傲慢與偏見:Chapter 9(3/4)
傲慢與偏見:Chapter 4
趣味,人又活潑;我從來沒有見過他那種討人喜歡的舉止!那么大方,又有十全十美的教養(yǎng)!” “他也長得很漂亮,”伊麗莎白回答道,“一個年輕的男人也得弄得漂亮些,除非辦不到,那又當別論。他真夠得上一個完美無瑕的人?!?“他第二次又來請我跳舞,我真高興死了。我真想不到他會這樣抬舉我?!?"你真的沒想到嗎?我倒替你想到了。不過,這正是我和你大不相同的地方。你遇到人家抬舉你,總是受寵若驚,我就不是這樣。你比起舞場里任何一位小姐都要漂亮得不知多少倍,他長了眼睛自然會看得出。他向你獻殷勤你又何必感激。那么,你也喜歡那位先生的姐妹們嗎?她們的風度可比不上他呀?!?“初看上去的確比不上?!奔⒄f,“不過跟傲慢與偏見她們攀談起來,就覺得她們也都是些討人喜歡的女人。聽說彬格萊小姐將要跟她兄弟住在一起,替他料埋家務;她要不是個好鄰居,那才怪呢?!?伊麗莎白聽著姐姐的話,嘴上一聲不響,心里可并不信服。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
with energy on his many merits, as they proceeded together up the great staircase.[/en][cn]伊麗莎白一直聽下去,先是奇怪,繼而懷疑,最后又極想再多聽一些,可是雷諾奶奶再也想不出別的話來引起她的興趣。她談到畫像,談到房間大小,談到家具的價格,可是她都不愛聽。嘉丁納先生覺得,這個管家奶奶所以要過甚其辭地夸獎她自己的主人,無非是出于家人的偏見,這倒也使他聽得很有趣,于是馬上又談到這個話題上來了。她一面起勁地談到他的許多優(yōu)點,一面領著他們走上大樓梯。[/cn] [en]"He is the best landlord
兩聲,也總算難得。[/cn] [en]Elizabeth soon saw that she was herself closely watched by Miss Bingley, and that she could not speak a word, especially to Miss Darcy, without calling her attention. This observation would not have prevented her from trying to talk to the latter, had they not been seated at an inconvenient distance; but she was not sorry to be spared the necessity of saying much. Her own thoughts were employing her. She expected every moment that some of the gentlemen would enter the room. She wished, she feared, that the master of the house might be amongst them; and whether she wished or feared it most, she could scarcely determine. After sitting in this manner a quarter of an hour without hearing Miss Bingley's voice, Elizabeth was roused by receiving from her a cold enquiry after the health of her family. She answered with equal indifference and [w]brevity[/w], and the other said no more.[/en][cn]伊麗莎白立刻發(fā)覺彬格萊小姐在仔細地看著她,注意她的一言一語,特別注意她跟達西小姐攀談。如果伊麗莎白跟達西小姐座位隔得很近,攀談起來很方便,她決不會因為畏忌彬格萊小姐而就不和達西小姐攀談,可是既然毋須多談,再加她自己也正心思重重,所以也并不覺得遺憾。她時時刻刻都盼望著男客們一同進來,可是她雖然盼望,卻又害怕,她究竟是盼望得迫切,還是害
]violence[/w] of these transports, by leading her thoughts to the obligations which Mr. Gardiner's behaviour laid them all under.[/en][cn]大女兒見她這樣得意忘形,便談起她們?nèi)覒撛鯓痈屑ぜ味〖{先生,以便讓她分分心,讓她精神上輕松一下。[/cn] [en]"Well," cried her mother, "it is all very right; who should do it but her own uncle? If he had not had a
深情密意,但是另一方面卻又說了許許多多傲慢無禮的話。他覺得她出身低微,覺得自己是遷就她,而且家庭方面的種種障礙,往往會使他的見解和他的心愿不能相容并存──他這樣熱烈地傾訴,雖然顯得他這次舉動的慎重,卻未必能使他的求婚受到歡迎。[/cn] [en]In spite of her deeply-rooted dislike, she could not be insensible
2011-05-29 -
was that Mr. Bingley must be down again in the summer.[/en][cn]班納特太太見他一去不回,仍然不斷地納悶,不斷地抱怨,盡管伊麗莎白幾乎沒有哪一天不給她解釋個清楚明白,然而始終無法使她減少些憂煩。女兒盡力說她,盡說一些連她自己也不相信的話給母親聽,說是彬格萊先生對于吉英的鐘情,只不過是出于一時高興,根本算不上什么,一旦她不在他眼前,也就置諸度外了。雖然班納特太太當時也相信這些話不假,可是事后她又每天舊事重提,最后只有想出了一個聊以自慰的辦法,指望彬格萊先生來年夏天一定會回到這兒來。[/cn] [en]Mr. Bennet treated
was determined to make no effort at conversation with a woman who was being more than usually rude and [w]disagreeable[/w]. [/en][cn]她們穿過大廳時,凱瑟琳夫人打開各個房間的門,往里看,稱這些房間還算可以。她們沉默不語地走進花園。伊麗莎白覺得這個女人比往常更無禮傲慢,令人討厭,于是拿定主意,不先開口跟她說話。[/cn] 解析:declare 宣布、聲明、發(fā)表意見 eg: The governor declared a state of emergency. 州長宣布進入緊急狀態(tài)。 make efforts 努力、作出努力 eg: Only if we make efforts, we will obtain the happiness. 只要我們努力,一定能活得幸福。