這么做。麗萃沒(méi)有一點(diǎn)兒地方勝過(guò)別的幾個(gè)女兒;我敢說(shuō),論漂亮,她抵不上吉英一半;論性子,好抵不上麗迪雅一半。你可老是偏愛(ài)她?!盵/cn]? [en]"They have none of them much to [w]recommend[/w] them," replied he; "they are all silly and ignorant like other girls; but Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters."[/en][cn]“她們沒(méi)有哪一個(gè)值得夸獎(jiǎng)的,”他回答道;“他們跟人家的姑娘一樣,又傻,又無(wú)知
如你不趕快來(lái)打個(gè)圓場(chǎng),他就要改變主意,反過(guò)來(lái)不要她了?!盵/cn] [en]Mr. Bennet raised his eyes from his book as she entered, and fixed them on her face with a calm unconcern which was not in the least altered by her communication.[/en][cn]班納特先生見(jiàn)她走進(jìn)來(lái),便從書本上抬起眼睛,安然自得、漠不關(guān)心地望著她臉上。他聽了她的話,完全不動(dòng)聲色。?[/cn] [en]"I have not the pleasure of understanding you," said he, when she had finished her speech. "Of what are you talking?"[/en][cn]她
動(dòng)了心,我又怎能免俗?甚至我又怎么知道拒絕他是不是上策?因此,我只能答應(yīng)你不倉(cāng)忙從事就是了。我決不會(huì)一下子就認(rèn)為我自己是他最中意的人。我雖然和他來(lái)往,可是決不會(huì)存這種心思??偠灾?,我一定盡力而為?!盵/cn] [en]"Perhaps it will be as well, if you discourage his coming here so very often. At least, you should not remind your mother of inviting him."[/en][cn]“假如你不讓他來(lái)得這么勤,也許會(huì)好些;至少你不必提醒你母親邀他來(lái)?!盵/cn] [en]"As I did the other day," said Elizabeth, with a [w]conscious[/w] smile; "very true, it will be wise in me to [w]refrain[/w] from that. But do not imagine that he is always here so often. It is on your account that he has been so frequently invited
到她表兄并沒(méi)有因?yàn)榻Y(jié)了婚而改變態(tài)度,他還是完全和以往一樣地拘泥禮節(jié),在門口耽擱了她好幾分鐘,問(wèn)候她全家大小的起居安好。聽到她一一回答了之后,他才滿意。于是他就沒(méi)有再耽擱他們,只指給他們看看門口是多么整潔,便把客人們帶進(jìn)了屋子;等到客人一走進(jìn)客廳,他又對(duì)他們作了第二次的歡迎,極其客氣地說(shuō),這次承蒙諸位光臨寒舍,真是不勝榮幸,并且刻不容緩地把他太太送上來(lái)的點(diǎn)心重新奉獻(xiàn)了一次。[/cn] [en
太有個(gè)女兒比我的女兒先嫁出去,浪搏恩的財(cái)產(chǎn)從此就得讓人家來(lái)繼承。的確,盧卡斯一家手腕才高明呢,弟婦。他們都是為了要撈進(jìn)這一筆財(cái)產(chǎn)。我本來(lái)也不忍心就這樣編派他們,不過(guò)事實(shí)的確如此。我在家里既然過(guò)得這樣不稱心,又偏偏碰到這些只顧自己不顧別人的鄰舍,真弄得我神經(jīng)也壞了,人也病了。你可來(lái)得正是時(shí)候,給了我極大的安慰,我非常喜歡聽你講的那些……長(zhǎng)袖子的事情?!盵/cn] [en]Mrs. Gardiner, to whom the chief of this news had been given before, in the course of Jane and Elizabeth's correspondence with her, made her sister a slight answer, and, in compassion to her nieces, turned the conversation.[/en][cn]嘉丁納太太遠(yuǎn)在跟吉英以及伊麗莎白通信的時(shí)候,大體上就已經(jīng)知道了她們家里最近發(fā)生的這些事情,又為了體貼外甥女兒們起見(jiàn),只稍微敷衍了班納特太太幾句,便把這個(gè)話題岔
was that Mr. Bingley must be down again in the summer.[/en][cn]班納特太太見(jiàn)他一去不回,仍然不斷地納悶,不斷地抱怨,盡管伊麗莎白幾乎沒(méi)有哪一天不給她解釋個(gè)清楚明白,然而始終無(wú)法使她減少些憂煩。女兒盡力說(shuō)她,盡說(shuō)一些連她自己也不相信的話給母親聽,說(shuō)是彬格萊先生對(duì)于吉英的鐘情,只不過(guò)是出于一時(shí)高興,根本算不上什么,一旦她不在他眼前,也就置諸度外了。雖然班納特太太當(dāng)時(shí)也相信這些話不假,可是事后她又每天舊事重提,最后只有想出了一個(gè)聊以自慰的辦法,指望彬格萊先生來(lái)年夏天一定會(huì)回到這兒來(lái)。[/cn] [en]Mr. Bennet treated
見(jiàn)了他,于是他陪著小姐們上她們姨媽家里去,他在那兒把他的歉意,他的煩惱,以及他對(duì)于每個(gè)人的關(guān)注,談了個(gè)暢快。不過(guò)他卻在伊麗莎白面前自動(dòng)說(shuō)明,那次舞會(huì)是他自己不愿意去參加。[/cn] [en]"I found," said he, "as the time drew near, that I had better not meet Mr. Darcy; -- that to be in the same room, the same party with him for so many hours together, might be more than I could bear, and that scenes might arise unpleasant to more than myself."[/en][cn]他說(shuō):“當(dāng)時(shí)日期一天天迫近,我心里想,還是不要碰見(jiàn)達(dá)西先生的好;我覺(jué)得要同他在同一間屋子里,在同一個(gè)舞會(huì)上,待上好幾個(gè)鐘頭,那會(huì)叫我受不了,而且可能會(huì)鬧出些笑話來(lái),弄得彼此都不開心。”[/cn] [en]She highly approved his [w]forbearance[/w], and they had leisure for a full discussion of it, and for all the [w]commendation[/w] which they civilly bestowed on each other, as Wickham and another officer walked back with them to Longbourn, and during the walk he particularly attended to her. His accompanying them was a double advantage; she felt all the compliment it offered to herself, and it was most acceptable as an occasion of introducing him to her father and mother.[/en][cn]她非常贊美他的涵養(yǎng)功夫。當(dāng)韋翰和另一位軍官跟
只有她自己和她的女兒才配。我勸你只要在你自己的衣服里面,揀一件出色的穿上就行,不必過(guò)于講究。珈苔琳夫人決不會(huì)因?yàn)槟阋卵b樸素就瞧你不起。她喜歡各人守著自己的本份,分得出一個(gè)高低?!盵/cn] [en]While they were dressing, he came two or three times to their different doors, to recommend their being quick, as Lady Catherine very much objected to be kept waiting for her dinner. -- Such [w]formidable[/w] accounts of her ladyship, and her manner of living, quite frightened Maria Lucas, who had been little used to company, and she looked forward to her introduction at Rosings with as much [w]apprehension[/w], as her father had done to his presentation at St. James's.[/en][cn]娘兒們整裝的時(shí)候,他又到各