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  • 《他沒那么喜歡你》:如果他想約你他一定會約你的

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:如果他想約你他一定會約你的(選段) If a guy gives you his phone number instead of taking yours, he's not interested. He took mine first.Then he gave... And also, if a guy wants to see you,believe me, he will see you. I once called 55 Lauren Bells until I got the right one. That's cute.What happened? Oh

  • 影視:《他沒那么喜歡你》:他在MySpace上聯(lián)系的我

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:他在MySpace上聯(lián)系的我 Hints:Ryan, Morning.Morning,Ryan.A surprise mocha venti just because you're so awesome. Love you.Love you.Good morning. Okay.So?Oh,hi. He asked me out. Oh,my God.He called?Well... He e-mailed?No. What?Left his calling card with your lady-in-waiting? He MySpaced me.Ouch.Oh.

  • 影視:《他沒那么喜歡你》:他在MySpace上聯(lián)系的我

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:他在MySpace上聯(lián)系的我 Hints:Ryan, Morning.Morning,Ryan.A surprise mocha venti just because you're so [w]awesome[/w]. Love you.Love you.Good morning. Okay.So?Oh,hi. He asked me out. Oh,my God.He called?Well... He e-mailed?No. What?Left his calling card with your lady-in-waiting? He MySpaced

  • 影視:《他沒那么喜歡你》:我知道你很多愁善感

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:我知道你很多愁善感 Hints:Neil,Bethie Well,thanks for the inspirational pep talk. What she meant to say was that it's fine that you broke up with Neil.Right. Tons of people make the choice to be alone.They're happy. Look at Al Pacino.Never been married,happy as a clam. Would that...? Am I... ?Would

  • 《他沒那么喜歡你》5:花花公子

    就只得取消。 The company had write off 30.000p in bad debt. 該公司已注銷了三萬英鎊的呆帳。 what...if...如果...將會怎么樣? What if I fail!即使我失敗了又怎樣! What if he comes back now?如果他現(xiàn)在回來怎么辦? blow off 甩掉 The boy blowed that girl off. 男孩把那女孩甩了。 give a shit 在乎 I don't give a shit what you think.你怎么想我才不在乎呢。 He doesn't give a shit about

  • 《他沒那么喜歡你》:喜歡你所以欺負你

    就像《窈窕淑女》里那個語言學(xué)教授對賣花女一樣;巴里摩爾將扮演一個對約會困惑的女人,現(xiàn)在比以往更加癡迷 技術(shù)而非現(xiàn)實生活里的人際接觸。 “女孩子永遠不會忘記自己喜歡上的第一個男孩,即使事情不盡人意?!?知道這意味著什么嗎?我們被鼓勵...不,被設(shè)計去相信,如果一個小子做了令你傷心的事就表示他喜歡你。 Gigi: A girl forget the first boy she likes, even if things don't quite work out. Girl: Why did you do that? Boy: Because you smell like dog poo. You're so stupid, just like god poo. You're made out of poo! Gigi: But usually someone is there to offer words of wisdom. Girls: Made...of...dog...poo. Girl's Mother: Honey, do you know why that little boy did those things and said those things?It's because he likes you. Gigi: And there it is. That's the beginning of our problem. Girl's Mother: That little boy is doing those things because he's got a crush on you. Gigi: Do you know what this means? We're all encouraged...no, programmed...to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk...that means he likes you. poo (兒童用語)尿 stupid adj. 愚蠢的,笨拙的,遲鈍的 n. 傻瓜 What did he say in explanation of his stupid behavior? 他說了什么來解釋他那愚蠢的行為? wisdom n. 智慧,明智,才智,至理名言,聰明 That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那個老人有無窮的智慧。 encourage vt. 鼓勵,促進,支持 Her success encouraged me to try the same thing. 她的成功鼓勵我試做同樣的事。 jerk n. <俚> 蠢人,笨蛋 A girl forget the first boy she likes, even if things don't quite work out. 【句子解析】even if即使,We'll go even if it rains. 即使下雨我們也

  • 影視 :《他沒那么喜歡你》:你會賺大錢的

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:你會賺大錢的 Hints:Ad sales,Conor, Back,back,back,back.Ad sales,this is Mary. Hi,Mary,this is Conor,Anna's friend,or whatever. Hi.So,what'd you think? Yeah,looking at it right now.I'm not sure about this. Oh,you have to trust me.It's a burgeoning market,you're gonna make a fortune. I know.Did

  • 影視 :《他沒那么喜歡你》:你會賺大錢的

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:你會賺大錢的 Hints:Ad sales,Conor, Back,back,back,back.Ad [w]sales[/w],this is Mary. Hi,Mary,this is Conor,Anna's friend,or whatever. Hi.So,what'd you think? Yeah,looking at it right now.I'm not sure about this. Oh,you have to trust me.It's a burgeoning market,you're gonna make a fortune. I

  • 影視:《他沒那么喜歡你》:是你等我的電話還是我等你的?

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:是你等我的電話還是我等你的? Yeah.I mean,it's neutral.Mm-Hm. Yeah.So it could be whatever.It could be an office;it could be a guest room,a gym,a baby's room. Wait,did you mean "neutral," or "gender-neutral"? I don't know what you're talking about. Oh,really? I know we said we'd wait to talk about it.

  • 影視:《他沒那么喜歡你》:是你等我的電話還是我等你的?

    《他沒那么喜歡你》:是你等我的電話還是我等你的? Yeah.I mean,it's neutral.Mm-Hm. Yeah.So it could be [w]whatever[/w]. It could be an office;it could be a guest room,a gym,a baby's room. Wait,did you mean "neutral," or "gender-neutral"? I don't know what you're talking about. Oh,really? I know we said we'd wait to talk