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  • 英文熱詞解析 元宵湯圓傻傻分不清

    上水之后扔進盛滿糯米粉 ([w]glutinous rice flour[/w]) 的笸籮 ([w]shallow basket[/w]) 內(nèi)滾動,邊滾邊灑水,直到滾成大小合適的圓球才算做好。而湯圓的制作方法就省力很多,只要將準(zhǔn)備好的餡料用糯米面皮包上就可以了。元宵個頭稍小,口感略硬,而湯圓個頭較大,吃起來也是軟糯糯的。因為干的糯米粉容易吸水潮解變質(zhì),所以北方的元宵一般都是現(xiàn)“滾”現(xiàn)賣,南方的湯圓保存時間則相對長一些,這就是為什么超市速凍食品區(qū)里賣的都是湯圓的原因了。 元宵、湯圓雖然好吃,但是由于糯米粉不容易被人體消化吸收,餡料中又含有大量的油脂和糖分,所以不要吃太多哦! 不管是元宵還是湯圓都有芝麻餡的,童鞋們知道“芝麻”用英語該怎么說嗎? 你答對了嗎? 【sesame】←答案反白可見。? 點擊查看往期“跟小D學(xué)新鮮熱詞”精彩內(nèi)容>>> 想要輕松高效背單詞?去開心詞場吧!

  • 正月十五主旋律:猜謎?賞燈?吃元宵(有聲)

    ? 在線聽音頻: 中國的春節(jié),往往始于除夕,終于十五。真正意義上的春節(jié)是要過了元宵節(jié)才算結(jié)束的。因此這一天對中國人來說意義非凡,猜燈謎、吃元宵、賞花燈成為主旋律。 Here in China, Sunday's Lantern Festival for Year of the Tiger was not just the last day in February. Fifteen days immediately after the celebratory [w]bash[/w] that thundered in the Chinese New Year on February 14th, the full moon [w=usher]ushered[/w] in a [w]lustrous[/w] atmosphere of lanterns and riddles, "yuanxiao" rice dumplings and family unity. One local Tianjin woman explains. "Here in China, no matter how far away from our homes we are, during the Spring Festival we make it a point to travel to be reunited with our family members again. The Lantern Festival is one of the most significant (holidays) in our culture here in China. The lantern is something unique and most representative of our Chinese culture." The Lantern Festival has remained a Chinese tradition, [w=kindle]kindled[/w] over the centuries by China's affection for elegant beauty and detail. Liu Yang who works in Beijing but is from the southern city of Suzhou, says the festival has evolved over the years. "During the Lantern Festival, there'll be really huge lanterns and also a really big tree that's hung and decorated with a lot of lantern riddles. One wins a prize when he can answer the riddle correctly." The lantern riddles Liu refers to are written to [w=boggle the mind]boggle the minds[/w] of [w]temple fair[/w] participants as they [w]dangle[/w] [w]tauntingly[/w] from the lanterns. Indeed, China is also full of [w]culinary[/w] tradition and Lantern Festival has its own tasty snack made of sticky rice balls called "yuanxiao," which are stuffed with red bean or sweet [w=paste]pastes[/w]. Liu sheds a light on why "yuanxiao" are more than just [w]chewy[/w] [w=goody]goodies[/w]. "The Yuanxiao Festival involves the whole process of eating these sweet rice dumplings. From the making of these balls, to cooking them, to enjoying them together as a family, we can really enjoy the warmth of our families and soak in the atmosphere of this joyous occasion." But Liu also says not everyone can go home for the Lantern Festival to [w]partake[/w] in this activity. Even though small "yuanxiao" rice dumplings were sold last weekend on streets and in supermarkets, those who were unable to make the journey home to visit their families said the warmth and tastes of home could not be [w=overrate]overrated[/w] or duplicated. All the same, eating [w]store-bought[/w] "yuanxiao" may have been their only option. And yet, eating the rice dumplings is still a small reminder of a time long ago when perhaps things did seem a bit simpler. For the Beijing Hour, I'm Andrea Hunt. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當(dāng)如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。

  • 全國喜迎元宵:傳統(tǒng)習(xí)俗還保留多少?

