[en]A new study finds that an active lifestyle may help protect against Alzheimer's-related brain changes in people who have a well-known genetic risk factor. This factor is the e4 [w]allele[/w] (version) of the [w]apolipoprotein[/w] E (APOE) gene.[/en] [cn]一項新的研究表明經(jīng)常運動能幫助那些有老年癡呆癥遺傳因素的人們降低患病風(fēng)險。這種遺傳
2012-01-28 -
癥文中描述了海藻中的糖如何抑制腸道中某些細菌的,這些細菌會導(dǎo)致神經(jīng)退化和大腦炎癥,從而導(dǎo)致老年癡呆。[/cn] [en]This mechanism was confirmed during a clinical trial carried out by Green Valley, a Shanghai-based pharmaceutical company that will be bringing the new drug to market.[/en][cn]這一機制在上海的綠谷制藥公司進行的臨床試驗中得到了證實,該公司將把這種新藥推向市場。[/cn] [en]Conducted on 818 patients, the trial found that Oligomannate -- which is derived from brown algae -- can
2013-04-11 -
遠比其他出現(xiàn)癡呆癥狀的老年人年輕。正是這不尋常的年紀,讓阿爾茨海默對她的大腦病理產(chǎn)老年癡呆癥在雙語者身上出現(xiàn)更晚 2007年生了興趣。 那時,厄恩斯特·徠茲(Ernst Leitz)與卡爾·蔡斯(Carl Zeiss)已將光學(xué)顯微鏡技術(shù)大大推進,而著名的神經(jīng)病理學(xué)家弗朗茨·尼斯(Franz Nissl)所發(fā)明的尼氏染色法更為科學(xué)家們觀察神經(jīng)細胞提供了極大的便利。正是在這樣的背景之下,阿爾茨海默將這名患者的大腦樣品固定、染色、切片,放在了顯微鏡下。 出現(xiàn)在阿爾茨海默面前的,是令人吃驚、異常顯著的病理特征:棕色斑塊在大腦皮層隨處可見,這些斑塊表面布滿短而彎的線段,仿佛是一塊吸鐵石上亂七八糟地吸滿大頭針。同時,毛線團般的纖維像野草一樣充滿神經(jīng)細胞的內(nèi)部。后來人們意識到,正是這些具有
2011-03-31 -
取得成功,最終會幫老年癡呆我們找到檢測患病風(fēng)險的新方法。[/cn] [en]"Understanding the factors that can increase the risk of dementia is vital in helping us improve our knowledge of this devastating condition and, where possible, developing prevention strategies," explains the Alzheimer's Society Director of Research and Influencing, Fiona Carragher.[/en][cn]阿爾茨海默癥協(xié)會研究與影響主任Fiona Carragher解釋說:“找到增加患癡呆風(fēng)險的因素很重要,能幫助我們提高對這種毀滅性情況的認知,甚至可以幫我們找到預(yù)防的方法?!盵/cn] ? 翻譯:菲菲
當目睹父親受老年癡呆折磨,世界健康專家阿蘭娜-莎客對如何面對老年癡呆癥有了不同看法。她正執(zhí)行自己明確的三個目標來準備--當老年癡呆癥在她身上到來之時。 I'd like to talk about my dad. My dad has[w] Alzheimer's disease[/w]. He started showing the symptoms about 12 years ago, and he was officially [w=diagnose]diagnosed[/w] in 2005. Now he's really pretty sick. He needs help
2012-12-25 -
咖啡毫無疑問是美國人最喜愛的飲料,每天喝上幾杯咖啡早已成為了人們的生活習(xí)慣。最近美國的健康專家經(jīng)過對小白鼠進行咖啡因?qū)嶒灪蟮贸鼋Y(jié)論,咖啡因不僅僅只是一種飲料,它還對人們的健康有利。研究表明,咖啡因能夠有效減少老年癡呆癥患者的記憶力減弱。這一結(jié)論對于很多人來說是福音。因為畢竟咖啡是我們?nèi)粘I畈豢扇鄙俚娘嬈?,如果單喝咖啡就能減弱老年癡呆癥的癥狀,那么不僅給治療帶來很大的便利,而且還能降低治療的成本。 In this morning's Healthcare Watch, caffeine and [w]Alzheimer's disease[/w]. Two new studies have found that your morning cup of joe might help prevent memory loss due to Alzheimer's disease. Our own doctor Jennifer Ashton is here to talk about it. Good morning. Good morning, Maggie. So these are two studies that were done on mice. Please tell me they didn't give these much coffee to the little mice. They didn't. They were very [w]humane[/w]. They gave the [w]equivalent[/w] of 500 milligrams of caffeine per day