• 【淘金專四聽寫】061 訂婚

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together. The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring and places it on the third finger of her

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】067 社交網(wǎng)絡

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 Social networking and blogs have now become more popular than sending personal emails. The idea behind these sites is that of global online communities. To join a community you need to create a personal profile. Then you can connect with your friends, share

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】018 中心公園

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 Central Park in New York City is the first major city park in America. It contains more than 340 hectares of land. The designer's goal is to make a beautiful natural environment with lakes, woods and open areas for all the people of New York to enjoy. About 25

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】026 美國電影

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 American Movies do not attempt to show the lives of all the people of the United States. Many movies contain some truth. But even a movie that deals with true subjects represents the ideas of the person who wrote it, the people who acted in it and the person who

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】047 啦啦隊

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 Cheerleaders are part of athletic competitions throughout the United States. They lead the crowd in cheering for the team it likes best. Most cheerleaders in the early years were men. That changed during World War II, when large numbers of young men left

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】052 美國氣候

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 The United States is one of the biggest countries in the world. It has all sorts of geography, from deserts to beaches, mountains to flatlands. These conditions help create all sorts of weather: mild, moderate and extreme. In the summer, some areas get very hot

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】053 龍卷風

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 A tornado is a violently turning tube of air suspended from a thick cloud. It extends from a thunderstorm in the sky down to the ground. The shape is like a funnel: wide at the top, narrower at the bottom. Tornadoes form when winds blowing in different directions

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】075 找工作

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 There are many ways to find a job. It can be as easy as walking into a neighborhood store to look at its announcement board. Local stores often have areas where people can put small signs telling what kind of service they need or can provide. Such services include

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】038 西點軍校

    2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 West Point is the four-year military school in New York State that educates future Army officers. The students are called cadets. They do not have to pay for their education. All student costs are paid by the United States Army. But the students do have to agree to serve on active duty in the Army for at least five years after they graduate. It is difficult to become a student at West Point. Only about 15 percent of students who apply are accepted. They must be nominated to the academy, usually by a federal or state lawmaker. Nominees also must satisfy the entrance requirements. These include excellent physical condition and high marks in school. West Point also accepts a limited number of international students nominated by their home government. They also must satisfy the physical and educational requirements. After graduation they return to their home countries to serve in their country's army. 西點一所是位于紐約,為部隊培養(yǎng)未來軍事人員的四年制軍事學校。該校的學生被稱作"警官學員"。他們不用交學費。所有學生的開銷都由美國軍方承擔。但是學員們不得不在他們畢業(yè)后,至少在部隊服現(xiàn)役5年。成為西點的學生是件非常不易的事情。只有大約15%的學生會被選中。他們必須由中學,通常是聯(lián)邦或各州的立法者提名。提名者同樣必須滿足入學條件。其中包括了出色的體質(zhì)條件和在校期間良好的成績。西點也接受極少數(shù)量的外國學生,他們也需要自己國家政府的提名。畢業(yè)后這些外國學生會返回自己的國家并在軍隊中服役。 ——譯文來自: 好愛棋柯魚 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 【淘金專四聽寫】001 大學生活

    要在第一年住在學校的宿舍里。男女生常四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫住在同一棟樓的不同樓層。一些宿舍有一個主題,比如國際宿舍,里面的學生可以相互了解其他的文化。在語言宿舍,學生盡可能避免使用母語,其目的是學習一門不同的語言。大學里有很多社團供學生參加。包括政治,宗教服務俱樂部,以及唱歌,跳舞,烹飪甚至學習玩魔術的活動群。學校也有內(nèi)部運動社團。對那些不想加入校隊,但是想與其他同學進行有組織運動的學生很適用。如果一個新的社團或活動吸引了足夠多學生的興趣。就會得到校方的認可。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>