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  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第十八章(上)

    很慎重的吧?”[/cn] [en]"I am," said he, with a firm voice.[/en][cn]“正是,”他堅決地說。[/cn] [en]"And never allow yourself to be blinded by prejudice?"[/en][cn]“你從來不會受到偏見和蒙蔽嗎?”[/cn] [en]"I hope not."[/en][cn]“我想不會?!盵/cn] [en]"It is particularly [w]incumbent[/w] on those who never change their opinion, to be secure

  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第十八章(下)

    gradually from [w]indignant[/w] contempt to a composed and steady gravity.[/en][cn]不過,任憑她怎么說都沒有用。她的母親偏偏要大聲發(fā)表高見。伊麗莎白又羞又惱,臉蛋兒紅了又紅。她禁不住一眼眼望著達西先生,每望一眼就越發(fā)證實了自己的疑慮,因為達西雖然并沒有老是瞧著她的母親,可是他一直目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地在望著伊麗莎白。他臉上先是顯出氣憤和厭惡的表情,慢慢地變得冷靜莊重,一本正經(jīng)。[/cn] [en]At length however Mrs. Bennet had no more to say; and Lady Lucas, who

  • 傲慢與偏見的英文怎么說

    傲慢與偏見的英文: Pride and Prejudice參考例句: Have you ever read Jane Austin's classic novel Pride and Prejudice? 你有沒有讀過簡·奧斯汀的經(jīng)典小說《傲慢與偏見》?pride是什么意思: n. 自豪;自尊心;驕傲,傲慢 v. (使)得意,自豪 pride oneself on 使得意 Comfort is better than pride 安慰勝過傲慢 That was a wound to the child's pride. 那是對孩子自尊心的傷害。 His pride of knowledge

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《傲慢與偏見》第十章節(jié)選

    才是最糟糕的。我也是到肯特郡去過以后才知道事實真相的,我回來以后,和簡講了,我們倆決定不把我們了解的情況公開。現(xiàn)在我認識到我犯了一個錯誤。我從未想到過麗迪亞會受到他的威脅?!盵/cn] [en]When they arrived at Longbourn, Elizabeth and her aunt were able to help Jane in looking after the children. They also attempted to calm Mrs Bennet, who, however, refused to be calmed, and blamed everyone except herself for the disaster. [/en][cn]到了浪搏恩后,伊麗莎白和舅母幫著簡照看孩子們。她們也努力安慰班納特太太,而她拒絕接受安慰,把釀成災禍的過錯都推到了別人身上,覺得就她一個人沒錯。[/cn] 解析:blame 責備、歸咎于 eg: I don't blame you for being angry. 我不怪你生氣。

  • 英國ITV即將翻拍黑化版《傲慢與偏見》

    媲美簡·奧斯汀。她雖然是《傲慢與偏見》的忠實粉絲,但卻從來沒看過之前任何改編的版本,因此這部小說只存在于她的想象中,這是令人高興的?!盵/cn] [en]An air date has yet to be announced.[/en][cn]新版《傲慢與偏見》的播出時間還有待進一步確定。[/cn] (翻譯:進擊的Meredith) 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第六章