to little lab mice, who have been induced to have the same type of memory changes as we see in Alzheimer's disease. And they found a very positive effect on their memory and thinking actions over a two-month period, so put another one in the column of a good effect of caffeine. So this is how much a human being would have to drink if the scenario is created in our world. Correct. And it looks like a lot. But it's important to realize that now when we go to a deli or a Starbucks, this could actually just be equivalent of 2 1/2 large or Grande cups of coffee a day. So while it's a little bit more than most people have in the morning, it's actually not such an excessive amount. How quickly did they see the effect on these mice? How long did it last? They saw it over a two-month time period and they are still following them. So it's not yet known whether they change is appeared to be permanent or not. Their thinking is that actually the caffeine worked by decreasing the [w]inflammation[/w] in the brain, cuts down on the buildup of protein we see in the brain of people with Alzheimer's disease. How encouraging is this, Jen? I think it's very encouraging, you know. So many people are affected by Alzheimer's. It's important to remember that caffeine is a drug. This is something that's obviously [w]readily[/w] [w]accessible[/w] in our environment [w]practically[/w]. It's part of most people's day-to-day and something that can have a positive effect like this is very important and very encouraging. Could you encourage people who are aging to drink more coffee in light of this? It's important to realize the study did not find really a [w]preventive[/w] effect, but more of a [w]therapeutic[/w] effect. So more studies are needed, but sounds good. ? 小編特別推薦:滬江最新部落版聽寫系統(tǒng),每日VOA&BBC聽寫無止境! 點擊申請加入最新部落版每日聽寫學(xué)習(xí)>>>?聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。
一道,這會是一件非常讓人沮喪的事情。但這家餐廳卻別出機杼——在東京就有一家“上錯菜的料理店”,它雇傭的服務(wù)員都是患有老年癡呆癥的老人。[/cn] [en]The [w]premise[/w] of the pop-up restaurant, which was in a trial period from June 2 – June 4, 2017, was that the staff who have dementia may get your order wrong. But if you go in knowing this upfront, it changes your
在他夜晚起床的時候鼓勵他去上廁所。它能開啟燈光,幫助他找到去廁所的路。我們同樣使用了很多聲音提示。我們錄制了他女兒的聲音來幫助他。如果他在晚上出現(xiàn)了不安的跡象,我們將鼓勵他回到床上睡覺。 房屋的自動反應(yīng) 病人在試驗住房里居住了一年。當他去世的時候,他已經(jīng)沒有自制力方面的問題。他的夜游行為減少了百分之五十,睡眠時間增加到每晚六小時。奧普伍德說:“現(xiàn)在,試驗房屋可以自己做出反應(yīng)。房屋能自動打開燈,自動播放語言提示,自動將忘關(guān)的水龍頭關(guān)閉,為忘記斷電的爐子斷電。雖然它不能提供人類照料者能提供的情感關(guān)懷,但是它能自動完成硬件設(shè)備上對病人的照料?!边@些系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計便于醫(yī)療保健專業(yè)人士的監(jiān)督。奧普伍德相信,如果有制造商對它感興趣,五年之內(nèi)這些系統(tǒng)就能進入病人的家庭。 該文章內(nèi)容及試題來源于英國總領(lǐng)事館文化教育處