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  • 《生活大爆炸》第五季:Leonard&Penny繼續(xù)糾纏不清

    到了分手的邊緣,不過第五季中他們將會決生活大爆炸定將這段戀情保持在藕斷絲連的狀態(tài)——雖然到時候他們已經(jīng)相聚7500英里了。[/cn] [en]“We’re going to put Leonard in a long distance relationship with Priya,” says Prady. Couple that set-up with the fact that Penny (Kaley Cuoco) still has feelings for her [w]brainy[/w] ex, and the result is “Leonard with two women and no sex,” Prady [w=chuckle]chuckles[/w].[/en][cn]我們將會讓Leonard和Priya來個異地戀,”Prady說。另外Penny對自己的書呆前男友也就是Leonard仍然有情,兩項加在一起的結(jié)果就是“Leonard和兩個女人談著無性愛的戀愛,”Prady笑著說。[/cn]

  • 看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第三集(1):Penny沉迷網(wǎng)游

    看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第三集 【劇情介紹】 Penny最近覺得諸事不順,在Sheldon的帶領(lǐng)下開始沉迷網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲世界,這可害生活大爆炸學英語第二季第三苦了Sheldon, 工作生活都大受影響,他正在想辦法把Penny帶回正軌. Raj:Hey,what's with him? LEONARD: Penny's been keeping him up at night. HOWARD:Me,too. But probably in a different way. LEONARD: She's gotten really hooked on Age of Conan. She's playing nonstop. Raj:Ah,yes,online gaming [w]addiction[/w]. There's nothing worse than having that multi-player monkey on your back. LEONARD: Sheldon, wake up! SHELDON: Danger! Danger! LESLIE: Afternoon,men. Sheldon SHELDON: Oh,yeah? Well,your attempt at [w=juvenilize]juvenilizing[/w] me by excluding me from the set of adult males, just Oh, I'm too tired to do this. LESLIE: That's right, I heard you've been pulling all-nighters with Middle Earth Barbie. SHELDON: She comes into my room. No one's supposed to be in my room. LESLIE: I would[w] postulate[/w] that she's escaping into the online world to compensate for her sexual [w]frustration[/w]. HOWARD: I do that,too. But probably in a different way. LEONARD: That's not what she's doing, Leslie. She's just trying to shore up her self-esteem. It has nothing to do with sex. LESLIE: Everything has to do with sex. HOWARD: Mm, testify. LESLIE: I'm not touching that. LEONARD: Leslie, you are way off base here. SHELDON: Hang on, Leonard. While I have no respect for Leslie as a scientist or a human being, for that matter, we have to concede her undeniable expertise in the interrelated fields of [w]promiscuity[/w] and general sluttiness. LESLIE:Thank you. 【口語講解】 1. get hooked on迷上,對…著迷 If our customers get hooked onthe low introductory price, they will buy and become more loyal to our brand.?如果顧客被我們的低價位所吸引,他們就會購買我們的品牌并成為更忠實的消費者。 2. compensate for補償,彌補 3. shore up支撐,支持,加固 In Shanghai, government moves to shore upthe markets to boost confidence.?在上海,政府的托市舉措旨在激勵著投資者的信心。 4. off base冷不防地,大錯特錯 Your idea is completely off base.你的想法完全是錯誤的。 5. for that matter就此而言,至于那個 It was the very first time I ever cooked forhim, or anyone else for that matter.?這可是我第一次為他洗手作羹湯,事實上我從未為任何人下過廚。

