• 呼嘯山莊的英文怎么說

    呼嘯山莊的英文: Wuthering Heights - 1939參考例句: I walked mile after mile, till a turn brought me in view of the Heights. 我一英里一英里地向前走去,直到望見了呼嘯山莊。wuthering是什么意思: adj. (of a wind) blowing strongly with a roaring sound 呼嘯的 heights是什么意思: n. 身高;高;高度;海拔;高處,高地;頂點 a dizzy height, speed 使人眩暈的高度、 速度. The airplane

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第三章節(jié)選

    到他孤零零地呆在利物浦繁忙的街頭,”歐肖先生對他們解釋說,“我總不能讓他就那么死了吧。他可以睡在你們的房里?!钡嗟吕缀蛣P瑟琳氣惱沒有得到禮物,不肯讓這個野孩子睡在他們的房間。在歐肖先生的堅持下,一家人還是漸漸地接受了這個孩子。給他起了個名字叫希斯克利夫,既是名,也是姓。始終沒人搞清楚他的父母是誰。[/cn] 解析:little by little 漸漸地、逐漸地 eg:We are?growing up little by little. 我們正在漸漸長大。 [en]Catnerine and he became great friends,but Hindley hated? him,and was often cruel to him.Old Mr Earnshaw was strangely fond of this gipsy child,and frequently punished his son for behaving badly to Heathcliff.Hindley began to be jealous of his father's feelings for Heathcliff,and saw them both as enemies. [/en][cn]凱瑟琳和他成了好朋友,但亨德雷不喜歡他,對他常常很粗暴。老歐肖先生異乎尋常地喜歡這個吉卜賽孩子,時常因為自己的兒子對希斯克利夫不友善而懲罰他。亨德雷開始嫉妒他父親對希斯克利夫的感情,視他倆為敵。[/cn] [en]This situation could not last.As Mr Earnshaw grew old and ill,Heathcliff became even more his favourite,and Hindley often quarrelled with his father.When Hindley was sent away to study,I hoped that we would have peace in the house.But then it was that old servant Joseph who caused trouble.He tried to persuade his master to be stricter with the children,and was always complaining that Heathcliff and Catherine did not spend enough time studying the Bible or attending church services. [/en][cn]這種情況不可能持續(xù)下去。隨著歐肖先生變得年邁多病,他越發(fā)地偏愛希斯克利夫了,而亨德雷則常同他父親吵架。當亨德雷被送到外頭上學后,我本指望我們能在家里過上安穩(wěn)日子。但又輪到老仆人約瑟夫招惹是非。他試圖慫恿他的主人對孩子們再嚴厲些,總是抱怨希斯克利夫和凱瑟琳不下功夫研讀《圣經(jīng)》和參加教堂的禮拜。[/cn] 解析:cause 可以做名詞也可以做動詞,作名詞表示原因,事業(yè)的意思。作動詞表示引起、使……遭受,文章中詩作動詞。 eg:The resignation of the prime minister will cause much confusion. 首相的辭職將引起很大的混亂。 [en]Catherine was a wild,wicked girl in those days.We had to watch her every moment of the day,to stop her playing her tricks on us.She was proud,and liked giving orders.But she had the prettiest face and the sweetest smile you've ever seen.I could forgive her anything when she came to say she was sorry. [/en][cn]凱瑟琳當時是個任性、淘氣的姑娘。我們一天到晚都得盯著她,一不留意就做我們的惡作劇。她自大,好發(fā)號施令。但您從沒看到過她那可愛的小臉和甜甜的微笑。只要她過來說抱歉時,我就什么都原諒她了。[/cn]

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第九章節(jié)選

    要是哪天晚上他忘了,我就會殺了他!”[/cn] 解析:up to know 迄今為止、至今 eg: Up to now, only one passenger survived from the crash. 目前為止,還只有一名乘客在空難中幸存。 [en]'Why do you hate him so much?' I asked. [/en][cn]“你為什么這么恨他?”我問。[/cn] [en]'Because he's taken everything from me!' he shouted angrily. 'There's nothing left for Hareton to inherit! But I'm going to get it all back! and his money too, and then his blood. Then the devil can have his soul!' [/en][cn]“因為他搶走了我的一切!”他嚎道?!笆裁匆矝]剩下讓哈里頓去繼承!但我會把它全奪回來的!還有他的錢,還有他的血。然后魔鬼就能收去他的靈魂!”[/cn] [en]He seemed mad to me, Ellen. I left him, and went to find the old servant, Joseph. It seemed that Heathcliff's room was locked, and there were no guest bedrooms, so in the end I slept on a chair in the child's room. What a welcome to my new home! [/en][cn]我看他好像瘋了,艾倫。我離開了他,去找那個老仆約瑟夫。希斯克利夫的房間似乎是鎖著的,也沒有給客人住的臥室,所以最后我在孩子的房里睡下了。到了我的新家,他們就這么歡迎我![/cn]

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第六章節(jié)選

    到我懷里,亨德雷慢條斯理地朝樓下走來。[/cn] 解析:stare down死死盯著,瞪眼使(某人)不敢抬頭看 He rudely stared down my friend in the corner of the street. 在街角他把我的朋友盯得

