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  • 【聽力備考】中級口譯聽力精聽步驟

    盡量體會topic及sub-topic等層次信息。 Step 4:做題。此處題目指除了spot dictation之外其他的題目。【注:《中級聽力教程》上的練習(xí)題形式和實考題型可能有所不同,并不影響精聽練習(xí)?!?Step 5: 訂正答案。只需核對題目答案,無需參照聽力文本。 Step 6: 第三次聽音。繼續(xù)補充筆記,使缺失的信息盡量完整,調(diào)整結(jié)構(gòu)層次。遇不確定的詞語(包括含義或者拼寫),若影響文章大意的理解,則可根據(jù)讀音猜測,并嘗試按照發(fā)音拼寫,然后查詞典,簡要注明詞性和文中詞義。 Step 7: 復(fù)述【retell】。要求大家根據(jù)筆記內(nèi)容復(fù)述文章的大意。此步驟很重要:一、通過復(fù)述可檢測聽力理解是否完整; 二、復(fù)述可促使聽力詞匯向口語詞匯轉(zhuǎn)變。 Step 8:第四次聽音。如文章還有Spot Dictation類型題目,需在此時完成,后訂正答案。隨后,請根據(jù)聽力文本修正第三次聽寫的筆記。此時需對全文進(jìn)行總結(jié),將聽自己不熟悉的詞匯包括前面已點注過的詞語進(jìn)行歸類。建議在筆記本上按重點話題分標(biāo)簽,將同一話題類型詞語歸為一類,以便日后復(fù)習(xí)使用。 Step 9: 影子練習(xí)【shadow】??筛鶕?jù)聽力文本進(jìn)行跟讀,模仿語音語調(diào),其中重讀音節(jié)的發(fā)音要與原文保持一致,同時還要體會原文中的弱化、連讀等語流音變現(xiàn)象。2到3遍練習(xí)之后,嘗試脫稿跟讀?!咀ⅲ鹤鰏hadow 的時候,音頻音量一定要夠大,以便模仿與體會?!?>>【影子訓(xùn)練】專項練習(xí)節(jié)目>> Step 10: 復(fù)習(xí)。一周之內(nèi),拿出自己之前的筆記和詞匯整理,進(jìn)行復(fù)述。 還等什么,快來滬江VOA在線聽寫開始練習(xí)吧!

  • 2013年9月中級口譯聽力答案Sentence Translation


  • 上海中級口譯聽力備考解析


  • 中級口譯聽力備考策略

    如用簡單的筆記符號一筆帶過,關(guān)鍵句子的大意要出現(xiàn)。因此考前的沖刺階段,應(yīng)加大練習(xí)筆頭的強度,手要勤快,堅持每天練習(xí)10句以上,把筆記符號變成一種習(xí)慣?,F(xiàn)在還沒有筆記符號的同學(xué),務(wù)必在考前這段時間內(nèi),把聽力常見實詞(包括閱讀中發(fā)現(xiàn)的)編成符號,口中念手中反中級口譯復(fù)寫,以便考試時一聽到就能迅速記錄。但若短期實在筆記和心記不能兩全,就淡化筆記,加強腦力鍛煉,記下只字片語來提醒自己心記的內(nèi)容。   同時,沖刺階段的練習(xí)不能就事論事,遇到常見句型必須牢記,以免考試中再次碰到;遇到常見短語,也必須強化記憶,如“the widening gap between the rich and poor---日益增長的貧富差距”、“world peace, stability and prosperity---世界的和平、穩(wěn)定和繁榮”等。   上述就是為大家?guī)淼闹屑壙谧g聽力備考策略,希望大家能夠深入掌握。最后,考前盡量將生物鐘調(diào)整到下午2點到4點半,對于聽力,盡量2點到2點45分完成。定時訓(xùn)練,才能強化應(yīng)試技能。

  • 2014年3月中級口譯聽力真題Statement 含解析

    2014年春季上海中高級口譯考試于今日3月16日開考,滬江英語在考后第一時間提供真題、解析、答案信息,本文為2014年3月中級口譯聽力真題Statement 部分,由滬江網(wǎng)校提供。 Statement: 1: I hope you won't mind my mentioning that it’s past five o'clock and we've still got tomorrow morning to talk things over. 2: It's a real scorching day today and the forecasters are saying that there is no ending side. It seems we'd better stay indoors for the next few days. 3: Peter often has a lot of good ideas and starts to implement them, but he rarely follows them through to completion. 4: If you go to Europe, you'll find that many city centers have been turned into pedestrian precincts and the cars been almost banned. 5: Statistics show that lawyers are the most depressed of all professionals. Lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else. Suicide is among the leading causes of death among lawyers. 6: Although it may feel like it, a headache is most often not a pain in your brain. Your brain quickly tells you when other parts of your body hurt. 7: The Internet environment is not necessarily friendly for language learners, because they have to use their language appropriately in so many different real-life social situations. 8: More people live by themselves. And more women work. And more money is available. These are the reasons why one of every three American food dollars now goes to restaurants or fast-food shops. 9: Just because someone has been your best friend since elementary school, it doesn't mean he or she will make a great roommate. Often living together can destroy even a close friendship. 10: Young mothers who sacrifice their jobs to care for small children often complain about the loneliness of their new lifestyles, since they have thus lost their form of adults’ social interaction. 【解析】 縱觀十個statements,整體難度不大,主要還是和人們息息相關(guān)的工作、學(xué)習(xí)和生活內(nèi)容,比如,Statement 1就是常用生活口語的典型例子;Statement 9主要講朋友友誼話題;Statement 10陳述年輕媽媽的生活等。但該部分仍需特別注意一些難詞或短語,比如scorching,pedestrian precincts,sacrifice等,理解了這些生難單詞對把握整個statement的意思是大有裨益的,建議考生平時多積累常用單詞或表達(dá)。

