滋養(yǎng)你的才能,恨卻毒害它,使其完全枯萎。 【讀書筆記】 1、remote?a.遙遠的;久遠的;偏僻的;(希望,可能性)微乎其微的;遙控的 【舉例】the remotest corners of the earth?天涯海角 the remote past/future 久遠的過去/將來 The prospect is remote. 前途渺茫。 remote controller 遙控器 2、meagre a.質(zhì)量差的,粗劣的;瘦的;(思想等)貧乏的; 【舉例】a meagre diet?粗茶淡飯 a meagre harvest?歉收 a small, meagre man 瘦小的男子 Her knowledge of music is meagre. 她的音樂知識很貧乏。 3、petty a.小的,瑣碎的;心胸狹窄的;下級的,從屬的 【舉例】petty details 細枝末節(jié) It was petty for her not to accept the apology.?她不接受道歉,心胸未免有些狹窄。 petty [w]officialdom[/w] 小官僚們 4、foster v.培養(yǎng),促進;照顧;抱有(希望等) 【舉例】foster a spirit of cooperation 培養(yǎng)合作精神 foster inflation 刺激通貨膨脹 foster the sick 照料病人 foster a desire for revenge 心懷復(fù)仇的夙愿 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Hate blinds people. You were not aware of that.?Love can read the writing on the remotest star,?but Hate so blinded you that you could see no further?than the narrow, walled-in, and already [w]lust[/w]-[w=wither]withered[/w]?garden of your common desires. Your terrible lack of?imagination, the one really fatal defect of your?character, was entirely the result of the Hate that?lived in you. Subtly, silently, and in secret, Hate [w=gnaw]gnawed[/w] at your nature, as the [w]lichen[/w] bites at the root of?some sallow plant, till you grew to see nothing but?the most meagre interests and the most petty aims.?That [w]faculty[/w] in you which Love would have fostered,?Hate poisoned and [w=paralyse]paralysed[/w]. 【朱純深譯本】 恨使人視而不見。這你并未認識到。愛讀得出最遙遠的星辰上寫的是什么;恨卻蒙蔽了你的雙眼,使目光所及,不過是你那個窄狹的、被高墻所圍堵、因放縱而枯萎的傖俗欲念的小園子。你想象力缺乏得可怕,這是你性格上唯一真正致命的缺點,而這又是你心中的仇恨造成的。不知不覺地、悄悄地、暗暗地,仇恨啃咬著你的人性,就像苔蘚咬住植物的根使之萎黃,到后來眼里裝的便只有最瑣屑的利益和最卑下的目的。你那本來可以通過愛來扶植的才智,已經(jīng)被仇恨毒化而萎蔫了。 【孫宜學(xué)譯本】 恨使人盲目,你沒有意識到這一點。愛能讓人讀到寫在最遙遠的星球上的文字,但恨使你如此盲目,你只能看到自己狹隘的、用墻封閉起來的、已經(jīng)被貪欲燒枯了的平庸欲望的花園。你的想像力缺乏得可怕——這是你性格中一種真正致命的缺陷,它完全是你身上的恨所結(jié)的果實。恨微妙地、靜靜地、秘密地嚙吃著你的本性,就像苔鮮緊緊咬住某種灰黃色植物的根,直到你慢慢地除了最低俗的私利和最渺小的目的外什么也看不到。愛滋養(yǎng)你的才能,恨卻毒害它,使其完全枯萎。 【讀書筆記】 1、remote?a.遙遠的;久遠的;偏僻的;(希望,可能性)微乎其微的;遙控的 【舉例】the remotest corners of the earth?天涯海角 the remote past/future 久遠的過去/將來 The prospect is remote. 前途渺茫。 remote controller 遙控器 2、meagre a.質(zhì)量差的,粗劣的;瘦的;(思想等)貧乏的; 【舉例】a meagre diet?粗茶淡飯 a meagre harvest?歉收 a small, meagre man 瘦小的男子 Her knowledge of music is meagre. 她的音樂知識很貧乏。 3、petty a.小的,瑣碎的;心胸狹窄的;下級的,從屬的 【舉例】petty details 細枝末節(jié) It was petty for her not to accept the apology.?她不接受道歉,心胸未免有些狹窄。 petty [w]officialdom[/w] 小官僚們 4、foster v.培養(yǎng),促進;照顧;抱有(希望等) 【舉例】foster a spirit of cooperation 培養(yǎng)合作精神 foster inflation 刺激通貨膨脹 foster the sick 照料病人 foster a desire for revenge 心懷復(fù)仇的夙愿 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版>>
2011-05-12 -
個字可能都會變成使柔嫩的肉體燃燒或流血的外科醫(yī)生的手術(shù)刀。要記住上帝眼中的傻瓜與人眼中的傻瓜是有很大區(qū)別的。一個對革新中的藝術(shù)形式或發(fā)展中的思想情緒、對拉丁詩的華麗或元音化了的希臘語的豐富音樂性、對托斯卡納的雕刻或伊莉莎白時代的歌曲一無所知的人,仍然可能充滿著最甜蜜的智慧。真正的傻瓜,如自深深處》的原題是"de profundis",拉丁文,意為"from the depth"(從深處)。對寫著這封信的王爾德來說,當(dāng)時他身處的監(jiān)獄無異于地獄深淵。而正是在這深淵里,在無限的悲痛之中,他開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作了優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,不僅是寫給波西,也是寫給每一個有緣讀到這封信的人。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince)《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 You must read this letter right through, though each?word may become to you as the fire or knife of the?