    行了宏大的燈籠秀,元宵燈籠的海洋吸引了大批游客前來觀賞。[/cn] [en]Local resident Mao Mingjuan took her son to the temple to watch the lanterns on Thursday evening, saying she hoped her son would now better understand the history of the festival and the temple.[/en][cn]當(dāng)?shù)厥忻衩骶曛芩耐砩蠋е鴥鹤觼砜礋?,她說希望通過這樣的活動,讓兒子理解元宵節(jié)和孔廟的文化歷史。[/cn] [en]Dating back to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), the Lantern Festival is held on the 15th day of the first lunar month to mark the first full moon of the lunar new year.[/en][cn]元宵節(jié)始于西漢(公元前206年-公元25年),與每年正月十五月圓時舉行。[/cn] [en]You Guoqing, a folk custom expert in Tianjin Municipality, said the Lantern Festival was about going out for a colorful celebration rather than a family get together.[/en][cn]天津市民俗研究專家由國慶說,元宵節(jié)并不是家庭聚會,而是出門看展。[/cn] [en]Besides watching lanterns, it is also a day to appreciate the full moon, solve lantern riddles, watch art performances and eat tang yuan, dumpling balls made of glutinous rice, usually with sweet fillings.[/en][cn]除了看燈,元宵節(jié)也是賞月、猜燈謎、看藝術(shù)表演、吃湯圓/元宵的好時候。[/cn] [en]The festival was once also a time for romantic encounters. In feudal times, young women were not allowed to go out freely, but Lantern Festival was an exception, when young men and women could meet up.[/en][cn]元宵節(jié)也曾是戀人相聚的時候。在封建時期,年輕女子不能隨便出門,但元宵節(jié)可以出門看燈,這元宵節(jié)也就成為青年男女相會的好時機。[/cn] [en]Some aspects of the festival, such as its romantic atmosphere, are fading, but people still see the Lantern Festival as a day to rejoice and a chance to wish for happiness.[/en][cn]雖然元宵節(jié)的一些元素(比如浪漫氣息)已經(jīng)漸漸淡化,但人們?nèi)匀话阉?dāng)做慶祝、祈福的節(jié)日。[/cn] [en]Childhood memories of Lantern Festival are still vivid for Yu Le’an, an elderly man from Changsha, capital of central China’s Hunan Province.[/en][cn]余樂安是湖南省會長沙的一位老人,對他來說童年的元宵節(jié)記憶猶新。[/cn] [en]“It would be a time when we could have new clothes and good things to eat,” he said.[/en][cn]他說:“每到元宵節(jié),我們就有新衣服穿、有好吃的可以吃?!盵/cn] [en]The Lantern Festival is a now a mixture of the traditional and modern.[/en][cn]當(dāng)代元宵節(jié)已經(jīng)成為傳統(tǒng)和現(xiàn)代的結(jié)合。[/cn] [en]The workshop of lantern craftsman Lu Xiezhuang in Shanghai is especially busy, as flocks of people visit to appreciate and buy his lanterns on the eve of the festival.[/en][cn]上海手藝人魯謝莊的工作室最近非常忙碌,因為在元宵節(jié)前夜有很多人前來賞燈、買燈籠。[/cn] [en]Lu, 63, is glad to see people’s love for the lanterns, but she believes that there is still much to do to ensure the traditional craftsmanship survives.[/en][cn]魯謝莊今年63歲,她看到人們對燈籠的熱愛感到非常新聞。但她認(rèn)為,要想讓這門傳統(tǒng)手工藝流傳下去,還需要付出很多努力。[/cn] [en]She says “innovation” is key to keep the ancient art alive, and has been exploring the creation of lanterns of different patterns and colors catering for modern day aesthetics.[/en][cn]她說,“創(chuàng)新”是讓這一傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)活下去的關(guān)鍵。并且她一直在探索和創(chuàng)造現(xiàn)代審美下不同圖案、不同樣式的燈籠。[/cn]

  • 【滬江網(wǎng)校公開課】你帶外教鬧元宵(附講義)


  • 英語口語培訓(xùn):如何介紹元宵節(jié)

    元宵節(jié)剛剛過去,今年又吃了多少元宵呢?元宵就是我們常說的元宵節(jié) (Lantern Festival)。 在這一天,雖然各地的習(xí)俗不一樣,但是大都少不了吃元宵(rice glue ball)、逛廟會 (temple fair)、賞花燈 (enjoy beautiful lanterns)、猜燈謎 (solve riddles)、舞龍舞獅……這些活動,可以說將新年的氣氛又推向了高潮。 舉個例子: ① Have you been to the Temple Fair? 你曾經(jīng)去過廟會嗎? ② And we can also enjoy the beautiful ice lanterns in Harbin. 我們還可以欣賞哈爾濱的美麗的冰燈。 ③ ……appreciate colourful lanterns and also solve the lantern riddles. 欣賞五彩的燈籠以及猜燈謎。 劃重點:這里面尤其要注意,“猜”燈謎的英語可不是“guess”riddles ,正確說法用到了solve這個詞匯,指為有一定難度的問題找到滿意的解法或答復(fù)。完整表達(dá)就是:solve riddles 猜燈謎 大家學(xué)會了嗎?以上這些傳統(tǒng)的詞匯,大家一定要注意,很多考試中都會或涉及到,尤其是四六級考試,是這類傳統(tǒng)詞匯的考核“重災(zāi)區(qū)”,大家看到了一定要集中記憶一下。還想了解哪些英語知識,也可以在這里告訴我們。

