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  • 奧巴馬演講背后的神秘寫手(視頻)

    相關(guān)中文資訊 墨西哥灣漏油事件([w]oil spill[/w])、弗吉尼亞煤礦爆炸([w]explosion of coal mines[/w])、醫(yī)療改革([w]health care reform[/w])……遇到種種突發(fā)情況和重要事件,美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬總是會發(fā)表各種演講,或是安撫人心([w]placatory[/w])、或是激勵斗志([w]inspiring[/w])。而為奧巴馬撰寫這些演講稿的,是一個由許多才思敏捷的寫手組成的團隊,他們被稱為“奧巴馬的大腦”。 奧巴馬演講每周更新>>> 在奧巴馬贏得總統(tǒng)選舉時,許多人認為,才氣橫溢的弗蘭克爾等人所撰寫的演講稿,為奧巴馬贏得了許多選民([w]voter[/w])的支持,是奧巴馬獲勝的重要因素之一。 弗蘭克爾認為,奧巴馬的演講都是從頭到尾有理有據(jù)、詳盡論述的,而且各個演講要點以合理的順序排列。“奧巴馬演講時讓我佩服的地方在于,他總是能夠堅持演講的整體性,不會隨意地插入無用的東西……當然,他也會適時地加入一些有助于演講的內(nèi)容。 ” 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。

  • 奧巴馬2012總統(tǒng)競選演講:我們已走得太遠(視頻)

    ? 奧巴馬2008年在新罕布什爾州初選后也做了演講,如今回到當初的地點卻再也回不去個時間,奧巴馬很創(chuàng)意的發(fā)表了名為“We've Come Too Far to Turn Back Now”的演講。有網(wǎng)友說,每次聽奧巴馬的演講都會起一身雞皮疙瘩,可奧巴馬2008年在新罕布什爾州初選后也做了演講,如今回到當初的地點卻再也回不去個時間,奧巴馬不是嗎,歷史告訴我們,政治演講就是博士后導(dǎo)師級別的忽悠,但是每次還是很過癮的聽著。 Four years ago as I had the privilege to travel all across this country and meet Americans from all walks of life. I decided nobody else should have to endure the heartbreak of a broken health care system. No one in the wealthiest nation on earth should go broke because they get sick. Nobody should have to tell their daughters or sons the decisions they can and cannot make for themselves are constrained because of some politicians in Washington. And thanks to you we've made a difference in people's lives. Thanks to you there are folks that I meet today who have gotten care and their cancer's been caught. And they've got treatment. And they are living full lives and it happened because of you. We've come too far to turn back now. We've got too much work to do to implement health care. We've got too much work to do to create good jobs. We've got too many teachers that we've got to hire. We've got too many schools that we've got to rebuild. We've got too many students who still need affordable higher education. There's more [w]homegrown[/w] energy to [w]generate[/w]. There more troops that we've got to bring home. There more doors of opportunity we've got to open to anybody who is willing to work hard and walk through those doors. We've got to keep building an economy where no matter what you look like or where you come from, you can make it here if you try. And you can leave something behind for the next generation, that's what at stake right now Colorado. That's why I'm running for President of the United States of America. That's why I'm asking for your vote. I still believe in you. And if you still believe in me, and if you're willing to stand with me, and knock on some doors with me, and make some phone calls with me, and talk to your neighbor and friends about what's at [w]stake[/w]—we will win this election. We will finish what we started. And we'll remind the world why America is the greatest nation on earth. God bless you and God bless the United States of America. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。

  • 奧巴馬演講:力求平息槍擊案風(fēng)暴(視頻)

    At the crowded University of Arizona, US president Barack Obama [w=console]consoled[/w] the nation over Saturday's shooting [w]spree[/w] in Tucson. With a half-hour speech, Obama paid tribute to the six people killed and 14 wounded. The tribute began with [w]solemn[/w] music. Obama promised the families of the victims he was praying for them now and would stand by them in the future. He also vowed to punish the person responsible. President Barack Obama bows his head at a memorial service in Tucson, Ariz., to honor the victims of a shooting rampage that that killed six people andleft 14 injured, including Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, on the University of Arizona campus, Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011. At right is first lady Michelle Obama and Mark Kelly, husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and at left is intern Daniel Hernandez.(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Following a hospital bedside visit with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the target of the assassination, Obama shared some good news. As the memorial service was underway, investigators were piecing together the timeline of suspect Jared Loughner's [w]frenzied[/w] morning before the [w]assassination[/w]. He seemed to have a serious [w]confrontation[/w] with his father in a mega-store before the shooting spree. Federal prosecutors have charged Loughner, 22, with five [w=count]counts[/w] so far. He faces a possible death sentence. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。

  • 奧巴馬就職演講

    一個人的雄心壯志,超越了我們的精神家園。 ? ? ? ? ?多么鼓舞人心的演講?。?? ? ? ? ?看美國就職典禮,感覺奧巴馬不像一個令人害怕的總統(tǒng),而像一個一個明星,很酷。但昨天有點緊張,也許就是這樣子,嚴肅認真,只是宣誓時有口誤,才露出頑皮的笑。倒是他夫人顯得很大氣,從出來到結(jié)束整個過程神定氣閑。很佩服奧巴馬的演講,我英文聽不懂,只能感覺其聲音,感覺沒有選舉勝利時的演講好,但這么長,脫稿,連貫,節(jié)奏感強,不經(jīng)過特殊的訓(xùn)練確實難辦到。但不管怎樣,能感覺到他的激情和誠懇。也許這正是打動這么多人的地方。民眾的熱情難以想象。有這么熱情的聽眾提前到場,等了這么長的時間,又是這么冷的天氣。據(jù)說有四百萬人之多,比最近一次滾石樂隊演出還人多,但不管怎樣,從這些人的眼中可以看出,人們對奧巴馬的希望和喜愛,他們在聽一個總統(tǒng)講話,更象在聽一個鄰家大哥哥在表演那樣,親切,熱情! ? ? ? ? ?通過奧巴馬的演講,讓我重新認識了美國的制度和奧巴馬的奇人傳記! ?

  • 奧巴馬校園開學(xué)演講(視頻)

    have for [w]meow[/w]. Hope you have a great day. For CNN Student News, I'm Carl Azuz. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。 ?奧巴馬校園開學(xué)演講 綜合媒體9月14日報道,根據(jù)白宮發(fā)布的發(fā)布的演講摘要透露,奧巴馬總統(tǒng)14日的演講將譴責(zé)校園暴力,告訴學(xué)生們其自身在高中校園中所進行的種族身份斗爭。奧巴馬將表示,作為一名

  • 奧巴馬就職演講的原版的譯文


  • 奧巴馬卸任演講完整視頻!脫口秀時代結(jié)束了

    奧巴馬正式與總統(tǒng)大位拜拜了,他的卸任演講(farewell address)也結(jié)束了。 完整視頻如下: 英文字幕如下:↓上下滑動鼠標滾輪 查看全部↓ ? Hello Skybrook! It’s good to be home! Thank you, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It’s good to be home. Thank you. We’re on live TV here, I’ve got to move. You can tell

  • 奧巴馬2012白宮記者年會演講:精彩吐槽脫口秀(視頻)