[w]surgeon[/w] that makes the [w]delicate[/w] flesh burn or [w]bleed[/w].?Remember that the fool in the eyes of the gods and?the fool in the eyes of man are very different. One?who is entirely ignorant of the modes of Art in its?revolution or the moods of thought in its progress, of?the pomp of the Latin line or the richer music of the?vowelled Greek, of Tuscan [w]sculpture[/w] or Elizabethan?song may yet be full of the very sweetest wisdom.?The real fool, such as the gods mock or mar, is he?who does not know himself. 【孫宜學(xué)譯本】 你必須從頭至尾讀完這封信,盡管對你來說,每個字可能都會變成使柔嫩的肉體燃燒或流血的外科醫(yī)生的手術(shù)刀。要記住上帝眼中的傻瓜與人眼中的傻瓜是有很大區(qū)別的。一個對革新中的藝術(shù)形式或發(fā)展中的思想情緒、對拉丁詩的華麗或元音化了的希臘語的豐富音樂性、對托斯卡納的雕刻或伊莉莎白時代的歌曲一無所知的人,仍然可能充滿著最甜蜜的智慧。真正的傻瓜,如上帝所嘲弄、毀滅的那些人,是不了解自己的人。 【朱純深譯本】 你一定要把這封信通讀,雖然信中的一詞一語會讓你覺得像外科醫(yī)生的刀與火,叫細嫩的肌膚灼痛流血。記住,諸神眼里的傻瓜和世人眼里的傻瓜是大不一樣的。藝術(shù)變革的種種方式或思想演進的種種狀態(tài)、拉丁詩的華彩或元音化的希臘語那更豐富的抑揚頓挫、意大利托斯卡納式的雕塑、伊麗莎白時代的歌調(diào),對這些一個人可以全然不知,但卻仍然充滿最美妙的智慧。真正的傻瓜,諸神用來取樂或取笑的傻瓜,是那些沒有自知之明的人。 【讀書筆記】 1、關(guān)于knife的常用短語:before you can say knife 說時遲那時快,突然。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? get/stick one's knife into sb. 加害于某人,對某人懷恨在心。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the knives are out 劍拔弩張。 2、ignorant 無知的,愚昧的 【舉例】ignorant errors 出于無知的錯誤。be ignorant of sth. 對某事一無所知。 3、in progress 在進行中?【舉例】The concert is in progress. 音樂會正在進行中。 4、mar 毀壞,玷污【舉例】The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs. 這一地區(qū)的商業(yè)廣告牌真是大煞風(fēng)景。? 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>>
2013-07-16 -
完美,從我這兒你仍然還可以得到許多。當(dāng)初你投向我,要學(xué)習(xí)生活的歡娛,藝術(shù)的歡愉。也許冥冥中安排了我來教你某種奇妙得多的東西,悲愴的意義,以及它的美好。 你摯愛的朋友 奧斯卡· 王爾德 【讀書筆記】 1、irrevocable?a.不可取消的;不可改變的;不可挽回的 【舉例】an irrevocable promise 不可收回的諾言 an irrevocable decision?不可改變的決定 2、accidental a.意外的,偶然的;非主要的,附帶的 【舉例】an accidental meeting?邂逅 There was nothing accidental about the incident.?這次事件絕不是偶然的。 Are these songs essential or accidental to the concert??這些曲子對這場音樂會來說是必要的還是可有可無的? 3、evolution?n.演變;進化;成長;發(fā)展 【舉例】the evolution of the seasons?季節(jié)的轉(zhuǎn)換 the evolution from childhood to manhood?從孩童成長為成人 the evolution of a complicated plot?復(fù)雜情節(jié)的漸次展開 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷 風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu) 美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義 運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的 重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose) ,小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Do?not be afraid of the past. If people tell you that it is?irrevocable, do not believe them. The past, the?present and the future are but one moment in the?sight of God, in whose sight we should try to live.?Time and space, succession and extension, are?merely accidental conditions of Thought. The?Imagination can transcend them, and move in a free?sphere of ideal existences. Things, also, are in their essence what we choose to make them. A thing is, [w]according[/w] to the mode in which one looks at it.?“Where others,” says Blake, “see but the Dawn?coming over the hill, I see the sons of God shouting?for joy.” What seemed to the world and to?myself my future I lost [w]irretrievably[/w] when I let?myself be taunted into taking the action against your?father: had, I dare say, lost it really long before that.?What lies before me is my past. I have got to?make myself look on that with different eyes, to?make the world look on it with different eyes, to?make God look on it with different eyes. This?I cannot do by ignoring it, or slighting it, or praising it, or denying it. It is only to be done by fully accepting it as an inevitable part of the?evolution of my life and character: by bowing my?head to everything that I have suffered. How far I am?away from the true temper of soul, this letter in its?changing, uncertain moods, its scorn and bitterness,?its?