>> 去到的英文怎么說>> 去粗取精的英文怎么說>> 去處的英文怎么說>>