  • 中級口譯報名時間

    2020年下半年中級口譯報名時間為2020年6月22日14:00起至2020年7月6日15:00;考生在此時間段內(nèi)完成網(wǎng)上注冊、報名以及繳費。在上海外語口譯證書考試網(wǎng)進(jìn)行報名。 報名網(wǎng)址:上海外語口譯證書考試網(wǎng) 。 進(jìn)入頁面后,請點擊“考生登錄”進(jìn)入“上海外語口譯證書考試系統(tǒng)”,選擇“報名管理”—“考生報名” 已注冊考生請直接輸入賬號密碼登錄報名,未注冊考生請先注冊賬號(建議考生使用常用電子郵箱進(jìn)行注冊) 考生必須在此時間段內(nèi)完成網(wǎng)上注冊、報名以及繳費。

  • 中級口譯考試內(nèi)容

    升了。那么基中級口譯考試:聽力部分:1. 聽力Spot Dictation,20個空,每個1.5分;2. 聽力本是滿分3分,不強求要把sharp體現(xiàn)出來,而witness目睹了這個意思也不用很精確。如果寫成1999-2002,扣0.5,如果沒寫出犯罪率或者犯罪案件這個概念,得分不超過1分,因為意思都不對了。如果把increase譯成了犯罪率下降,起碼扣1分。 段落翻譯兩篇,一般是7+8分,passage的概念可以按照2-3句句子來理解,評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)同理。高口這個部分閱卷相對寬松,允許出現(xiàn)部分細(xì)節(jié)的遺漏。比如原文是in the areas Of economy,finance,trade,shipping,insurance,realestate,六個關(guān)鍵詞一般譯出五個就肯定是滿分,如果那次考試普遍得分

  • 口譯備考:口譯聽力??剂?xí)語


  • 2014年3月中級口譯聽力真題 Spot Dictation 含解析

    2013年秋季上海中高級口譯考試于今日9月15日開考,滬江英語在考后第一時間提供真題、解析、答案信息,本文為2013年9月中級口譯聽力真題 Spot Dictation 部分,由滬江網(wǎng)校提供。 Spot dictation Good afternoon, folks! Today's topic is try jogging for fitness. When we run for fitness, exercise and pleasure, it is commonly called jogging. Jogging has become very popular in recent years. The popularity of jogging today stems from several factors. First, jogging is one of the most efficient forms of exercise. As a rule, a person jogging burns up more calories per minute than in most other sports. Running, like biking, swimming, and brisk walking, is an aerobic exercise. Such an exercise uses a great deal of oxygen. In addition, it increases the heart rate. Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart muscle so that it pumps more efficiently. This kind of exercise is also one of the best ways to improve our general health and capacity of our lungs. Jogging is also popular because almost every oneof us can take part. Jogging is an activity that doesn't require any unusual skills or special coordination. Jogging is relaxing and fun. Finally, it can be done alone, with another person or in a group. For anyone who runs more than 20 miles a week, it is important to have good running shoes. Tennis shoes or sneakers won't do. Running produces stress that is three times greater than the stress of walking. With this added stress to our feet and legs, we need good shoes. The shoes should be replaced when they are worn out or worn unevenly. Cold weather poses a few problems for us joggers. The main hazard in winter-running is slipping on ice or snow. There is no danger of freezing our lungs, because our body warms the air before it reaches our lungs. In winter, we should be sure to cover the head and keep our feet as dry and warm as possible. It's best to wear layers of clothing. In summer, we must be careful not to dry out. So it is important for us to drink plenty of water on hot, humid days. The best summer wear is loose-fitting and light-colored. 【解析】 本文屬于一個小演講類文章,主要圍繞慢跑健身try jogging for fitness的話題展開,后面進(jìn)一步詳細(xì)分析了慢跑流行的三個原因,最后演講者也對選擇合適的跑鞋和分季節(jié)穿衣進(jìn)行慢跑給出了相關(guān)建議??v觀全文,難度不大,文章選材(jogging)也很貼近生活,每個人都會經(jīng)歷的話題,考生理解起來相級口譯考試于今日9月15日開考,滬江英語在考后第一時間提供真題對較容易。文章的邏輯結(jié)構(gòu)也很清晰,總說一個現(xiàn)象,然后具體分析原因。通篇基本沒有生難詞,抓住核心詞jogging是理解本文的關(guān)鍵所在。

  • 2014年3月中級口譯聽力真題Talks and Conversations含解析

    2014年春季上海中高級口譯考試于今日3月16日開考,滬江英語在考后第一時間提供真題、解析、答案信息,本文為2014年3月中級口譯聽力真題Talks and Conversations 部分,由滬江網(wǎng)校提供。 Talks and Conversations 1 Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following conversation. W: Jack, where is the memorandum? M: Which memorandum? W: The one from the executive vice president's