[en]With his mother's trademark pout on his face, Brooklyn Beckham makes his modelling [w]debut[/w] aged 15.[/en][cn]繼承了他媽媽標志性的嘴巴,布魯克林·貝克漢姆15歲開始了他的模特處男秀。[/cn] [en]The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine and while he poses just like his mum Victoria - he looks the spitting image of his handsome soccer star dad David in the black and white photo shoot which evokes the old Hollywood images of a young James Dean.[/en][cn]這位少年登上了《Man About Town》雜志封面,照片上他的動作像極了他母親維多利亞,而在一組黑白照片中,他簡直和他的球星爸爸大衛(wèi)一模一樣,同時也讓人懷念起老一代的好萊塢明星——年輕時的詹姆斯·迪恩。[/cn] [en]The pictures were taken by photographer Alasdair McLellan, who shot Victoria for UK Vogue and David for Fantastic Man, and is a 'friend of the family'.[/en][cn]這組圖片由攝影師麥克萊倫執(zhí)鏡,他曾為維多利亞拍攝《Vogue》雜志照,為大衛(wèi)拍攝《Fantastic Man》大片,他是“這一家人的好朋友”。[/cn] [en]Man About Town magazine, a biannual publication, says it is 'targeted at high-end business-engaged and culturally-orientated male [w=urbanity]urbanities[/w]... giving a guide to the seasonal men must haves.'[/en][cn]《Man About Town》雜志是一本半年刊,雜志負責人說該雜志“目標受眾是高端的商務精英和有著深厚文化底蘊的都市男性。這是一本時尚男士的必備指南?!盵/cn] [en]Brooklyn follows in the footsteps of his younger brother Romeo, 11, who had a starring role in a Burberry campaign in December 2012.[/en][cn]本次布魯克林拍攝雜志照緊隨弟弟、11歲的羅密歐的腳步,羅密歐2012年12月為巴寶莉拍攝了廣告。[/cn] [en]And just like his famous parents, it seems that Brooklyn's also a dedicated follower of fashion as he's pictured wearing labels including Ralph Lauren, Saint Laurent and Supreme.[/en][cn]就像他有名的父母,看上去布魯克林也是緊跟時尚,照片中他穿著拉夫·勞倫、圣羅蘭和Supreme品牌的服飾。[/cn]
[en]Proud parents David and Victoria Beckham showed off their baby girl, Harper Seven, on the interwebs on Sunday.[/en][cn]大衛(wèi)·貝克漢姆和維多利亞·貝克漢姆周日在網(wǎng)上大曬女兒Harper Seven的照片。[/cn] [en]David posted a picture of his wife and newborn on Facebook, with the caption, "I took this picture of my two girls sleeping." And Victoria took to Twitter, typing, "Daddy's little girl! X VB X"[/en][cn]大衛(wèi)在Facebook上發(fā)了一張老婆維多利亞和新寶寶的照片,備注上寫著“我的兩個女人的睡顏?!倍S多利亞則把女兒照片曬到了Twitter上,備注里寫著“爸爸的乖女兒?。ū砬椋盵/cn] [en]Take a look.[/en][cn]我們也來看看吧。[/cn] 貝克漢姆曬幸福 偷拍老婆大肚照
裝了指甲。 While the family were inside, the Beckham's assistant took the eight-month-old dog for a walk. But almost as surprising as Coco's nails was that while the bodyguard was taking the dog around the block, Victoria was tucking into a [w]giant[/w] sandwich. 當貝克漢姆一家在公園里的時候,貝克漢姆的助理帶著這只8個月大的小狗去散步。路邊的人們在驚嘆COCO的新指甲的同時,更驚訝于維多利亞正在吞吃一個巨型漢堡。 As famous for her waif-like figure as her fashion designs, it is rare to see the star eating anything at all. 她的時尚造型和她骨瘦如柴的形象一樣出名,很難得看到她在吃東西。 