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第十二章節(jié)選

    要死,文中采用的是第一種意思 eg: She died of thirst. 她是渴死的。 [en]He was away for three weeks. Cathy did not cause me any trouble at first. She spent her days walking her dogs and riding her pony in the large garden. But one day she asked if she could stay out the whole day, and away she went on her little pony, with her two dogs running behind. [/en][cn]他走了三個星期。開始凱茜沒給我添什么麻煩。她整天在大花園里溜狗,騎她的小馬。但有一天她問能不能到外面呆一整天,然后騎上她的小馬,后面跟著兩條狗就走了。[/cn] [en]There was no sign of her at tea-time, and I began to be seriously worried. I went outside to look for her. At the gate I found a [w]workman[/w], who had seen-her jump the low wall separating the garden from the road, and then ride on towards the hills and Wuthering Heights. [/en][cn]到了吃茶點的時候還沒見她的人影,我開始真的擔心起來。我到外面找她。我在大門前碰到一個傭工,他曾看見她跳過花園和路之間的矮墻,騎著馬朝山丘和呼嘯山莊的方向去了。[/cn] 解析:look for尋找 eg: He began to look for a new job immediately after he was fired. 在被解雇后他立馬開始尋找新的工作。 [en]I was very frightened now. She could be lost on the moors! She could have tried to climb the hills, and fallen! I walked across the moors as fast as I could, and arrived breathless at Wuthering Heights. How glad I was to see one of her dogs lying outside the kitchen door! I knocked loudly, and Zillah let me in. I knew she had been the housekeeper there since Hindley's death. [/en][cn]這時我嚇壞了。她可能在荒原里迷了路!她可能試圖爬山時摔了下來!我以最快的速度走過荒原,上氣不接下氣地趕到呼嘯山莊。當看到廚房的門前躺著凱茜的一條狗,我真是如釋重負!我大聲敲門,齊拉把我讓了進去。我知道亨德雷死后她就成了這兒的女管家。[/cn]

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第七章節(jié)選

    Edgar. [/en][cn]“是誰,艾倫?”艾加先生問。[/cn] [en]'It's that Heathcliff, sir.You remember, he used to live at Wuthering Heights.' [/en][cn]“是那個希斯克利夫,先生。您記得,他以前住在呼嘯山莊?!盵/cn]

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第十七章節(jié)選

    忍讓她傷心,把信扔到桌子上。她急切地讀著每一個字,還問了我?guī)讉€關于畫眉山莊里的人的問題。[/cn] 解析:pretend 假裝、假扮 eg: He pretended to be indifferent to the news. 他裝呼嘯山莊作對這個消息不感興趣的樣子。 [en]'Mrs Dean will want an answer to her letter,' I reminded her. [/en][cn]“迪恩夫人想有回信,”我提醒她。[/cn] [en]'You must tell her that I have no paper or pens to write with. I haven't even any books!' she answered sadly. [/en][cn]“你一定要告訴她我沒有可用來寫信的紙和筆。我連書都沒有!”她難過地說。[/cn] [en]'No books!' I cried. 'How can you [w]manage[/w] without them in this lonely place?' [/en][cn]“沒有書!”我叫道?!霸谶@么孤寂的地方?jīng)]有書你是怎么過的?”[/cn] [en]'I always used to read so much that Mr Heathcliff decided to take away my only [w]pleasure[/w] and destroy my books. I've looked all over the house for them. Joseph only reads the Bible, but some of my books are in Hareton's room! Why did you take them,Hareton? Just because you enjoy stealing? They can't be any [w]use[/w] to you!' [/en][cn]“我過去總是很喜歡讀書,所以希斯克利夫先生決定剝奪我唯一的樂趣,把我的書毀掉。我整個屋子都找遍了。約瑟夫只讀《圣經(jīng)》,可我的一些書卻在哈里頓的房間里!你為什么要拿那些書,哈里頓?只是因為你喜歡偷東西嗎?它們對你沒什么用”[/cn]

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第十三章節(jié)選

    點心和熱茶。他只想著自己。希斯克利夫先生跟他在一個房間里根本呆不下去!”[/cn] [en]Several years passed without any more news of Linton. In 1800 Cathy reached the age of sixteen. We never celebrated her birthday, because it was also the day her mother died. On this particular day she came downstairs, dressed for going out, and suggested a walk on the moors with me. Her father gave [w]permission[/w]. [/en][cn]又是幾年過去了,沒再呼嘯山莊聽到林頓的消息。1880年凱茜滿16歲了。我們從未慶祝過她的生日,因為她母親也是那一天去世的。就在這個不尋常的日子她一身出門的裝束走下樓來,提議和我到荒原上去走走。她父親同意了。[/cn]

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第十九章節(jié)選


  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《呼嘯山莊》第十五章節(jié)選

    ]refused[/w] at first, and Linton sent him several more letters. I am sure they had all been carefully checked by Heathcliff before they were posted. [/en][cn]到了春天艾加先生的病情依舊,他還在為凱茜的前程擔憂。有一天,他寫信給林頓請他來畫眉山莊作客。林頓回了一封長信,解釋說他父親不許他來。他懇求舅舅讓他見凱茜一面,到畫眉山莊和呼嘯山莊之間的荒原上去散步或者騎馬,因為他們在哪個家里都不能會面。艾加先生開始不同意,接著林頓又給他寫了幾封信。我肯定那些信在寄出前都經(jīng)希斯克利夫仔細審查過。[/cn]