  • Sciomancy: 那些你不知道的元宵習(xí)俗

    ? “真是閑處光陰易過,倏忽又是元宵佳節(jié)。”四大名著《紅樓夢》中對于元宵節(jié)的表述詳盡其致:團圓飯(reunion dinner)、猜燈謎(guess lantern riddles)、觀花燈(watch lantern)、放元宵佳節(jié)?!彼拇竺都t樓夢》中對于元宵節(jié)煙花(set off fireworks)……可惜的是很多古人有趣的習(xí)俗,都隨著時間的推移漸漸被人遺忘了,這些被人遺忘的元宵傳統(tǒng),你想知道嗎? 根據(jù)道教所言,農(nóng)歷正月的第15天又稱“上元”",英文為“Official of Heaven",所以元宵節(jié)(Lantern Festival)又稱“上元節(jié)”。 約會 Finding love Some have dug

  • 社區(qū)元宵節(jié)活動總結(jié)

    化了鎮(zhèn)鄉(xiāng)的組團意識,加強了文化精神方面的聯(lián)絡(luò)。 以促進消費為理念,集中經(jīng)營、積極疏導(dǎo)。元宵活動期間商販較多,借鑒前幾年承辦元宵活動的經(jīng)驗,今年組委會將臨近元宵燈會的廣和街作為元宵商品集中銷售地點,大約三百米長的街道兩邊擺滿了各式各樣的元宵產(chǎn)品。由于引導(dǎo)得當(dāng),規(guī)范經(jīng)營,既豐富了市民元宵活動的內(nèi)容,也促進了商品的銷售,今年元宵產(chǎn)品的銷售量也比往年有一個大的增長。 活動成效: 據(jù)估測,元宵節(jié)當(dāng)晚在人民廣場賞燈群眾超過7萬人次,從正月十二至正月十六,共有20余萬人次的群眾參與了區(qū)級元宵系列活動,人數(shù)均超元宵節(jié)活動總結(jié)(一) 社區(qū)元宵燈會活動總結(jié)為豐富社區(qū)文化生活,讓社區(qū)居民過一個愉快和有意義的元宵過了去年,各項活動安全順利。全區(qū)各鎮(zhèn)鄉(xiāng)(街道)結(jié)合當(dāng)?shù)貙嶋H,組織開展了賞燈、踩街、焰火、演出等文化活動,豐富了城鄉(xiāng)群眾節(jié)日生活。全區(qū)人民度過了一個喜慶、和諧、奮進的元宵佳節(jié)。

  • 如何和老外聊“元宵節(jié)”?

    有人會將燈放到河面和湖面。[/cn] [en]Fireworks will? be launched to? celebrate Lantern Festival as well as to cheat the god of fire.Some people attend or watch the public? and private firework displays.[/en][cn]放節(jié)逐漸接近尾聲了,但是,小伙伴們可千萬不要忘了還有一個元宵節(jié)哦! [en]Lantern Fesitival[/en][cn]元宵節(jié)煙花是為了慶祝元宵節(jié)、糊弄火神(傳言火神曾下令元宵節(jié)大火燒人間,神仙們和人類便想出了在元宵節(jié)放煙火的辦法來糊弄火神)。一些人也會觀看公眾或私人燃放的煙花。[/cn] 英語君在這里祝大家元宵節(jié)快樂啦~~ ? 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考,如有不妥之處,歡迎指正 ?

  • 今年元宵節(jié) 你吃的是“湯圓”還是“元宵”?

    我們碗里來的那軟趴趴的白胖子到底是“湯圓”還是“元宵”呢? [en]Chinese New Year festivities will finally come to an end on Saturday with the [w]Lantern[/w] Festival. It's a time for people to enjoy delicious [w]glutinous[/w] rice balls with their families, friends and lovers.[/en][cn]新春佳節(jié)在本周六隨著元宵節(jié)的到來,終于是接近尾聲了。對人們來說,元宵節(jié)是與家人、朋友和愛人享受美味湯圓的時刻。[/cn] Tips 1)Chinese New Year festivities 一般來說,Chinese New Year指的是春節(jié)這一天,也就是正月初一。festivity表示歡慶、慶典的意思,作為復(fù)數(shù)使用的話則可以用來指節(jié)日。所以Chinese New Year festivities我們可以用來表達(dá)“新春佳節(jié)”的意思。 2)come to an end “來元宵節(jié)就要到啦!說到元宵節(jié),說到底最重要的還是和家人、朋友們分享那一碗湯圓了,節(jié)到了末尾”,也就是指“接近尾聲”“結(jié)束、完結(jié)、告終

  • 節(jié)日英語之元宵節(jié) Lantern Festival

    to promote their Yuanxiao products. They all try their best to improve the taste and quality of the dumplings to attract more customers. 元宵節(jié)英語詞匯 元宵節(jié):festival of lanterns,lantern festival dumplings 元宵:? ?the rice glue ball 燈謎:riddles written on lanterns 燈具:lamps and lanterns 燈花??snuff 燈籠褲 bloomers galligaskins knickers pantalettes plus fours 燈籠??lantern scaldfish 燈塔??beacon lighthouse pharos 燈語??lamp signal 燈油??kerosene lamp oil 燈心蜻蜓 damselfly