后有長長的尾巴,手中握著鋼叉。[/cn] [en]"Who are you?" he asked.[/en][cn]“你是誰?”丈夫問到。[/cn] [en]"I'm the Devil!" she responded.[/en][cn]“我是魔鬼!”她回答到。[/cn] [en]"Well, come on home with me," he said, "I married your sister!"[/en][cn]“噢,那你跟我一起回家吧,”丈夫說,“我娶了你的姐妹!”[/cn] 【注釋】 1. cure of 是一個在各種英語閱讀文章中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的習(xí)語,它的意思有兩大分支,一是醫(yī)療范疇上的對疾病的救治;二是生活習(xí)慣范疇上的對壞習(xí)慣的矯正。 The medicine should cure you of your cold. 這藥應(yīng)該能治好你的感冒。 Parents try to cure their children of bad habits. 父母們想辦法糾正孩子們的壞習(xí)慣。 2. 西方文化中的魔鬼形象: 在西方國家的文獻、小說、影視作品中,魔鬼常被描述為一個有角有尾巴、手拿長柄叉、在烈火熊熊的地獄里折磨人的怪物。
2013-10-31 -
用不?”其中一位商人問。[/cn] [en]"Oh, yes, it works very fast," Mr. Grey said. " I once advertised for my [w=watchdog]watch-dog[/w] and offered a reward of $100."[/en] [cn]“噢,有用,而且見效非??臁!备窭紫壬f,“我曾經(jīng)發(fā)布了一條廣告,要招聘一個值班員,報酬是100美金?!盵/cn] [en]"Did you get the dog back?"[/en] [cn]“你招聘到人了嗎?”[/cn] [en]"No, but that very night three of my cars were stolen."[/en] [cn]“沒,但是那個晚上我的三輛車被偷走了。”[/cn] 【注釋】 笑話中出現(xiàn)了come by這個詞組,我們來學(xué)習(xí)一下它的兩種意思: 1. pay a visit 來訪,拜訪 例:I'll come by after work and see if you need any help. 我下班后會再來拜訪,看看你有什么需要幫忙的地方。 2. acquire 獲得,得到 例:A good assistant is hard to come by. 要得到一個好助手很困難。 Comment: 保安沒招來,倒把賊招來了!所以說有錢這件事還是不要“廣而告之”為好……
2010-10-10 -
2010-12-13 -
雙語 | 英語最新冷笑話精選
英國人有他們獨特的英式幽默,他們流傳的英語冷笑話讓人會心一笑,今天,小編給同學(xué)們收集、整理了幾則特別有趣的英語冷笑話,希望大家能開心開心,一起來看看吧! ? 一、 [en] Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents
2017-10-20 -
2016-10-13 -
2016-10-14 -
2016-10-11 -
2016-10-15 -
英語幽默小笑話:Goldfish 金魚
英語笑話讓人會心一笑,今天,小編給同學(xué)們收集、整理了幾則特別有趣的英語笑話住了眼睛。 to blindfold the hostage 蒙住人質(zhì)的眼睛 2. 妨礙視力;遮住(或擋住)…的視線: The tall man in the front blindfolded me. 前面的高個子男人擋住了我的視線。 3. 使不理解,使失去識別能力(或判斷力、覺察力);使模糊不清;使遲鈍;使迷惑;蒙騙: to blindfold you to the true purpose of her invitation 被蒙蔽而看不出她邀你的真正目的 ? [en] A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.
2017-10-19 -
?The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog. 一個小男孩非常不喜歡狗狂叫的樣子。 "It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid.? “沒有關(guān)系,”一位先生說, Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?" “不用害怕,你知道這條諺語嗎:‘吠狗不咬人?!?"Ah, yes," answered the little boy. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?" “啊,我是知道,可是狗也知道嗎?” 詞匯學(xué)習(xí): ?little ?小的 ?bark 吠叫?[barking]是[bark]的現(xiàn)在分詞形式 ?