succeeds to year. 年復一年。 This year is a banner year for crops. 今年是個豐年。 Year after year went past. 一年又一年過去了。 Lasting or active through the year or through many years. 常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year" 瑞雪兆豐年 到滬江小D查看明年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 明尼蘇達木狼隊的英文怎么說>> 明目張膽的英文怎么說>> 明眸的英文怎么說>> 明明白白消費的英文怎么說>> 明明用英文怎么說>>
晚年的英文: person's later years in life參考例句: In the autumn of (ie the later part of)one's life 在暮年(晚年). The latter years of his life 他的晚年 The stay of his old age 他晚年的倚靠. He is now in the sunset of his day. 他已步入晚年。 The old man spent his remaining years in happiness. 老人過著幸福的晚年。 He found happiness in later life. 他在晚年找年的英文: person's later years in life參考例句: In the autumn of (ie the later part of)one's life 在暮年(晚年). The latter years of his life 他的晚年 The stay of his old age 他晚年到了幸福。 He is laying by money for his decline. 他在積儲錢以備晚年之用。 In his later years he contributed to reforming statutes. 晚年他致力于法的修訂工作。 The old overseas Chinese returned to his motherland in his late years. 這位老華僑晚年終于回歸祖國。 Social activities usually preserve old people from the loneliness of old age 社交活動通常防止老年人晚年孤獨。person是什么意思: n. 人;身體;外表,容貌;人稱 A wanton person. 淫蕩的人 an outspoken person 直率的人 You are such a wicked person. 你真是個討要的人。later是什么意思: adv. 后來,以后,過后 adj. late的形容詞比較級;更后的 They will appear later. 他們稍晚會露面。 lateral pulling 橫向拉制 Firemen later tackled the blaze. 消防隊員們后來撲滅了這場大火。years是什么意思: n. 年;學年,年度;年級學生;年齡;時期;很久;一年時間 Year succeeds to year. 年復一年。 This year is a banner year for crops. 今年是個豐年。 Year after year went past. 一年又一年過去了。 到滬江小D查看晚年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 晚節(jié)用英語怎么說>> 晚間的英文怎么說>> 晚婚晚育的英文怎么說>> 晚婚的英文怎么說>> 晚會的英文怎么說>>
齡;時期;很久;一年時間 Year succeeds to year. 年復一年。 This year is a banner year for crops. 今年是個豐年。 Year after year went past. 一年又一年過去了。 Lasting or active through the year or through many years. 常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year" 瑞雪兆豐年 到滬江小D查看人年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 人腦的英文怎么說>> 人命的英文怎么說>> 人名用英文怎么說>> 人民之間的聯系和交流的英文怎么說>> 人民政府的英文怎么說>>
過去了。 Lasting or active through the year or through many years. 常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year" 瑞雪兆豐年 到滬江小D查看半年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 半裸的的英文怎么說>> 半裸用英文怎么說>> 半路的英文怎么說>> 半拉子工程的英文怎么說>> 半口蘑蒸雞的英文>>
青春(時期);初期;青年們 The Flight of Youth 青春飛逝 My youth and youthful strength fled long ago. 我的青春和青春的活力早已消失。 The youth has plenty of go in him. 這個年輕人干勁十足。 You should consider his youth. 你應體諒他的年輕。 a nation in its youth 建國初期 到滬江小D查看青年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 青梅竹馬的英文怎么說>> 青綠用英文怎么說>> 青睞用英文怎么說>> 青枯病的英文怎么說>> 青空用英語怎么說>>
through the year or through many years. 常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year" 瑞雪兆豐年 到滬江小D查看歷年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 痢疾的英文怎么說>> 粒子用英文怎么說>> 粒香富貴蟹的英文>> 粒徑穩(wěn)定法的英文怎么說>> 粒度的英文怎么說>>
的 To give birth to(a calf). 生下(小牛崽) There is a royal proclamation of the birth of the prince 那有一張王室的公告,宣告王子誕生了。 He is of humble birth. 他出身卑微。 He is a man of low birth. 他出身低微。 到滬江小D查看生年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 生母的英文>> 生命源泉的英文>> 生命線的英文怎么說>> 生命權的英文怎么說>> 生命力的英文怎么說>>
齡;時期;很久;一年時間 Year succeeds to year. 年復一年。 This year is a banner year for crops. 今年是個豐年。 Year after year went past. 一年又一年過去了。 Lasting or active through the year or through many years. 常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year" 瑞雪兆豐年 到滬江小D查看近年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 近墨者黑的英文怎么說>> 近鄰的英文怎么說>> 近來的英文怎么說>> 近況的英文怎么說>> 近距離投籃的英文怎么說>>
University. 今年六月我將獲得武漢大學的工商管理碩士。year是什么意思: n. 年;學年,年度;年級學生;年齡;時期;很久;一年時間 Year succeeds to year. 年復一年。 This year is a banner year for crops. 今年是個豐年。 Year after year went past. 一年又一年過去了。 Lasting or active through the year or through many years. 常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year" 瑞雪兆豐年 到滬江小D查看今年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 今後用英語怎么說>> 今后的英文怎么說>> 今非昔比的英文怎么說>> 今兒用英文怎么說>> 今晨的英文怎么說>>
全年的英文: the year round參考例句: All year she has fluctuated between optimism and despair. 全年當中她時而樂觀,時而消沉。 The thermostat provides heating-cooling for year-round use. 這個溫度控制器可適用全年運行的采暖降溫控制。 The thermostat provides heating-cooling control for year-round use. 這個溫度控制器可適用于全年運行的采暖-降溫控制。 The winter solstice, theoretically should be the dead of a year, but it is usually not that. 理論上講,冬至應是全年最冷的時刻,但通常并不是這樣。 Some government indoor pool is heated and stays open all year round. 某些政府室內游泳池是溫水的,而且全年開放。 Recently, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have made new deployment for this year's economic work. 最近,中共中央、國務院已就做好全年經濟工作進行了新的部署。 The northern Dvina (1350 miles), which flows into the White Sea, is ice-blocked for 190 days. 北部的北德維納河向北流經1350英里注入白海,全年封凍期竟長達190天。 All the year round ; from January to December;all the time 全年;整年 Open all year round/ open all year 全年開放 They supply vegetables all the year round. 他們全年供應蔬菜。year是什么意思: n. 年;學年,年度;年級學生;年齡;時期;很久;一年時間 Year succeeds to year. 年復一年。 This year is a banner year for crops. 今年是個豐年。 Year after year went past. 一年又一年過去了。 Lasting or active through the year or through many years. 常綠的全年或多年都充滿生機 "A snow year, a rich year" 瑞雪兆豐年round是什么意思: adj. 圓形的;整數的 adv. 周圍;在周圍;調轉方向;繞彎;到某地 prep. 環(huán)繞;圍繞 n. 階段;輪次;圓形物體;【音】輪唱曲 v. 繞行;繞過;(使)成圓形;變圓 There is a round circuit. 這有一個環(huán)型賽車場。 The water wheel goes round and round. 水車轉個不停。 When you squeeze the trigger, a round or rounds of ammunition are fired. 當你緊按板機,一發(fā)或幾發(fā)子彈就射出了。 The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind. 旋轉的標志牌在風中打著旋兒 Round and round—to make a circle and start from the beginning 周而復始 到滬江小D查看全年的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 全能冠軍的英文怎么說>> 全能用英文怎么說>> 全明星隊的英文怎么說>> 全民義務植樹日的英文怎么說>> 全民投票的英文怎么說>>