But the mother-of-three has recently been eating healthy carbohydrates to put on weight - reportedly to help her fall pregnant. 但據(jù)說這個三個孩子的母親最近一直在吃淀粉含量豐富的物質(zhì)增重,想再次懷孕。 She has admitted shunning [w=carb]carbs[/w] in favour of salad, steamed fish and vegetables. But judging by the size of her (white-bread) sandwich, she is relaxing the rules for once. 她曾經(jīng)承認過說要回避糖類,要多吃沙拉,蒸魚和蔬菜。但從她吃的漢堡尺寸來看,這次她又放縱自己了。 The couple have said in the past they would like a baby girl, and rumours have [w]persist[/w]ed they are still trying to get pregnant. 貝克漢姆夫婦曾經(jīng)說過他們想要個女兒,也有傳聞說他們正在嘗試再次懷孕。 So perhaps it was [w]broody[/w] Victoria's choice to choose pink toenails for the only other girl in the family. 因此給家里唯一一個“女孩”裝飾粉紅色指甲可能是多產(chǎn)的維多利亞的選擇。 On the other hand, David also has a penchant for bright pink nails.In 2002, the LA Galaxy player famously wore pink [w]varnish[/w] on his fingernails while attending the christening of Elizabeth Hurley’s baby. 另外,貝克漢姆也對粉紅色指甲情有獨鐘。在2002年他就染過粉紅色指甲參貝克漢姆加過伊麗莎白-赫利的新嬰兒洗禮儀式?!局懈呒壙谧g暑期班】想備戰(zhàn)今年秋季的中高口考試?還是想好好利用兩個月的時間充實自己?天熱一樣能好好學習,來滬江網(wǎng)校中高口暑期班體會一下吧! 快速入口:【高口暑期班】? 【中口暑期班】? 時間更充裕的你,就來特訓班試試吧:【高口暑期特訓班】 【中口暑期特訓班】 暑期學習計劃有安排了嗎?怕熱怕曬的話就來滬江網(wǎng)校吧,足不出戶,自在學習!我們的暑期“強檔”已經(jīng)重磅推出了,愛學習的孩子們趕緊來看看吧!
貝克漢姆退役 布魯克林子承父業(yè)開啟足球生涯
貝克漢姆場上退役后,他的兒子布魯克林似乎已準備好子承父業(yè)了。[/cn] [en]It has been announced that 14-year-old Brooklyn has joined Queens Park Rangers' Under 14 academy side, who train near the Beckhams’ home in west London.[/en][cn]據(jù)稱,14歲的布魯克林正跟隨女王公園巡游者俱樂部14歲以下青年隊進行訓練,地點就在貝克漢姆倫敦西部的住所附近。[/cn] [en]Brooklyn, who turned 14 in March, started playing at Spurs and had a [w]trial[/w
work ethic. I believe you can achieve anything if you work hard enough to get it." Sounds like she and David are on the same page! [/en] [cn] 【新聞快訊】 2014年兒童選擇體育獎頒獎典禮在美國加州大學洛杉磯分校舉行。貝克漢姆與他的兩個兒子一起現(xiàn)身頒獎禮并接受大會頒發(fā)的傳奇獎。萬人迷”貝克漢姆同二兒子Romeo以及三兒子Cruz出席,日前當街發(fā)火的貝克漢姆恢復親民一面受訪,似乎非常享受親子樂!而于頒獎禮上獲得“Legend Awards”的他又帶同兩子上臺,不過三人就齊被兒童版“鬼口水”淋滿全身,即場變成“金人”,貝克漢姆與兩個兒子都保持微笑,不過三兒子呆望自己,場面搞笑! [/cn]
貝克漢姆做客北京大學 性感撩上衣秀中文紋身(視頻)
[en]David Beckham suffered an embarrassing slip-upon Saturday so what better way to distract attention away from his blunder than by showing off his toned torso.[/en][cn]3月23日周六,貝克漢姆
貝克漢姆次子進軍時尚圈 穿風衣盡顯英倫范
[en]With parents as [w]high-profile[/w] and successful as David and Victoria Beckham, it's no surprise that Romeo is already on the road to world [w]domination[/w].[/en][cn]由于父母是深受歡迎和富有成就的明星大衛(wèi)和維多利亞-貝克漢姆
2014-06-03 -
貝克漢姆攜子女出游 小七騎大馬
[en]She is the only daughter of four and also the youngest child. So Harper Beckham is surely treated like a little princess by her famous parents David and Victoria.[/en][cn]她是四個孩子里唯一的女兒,也是最小的妹妹。因此哈珀·貝克漢姆