  • 《生活大爆炸》第六季精彩前瞻 三對愛侶情路各異

    會有怎樣的精彩劇情呢?[/cn] [en]"What we've always said about Penny and Leonard is they met each other at the wrong time in their lives," Prady tells us of the fan favorite couple. "They met each other at a time when Leonard is ready to settle down and Penny isn't yet and it will make things rocky for a while. And I think that until she grows up a little bit —and I don't mean emotionally, I mean [w]chronologically[/w]—I think they have challenges." Whether Leonard will wait is anyone's guess, but we're rooting for them.[/en][cn]說到粉絲們最愛的佩妮+萊納德情侶,制片人帕拉迪說:“我們一直在說佩妮和萊納德是在錯誤的時間相遇的。當他們相遇時,萊納德已經(jīng)準備安安穩(wěn)穩(wěn)過日子了,而佩妮卻還沒有,所以他們倆的情路注定會很曲折,也許只有等到佩妮長大一些才會平穩(wěn)下來。我不是指她性格變得成熟,而是真的指年齡再大一些。我想他們將會面對很多的挑戰(zhàn)?!睙o論萊納德會不會一直等待佩妮,我們都希望最終他們兩人能幸福的在一起![/cn] [en]Meanwhile, status-quo-loving Sheldon (Jim Parsons) will continue to be pushed by Amy (Mayim Bialik), whose progress in inching her [w]beau[/w] toward physical contact has surprised even the writers. "We writers find Sheldon and Amy's relationship as [w]peculiar[/w] and unpredictable as the audience does and we always start from the point of view that Sheldon will permit no advancement whatsoever," Prady says. "We are always surprised when Amy is able to get him to move forward in the relationship."[/en][cn]同時,艾米將繼續(xù)向“戀愛中”的謝爾頓發(fā)動愛的攻勢。艾米正致力于將兩人柏拉圖式戀情緩慢的發(fā)展到身體接觸,取得的成果也令編劇吃驚不已。帕拉迪說:“就和觀眾們一樣,編劇們也覺得謝爾頓和艾米的關(guān)系既奇特罕見又難以預測。我們總是從謝爾頓的角度開始創(chuàng)作,他自然不會允許任何感情進展的發(fā)生。但我們總是驚訝于艾米能令謝爾頓不斷進步。”[/cn] [en]How long will the increasingly frustrated Amy wait, and are there cats in Sheldon's future? Prady says we'll just have to wait and see![/en][cn]屢戰(zhàn)屢敗又屢敗屢戰(zhàn)的艾米還會等待謝爾頓多久?她若是離開,謝爾頓會再去收養(yǎng)一大群貓咪嗎?帕拉迪表示大家只能等著瞧了![/cn] [en]So, aside from romance, what else can we expect to see in season six? Beverly (Christine Baranski), Leonard's [w]steely[/w], intellectual mother, and Mary (Laurie Metcalf), Sheldon's warm, lovable mother, will meet, and mother envy will [w]ensue[/w]. And at some point Sheldon and Amy's mothers will meet—though we may not get to watch, but instead will hear about it from Sheldon and Amy.[/en][cn]除了浪漫的戀情,還有什么可季中,婚禮的鐘聲會再次為《生活大爆炸期待的呢?萊納德一絲不茍的學術(shù)型媽媽貝弗莉?qū)椭x耳朵溫柔慈愛的媽媽瑪麗見面,萊納德和謝耳朵肯定又要嫉妒對方有這么“好”的媽媽了。同時在某一集中謝爾頓的媽媽將會和艾米的媽媽見面,雖然我們可能看不到這個畫面,但會從謝爾頓和艾米的對話中了解到那時的情況。[/cn]

  • 看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第三集(1) 防狼噴霧

    看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第三集(1) 【劇情介紹】 Leonard撞見Penny和其新男友心情極度不好,Sheldon和Howard以他們獨特的方式為Leonard"減輕"痛苦. SHELDON: Penny for your thoughts. RAJ: What's the matter? LEONARD: No, I'm fine. Penny's fine, the guy she's kissing is really fine. HOWARD:Kissing? What kind of kissing? Cheeks, lips, chase, French? LEONARD: What is wrong with you? Howard: I'm a romantic. SHELDON: Don't tell me that your hopeless[w] infatuation[/w] is [w=devolve]devolving[/w] into [w]pointless[/w] jealousy. LEONARD: Look, I'm not jealous. I'm just a little concerned for her. HOWARD: Didn't like the look of the guy she was with.Because he looks better than you? LEONARD: yeah, He was kind of [w]dreamy[/w]. SHELDON: At least now you can [w]retrieve[/w] the black box from the [w=smolder]smoldering[/w] [w]wreckage[/w] that was once your fantasy of dating her and analyze the data so that you don't crash into [w]geek[/w] mountain again. HOWARD:I disagree. Love is not a [w]sprint[/w]. It's a marathon. A [w]relentless[/w] pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms or hits you with the pepper spray. 【口語講解】 1 Penny for your thoughts 分享一下你在想什么,告訴我你在想什么. Sheldon很聰明地用了個諺語其中有Penny的名字哦. 2 Devolve into 演變成...devolve本身是轉(zhuǎn)讓移交的意思. 3 dreamy夢幻的,夢想的.看了<實習醫(yī)生格蕾>(與TBBT并列小編生活大爆炸學英語第一季第三目前最愛)的童鞋一定對這個詞不陌生Doctor Shepherd=Mc Dreamy, 今后描述帥哥美女的時候,別再beautiful了,試試這個給力的詞. 4 black box 黑匣子, 飛機失事時經(jīng)??梢月牭降脑~語,找回黑匣子用retrieve. Sheldon說的這段話好長,生詞也很多-_-b ,但是好形象啊,諷刺Leonard不帶一個臟字,不愧是Sheldon. 5 smoldering陰燃,慢燃的。從The New York Times看到一則新聞?wù)f:Europe’s smoldering financial crisis flared up on Wednesday...也是用形象的手法描述了歐洲的經(jīng)濟危機狀況,值得學習哦。 6?pepper spray. “防狼噴霧”, 美劇中女性隨身常備用品.Howard對愛的總結(jié)很深刻嘛,一定是深有體會哈:p.