    傲慢與偏見6“就能邊聽邊讀名著啦。 [en]THE ladies of Longbourn soon waited on those of Netherfield. The visit was returned in due form. Miss Bennet's pleasing manners grew on the good will of Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley; and though the mother was found to be intolerable and the younger sisters not worth speaking to, a wish of being better acquainted with them was expressed towards the two eldest. By Jane this attention was received with the greatest pleasure; but Elizabeth still saw [w]superciliousness[/w] in their treatment of every body, hardly excepting even her sister, and could not like them; though their kindness to Jane, such as it was, had a value, as arising in all probability from the influence of their brother's admiration.[/en][cn]浪博恩小姐們不久就去拜訪尼是斐花園的小姐們了。人家了照例來回拜了她們。班納特那種討人喜愛的舉止,使赫斯脫太太和彬格萊小姐對她愈來愈有好感。盡管班家老太太叫人不可容忍,幾個小妹妹也不值得攀談,可是兩位彬格萊小姐卻是愿意跟年紀大的兩位班小姐作進一步深交,吉英極其喜悅地領(lǐng)受了這份盛意;可是伊麗莎白看出她們對待任何人仍然很高傲,甚至對待吉英也幾乎沒有兩樣,因此頗不喜歡她們;不過,她們所以待吉英好,看來多半還是由于她們兄弟愛慕她的緣故。[/cn] [en]It was generally evident whenever they met, that he did admire her; and to her it was equally evident that Jane was yielding to the preference which she had begun to entertain for him from the first, and was in a way to be very much in love; but she considered with pleasure that it was not likely to be discovered by the world in general, since Jane united with great strength of feeling a [w]composure[/w] of temper and a uniform cheerfulness of manner, which would guard her from the suspicions of the impertinent. She mentioned this to her friend Miss Lucas.[/en][cn]只要你看見他們倆在一起,你就看得出他兄弟確是愛慕她的。伊麗莎白又很清楚地看出吉英一開頭就看中了彬格萊先生,不由自主地向他屈服了,而且也可以說是對他喜愛極了??墒撬吲d地想道,吉英雖說感情豐富,好在性格很鎮(zhèn)定,外表上仍然保持著正常的和顏悅色,那就不會引起那些鹵莽人的懷疑,因此他倆的心意也就不會給人察覺了。伊麗莎白曾經(jīng)跟自己的朋友盧卡斯小姐談到過這一點。[/cn] [en]"It may perhaps be pleasant," replied Charlotte, "to be able to impose on the public in such a case; but it is sometimes a disadvantage to be so very guarded. If a woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it, she may lose the opportunity of fixing him; and it will then be but poor [w]consolation[/w] to believe the world equally in the dark. There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attachment, that it is not safe to leave any to itself. We can all begin freely -- a slight preference is natural enough; but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. In nine cases out of ten, a woman had better shew more affection than she feels. Bingley likes your sister undoubtedly; but he may never do more than like her, if she does not help him on."[/en][cn]夏綠蒂當時說道:“這種事想瞞過大家,也許是怪有意思的,不過,這樣提心吊膽,有時候反而不妙。要是一個女人在她自己心愛的人面前,也用這種技巧遮遮掩掩,不讓他知道她對他有意思,那她就可能沒有機會博得他的歡心;那么,就是把天下人都蒙在鼓里,也無補于事。男女戀愛大都免不了要借重于雙方的感恩圖報之心和虛榮自負之感,聽其自然是很難成其好事的。戀愛的開頭都是隨隨便便──某人對某人發(fā)生點兒好感,本是極其自然的一回事;只可惜沒有對方和鼓勵而自己就肯沒頭沒腦去鐘情的人,簡直太少了。女人家十有八九都是心里有一分愛表面上就露出兩分。毫無問題,彬格萊喜歡你姐姐;可是你姐姐如果不幫他一把勁,他也許喜歡喜歡她就算了?!盵/cn] [en]"But she does help him on, as much as her nature will allow. If I can [w]perceive[/w] her regard for him, he must be a simpleton indeed not to discover it too."[/en][cn]“不過她已經(jīng)盡心竭力在幫他的忙了。要是我都能看出她對他的好感,而他卻看不出,那他未免太蠢了?!盵/cn] [en]"Remember, Eliza, that he does not know Jane's [w]disposition[/w] as you do."[/en][cn]“伊麗莎,你得記住,他可不象你那么懂得吉英的性格?!盵/cn] [en]"But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not [w]endeavour[/w] to conceal it, he must find it out."[/en][cn]“假如一個女人愛上了一個男人,只要女方不故意瞞住男方,男方一定會看得出的?!盵/cn] [en]"Perhaps he must, if he sees enough of her. But though Bingley and Jane meet tolerably often, it is never for many hours together; and as they always see each other in large mixed parties, it is impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together. Jane should therefore make the most of every half hour in which she can command his attention. When she is secure of him, there will be leisure for falling in love as much as she chuses."[/en][cn]“要是男方和女方見面的機會很多,或許他總會看得出。雖然彬格萊和吉英見

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《傲慢與偏見》第十一章節(jié)選

    到得泰德,就去報警。 [en]'Girls! Quickly!' she cried. 'Mr Bingley is coming! And who's that with him? It must be Mr Darcy, that tall, proud man. Well, as he is Mr Bingley's friend, we must be polite to him, but I must say, I hate the sight of him.' [/en][cn]“姑娘們!快點兒!”她喊道?!氨蚋袢R先生來了!跟他一起來的是誰?一定是達西先生,那個高個子、傲慢的人。哎呀,他既然是彬格萊先生的朋友,我們也要客氣點兒,可是,我得承認,我不喜歡見

  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第二十章

    如你不趕快來打個圓場,他就要改變主意,反過來不要她了。”[/cn] [en]Mr. Bennet raised his eyes from his book as she entered, and fixed them on her face with a calm unconcern which was not in the least altered by her communication.[/en][cn]班納特先生見她走進來,便從書本上抬起眼睛,安然自得、漠不關(guān)心地望著她臉上。他聽了她的話,完全不動聲色。?[/cn] [en]"I have not the pleasure of understanding you," said he, when she had finished her speech. "Of what are you talking?"[/en][cn]她

  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第八章

    到她的骯臟的襯裙?!盵/cn] [en]"You observed it, Mr. Darcy, I am sure," said Miss Bingley, "and I am inclined to think that you would not wish to see your sister make such an exhibition."[/en][cn]“你一定看到的,達西先生,”彬格萊小姐說,“我想,你總不愿意看

  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第三章
