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  • 《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》DVD銷量創(chuàng)HBO紀錄

    HBO’s hugely successfaul fantasy [w]epic[/w] “Game of Thrones” may officially be on the Iron Throne with the biggest first-week DVD sales total of any series in HBO’s history. Season 1 DVD sales have reached about 350,000 units in the first seven days following its March 6 sales debut. That number beats out any other HBO-related DVD including ones from “True Blood”, “Boardwalk Empire”, and “The Sopranos.” Last week, I wrote why it is a must-own for fans. Looks like a lot of folks agree with me. The series also broke sales records for HBO on [w]digital[/w] downloads from outlets such as iTunes. In the newest “Entertainment Weekly” issue, “Game of Thrones” takes over the cover and includes a feature article on Season 2. Included in the article is the fact that there have been almost 9 million views of each episode through channel airings, HBO Go, and On Demand service. HBO官方表示,《權(quán)力的游戲》第一季DVD自3月6號發(fā)行以來,首周狂銷35萬套,這一銷量成績遠超過HBO電視網(wǎng)歷史上其它諸如《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)、《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)和《真愛如血》(True Blood)等著名劇集。 伴隨著《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》第二季的預(yù)告片同樣刷新了HBO單一劇集預(yù)告片的紀錄,該劇第二季必將有更多的觀眾注入,勢必會創(chuàng)造更高的收視率。 《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》將于當?shù)貢r間4月1號回歸,敬請期待。?

  • 《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》唯美小提琴版片頭曲

    面的是“日落國度”維斯特洛(Westeros),面積約等于南美洲;位于東冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》片頭曲小提琴版 《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》片頭曲大提琴版 《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲面的是一塊面積、形狀近似于亞歐大陸的陸地。故事的主線便發(fā)生在維斯特洛大陸上。從國王勞勃·拜拉席恩前往北地拜訪他的好友:臨冬城主暨北境守護艾德·史塔克開始,漸漸展示了這片國度的全貌。單純的國王,耿直的首相,各懷鬼胎的大臣,擁兵自重的四方諸侯,全國僅靠著一根細弦維系著表面的和平,而當弦斷之時,國家再度陷入無盡的戰(zhàn)亂之中。而更讓人驚悚的、那些遠古的傳說和早已滅絕的生物,正重新回到這片土地。[/cn]

  • 《冰與火之歌(權(quán)力的游戲)》第二季預(yù)告片華麗呈現(xiàn)

    .[/cn] [en] with fire and blood.[/en][cn] 血流成河 在所不惜.[/cn] [en] Anyone can be killed.[/en][cn] 擋我者 死![/cn] [en] I understand the way this game is played.[/en][cn] 這權(quán)力游戲的規(guī)則 我懂.[/cn]

  • 《權(quán)力的游戲》第四季預(yù)定 將于2014年播出

    喬治·馬汀的《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》的第三本。[/cn] [en]The first episode of Season 3 premiered on Sunday, garnering both high traditional viewership and a massive [w]illicit[/w] audience. Now, fans of the TV series are guaranteed an adaptation of the full Storm of Swords tome, while [w=adherent]adherents[/w] to Martin's

  • 《權(quán)力的游戲》第二季正式版完整預(yù)告片發(fā)布

    for the show's second season via HBO Go.[/en][cn]為了等待HBO大戲《冰與火之歌:權(quán)力的游戲》(第二季)4月1日正式開播,你已經(jīng)如饑似渴了么?你很幸運。上周五(2月24日)HBO午夜有線電視通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)發(fā)布的節(jié)目中,公布了第二季正式官方預(yù)告。[/cn] [en]We know what's missing -- Sean Bean, since his [w]character[/w] Eddard Stark was killed off in the Season 1 finale. But, rest [w=assure]assured[/w

  • 權(quán)力的游戲第三季最終集預(yù)告:冰雨的風暴

    their grip on the Iron Throne? Will Daenerys Targaryen be [w]conqueror[/w] or [w]liberator[/w]? 滬江娛樂:《權(quán)力的游戲》的粉絲們還在努力從“血色婚禮”的慘劇中慢慢恢復(fù),本季最終集的預(yù)告出來撫慰一下粉絲們受傷的心。在上一集《卡斯特梅的雨季》中,我們看到了北境之王羅柏·史塔克、他懷孕的妻子塔麗莎和母親凱特琳·史塔克被蘭尼斯特家族殘忍屠殺了。史塔克一族會被滅族么?惡毒的喬佛里會有怎樣的下場?龍女這條線要怎么發(fā)展?

  • 《權(quán)力的游戲》最大boss已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)


  • 權(quán)力的游戲小說又要拖稿?凜冬之風還寫不寫?

    到我寫完。“[/cn] [en]Not much is known about how The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring will conclude, with speculation raging over how much they will have in common with the Game of Thrones TV show - which ended last month.[/en][cn]關(guān)于《凜冬之風》和《春之夢》將

  • 英國女王探班《權(quán)力的游戲》 拒坐鐵王座

    還是在與演員們會面時高興的拿著鐵王座的小復(fù)制品。這些演員包括飾演瓊恩·雪諾的基特·哈靈頓、飾演瑟曦·蘭尼斯特的琳娜·海蒂以及飾演珊莎·史塔克的索菲·特納。[/cn] [en]Maisie Williams, the 17-year-old star who plays the [w]spirited[/w] Arya Stark, was the first of the actors to chat to the [w]monarch[/w]. 'She kept commenting on how uncomfortable the throne looked, that was funny,' she said.[/en][cn]飾演艾莉亞·史塔克的17歲影星麥茜·威廉姆斯是演員中第一個與女王談話的。她說:“她(女王)一直在說那個王座看起來有多么不舒服,真

  • 只要有錢就能被寫入《冰與火之歌》

    [en]Is your dream to meet a horrible end in an "A Song of Ice and Fire" novel? If you have $20,000 to donate to a good cause, that dream is within reach.[/en][cn]在《冰與火之歌》小說中被寫成悲慘死去是不是你的夢想?如果你愿意捐出2萬美元做善事,你的夢想就能實現(xiàn)。[/cn] [en]To raise money for the Santa Fe charity The Food Depot and the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary, Martin is offering some very tempting items for purchase.[/en][cn]為了給圣達菲慈善機構(gòu)的糧食倉庫項目和野生狼群庇護所項目籌款,Martin拿出了非常誘人的條件。[/cn] [en]For $20,000 a piece, Martin will write one male and one female fan into a forthcoming "A Song of Ice and Fire" novel. The fan will get to choose their character's occupation, and Martin promises "you will certainly meet a [w]grisly[/w] death." As fans know, Martin is the master of those.[/en][cn]捐款2萬美元的話,Martin將冰與火之歌會把一個男性角色和一個女性角色分別寫到即將出版的《權(quán)力的游戲》小說中。粉絲可以自由選擇他們角色的職業(yè),而Martin保證“絕對會把你這個角色寫得死得很慘?!笔煜に娜硕贾?,Martin大叔最擅長就是這個了。[/cn]