  • 《生活大爆炸》第六季:拉杰戀上《老友記》菲比?

    After treating his iPhone's Suri like a girlfriend last season, The Big Bang Theory's Raj (Kunal Nayyar) will finally be getting a real love interest. And costar Kaley Cuoco thinks it would make sense if Raj hooked up with Penny's never-been-seen mom. "I know they're thinking about introducing her, and I've always wanted Lisa Kudrow to play her," Cuoco says. "I imagine her to be a skanky, dirty, trailer trashy cougar, [w=hit]hitting[/w] on the boys. I'd love for her to go after Raj." Showrunner Bill Prady took to Cuoco's pitch right away. "That's not a bad idea," he says. "Raj is a little broken and [w]desperately[/w] wants to be in a relationship with anyone who would have him, and we can assume Penny's mom would be an [w]attractive[/w] woman. She could be the woman to help him put his broken pieces back together." ??在上一季《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)中,拉杰(Raj)待iPhone的語音系統(tǒng)Suri如摯愛女友。而下一季中,他終于要迎來一位真正的戀愛對象啦!卡莉·庫措(Kaley Cuoco)覺得佩妮(Penny)尚未露面的老媽就應(yīng)當是這位戀愛對象。 庫措說:“我知道他們在考慮引入佩妮媽媽的角色,我一直都希望麗莎·庫卓(Lisa Kudrow 《老友記》菲比)來扮演佩妮的媽媽。在我腦海中,她的媽媽應(yīng)該是個惹人厭煩,言語挑逗的熟女。我想看到她去調(diào)戲拉杰。” 制片人比爾·普拉迪(Bill Prady)接過話柄說:“這還真不是一個壞主意。如今拉杰既心碎又絕望,他愿意與任何想要和他在一起的人談戀愛。而且我們可以猜到佩妮的媽媽肯定是位迷人的女士。說不定她能夠修補好拉杰破碎的心呢?!??

  • 《生活大爆炸》第五季11集中英雙語預告片

    be nice.[/en][cn]真是太好了。[/cn] [en]We open our home to Jimmy,and once he's at sleep. We kill him.[/en][cn]等Jimmy在我們家睡著的時候,干掉他。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》[/cn] [en]I said it would be nice,I didn't say we should do it.[/en][cn]我說這很棒,又沒說我們真的應(yīng)該下手。[/cn] [en]A new episode CBS Thursday.[/en][cn]新的一集,周四就在CBS。 [/cn] MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟>>

  • 《生活大爆炸》第六季:我們不會在劇中看到Amy的手

    解決這個問題嗎?或者是我們有沒有必要把它寫進劇本里?...最終我們決定藏起它,不讓這只手出鏡。[/cn] [en]Bialik also countered reports that she had lost a finger in the accident, which happened when another driver made an illegal turn in front of her. "It doesn't look so great, it doesn't feel so great," she admitted. "But all my fingers are there. They all work."[/en][cn]Bialik否認了自己在車禍中失去手指的消息,這場車禍是對方司機的違法違法拐彎造成的。“情況看著不太妙,感覺也的確不太妙,”她承認?!暗俏业乃惺种甘嵌急W×恕K鼈児δ芏歼€完整。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory premieres Thursday, Sept. 27 at 8/7c.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》第六季將會在北京時間9月28日首播。[/cn]

  • 生活大爆炸21日播第九季 盤點幕后軼聞10則

    [en]The Big Bang Theory, CBS’s high-rated sitcom, will kick off its ninth season on September 21. In the meantime, geek out with these facts about the long-running [w]cerebral[/w] comedy.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸

  • 《生活大爆炸》第五季:技術(shù)宅男團遭遇老同學!


  • 《生活大爆炸》季末劇透:萊納德和佩妮能否繼續(xù)在一起?

    傳奇人物鮑勃·紐哈特也會在5月2日播出的大爆炸中扮演普騰教授——萊納德和謝爾頓兒時的英雄。[/cn] [en]"I specified 'Big Bang' because of the writing and the live audience," Newhart told TV Guide, noting that the last scene "sets it up for me to return a couple more times next season."[/en] [cn]“我選擇《生活大爆炸》是因為他的劇本和現(xiàn)場觀眾,”紐哈特告訴TV Line,并指出劇中最后一幕的設(shè)定也會讓他在下季中有更多的出場。[/cn]