[w=aspiration]aspirations[/w]?and its failure to realise those?aspirations, shows you quite clearly. But do not?forget in what a terrible school I am sitting at my?task. And incomplete, imperfect, as I am, yet?from me you may have still much to gain. You came?to me to learn the Pleasure of Life and the Pleasure?of Art. Perhaps I am chosen to teach you something?much more wonderful, the meaning of Sorrow, and?its beauty. Your [w]affectionate[/w] friend OSCAR WILDE 【朱純深譯本】 不要懼怕過去。假如人們說過去的事無可挽回,你別信。過去、現(xiàn)在和將來,在上帝眼中不過是一個瞬間罷了。我們應(yīng)該盡量生活在上帝眼中。時間和空間,延續(xù)和拓展,不過是思想的偶然條件罷了。想象能超脫這些,在一個理想存在的自由境界中運行。事物也一樣,從本質(zhì)上說我們要它們怎樣它們就是怎樣。一事一物,是什么樣子,取決于我們看它的方式?!?別人看到的,”布萊克說,“不過是黎明越過了山頭,而我看到的,是上帝的孩子在歡欣吶喊。” 當(dāng)我受不了慫恿對你父親提出訴訟時,在世人和我自己看來似乎是前程的東西,便無可挽回地失去了;我敢說,真的早在這之前就失去了。擺在面前的是我的過去。我必須使自己以不同的眼光來看待它,使世人以不同的眼光來看待它,使上帝以不同的眼光來看待它。要做到這一點,我不能大事化了,也不能大事化小,對過去既不能褒揚,也不能抵賴;只能將它作為我生命和性格進化中不可避免的一部分,完全接受,只能對我所遭遇的一切痛苦,俯首容受。我距離靈魂的真正氣質(zhì)有多遠,這一封信,通過它變化無定的心境,它的冷嘲熱諷和痛心疾首、它的抱負以及這些抱負的無可實現(xiàn),向你表明得很清楚了。但不要忘記,我是在一間多么可怕的學(xué)校里做這份功課啊。盡管我不完滿,不完美,從我這兒你仍然還可以得到許多。當(dāng)初你投向我,要學(xué)習(xí)生活的歡娛,藝術(shù)的歡愉。也許冥冥中安排了我來教你某種奇妙得多的東西,悲愴的意義,以及它的美好。 你摯愛的朋友 奧斯卡· 王爾德 【讀書筆記】 1、irrevocable?a.不可取消的;不可改變的;不可挽回的 【舉例】an irrevocable promise 不可收回的諾言 an irrevocable decision?不可改變的決定 2、accidental a.意外的,偶然的;非主要的,附帶的 【舉例】an accidental meeting?邂逅 There was nothing accidental about the incident.?這次事件絕不是偶然的。 Are these songs essential or accidental to the concert??這些曲子對這場音樂會來說是必要的還是可有可無的? 3、evolution?n.演變;進化;成長;發(fā)展 【舉例】the evolution of the seasons?季節(jié)的轉(zhuǎn)換 the evolution from childhood to manhood?從孩童成長為成人 the evolution of a complicated plot?復(fù)雜情節(jié)的漸次展開 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版 >> 品味更多好書,歡迎關(guān)注“英語文學(xué)館”>>
2011-09-13 -
實是事物同其本身的整合,達成的外形表達著內(nèi) 涵,使靈魂獲得肉身,使肉體充滿精神?;谶@個理由,就不存在能與悲愴相提并論的真實。有些時候悲愴似乎是我唯一的真實。其他的可 能是眼睛或口腹的幻覺,變出來蒙蔽一個撐壞另一個。但天地萬象,是以悲愴建造的,一個孩子、一顆星星的誕生,都伴隨著疼痛。 【讀書筆記】 1、correspondence?n.符合;一致;呼應(yīng);相似之處;通信 【舉例】The outcome has little correspondence with/to the prediction.?結(jié)王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷 風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu) 美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義 運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的 重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose) ,小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Behind Joy and Laughter there may be a?temperament, coarse, hard and callous. But?behind Sorrow there is always Sorrow. Pain, unlike?Pleasure, wears no mask. Truth in Art is not any?correspondence between the essential idea and the?accidental existence; it is not the [w]resemblance [/w] of?shape to shadow, or of the form mirrored in the?crystal to the form itself: it is no Echo coming from a?hollow hill, any more than it is the well of silver?water in the valley that shows the Moon to the?Moon and Narcissus to Narcissus. Truth in Art?is the unity of a thing with itself: the outward?rendered expressive of the inward: the soul made?[w]incarnate[/w]: the body [w]instinct with[/w] spirit. For this?reason there is no truth comparable to Sorrow. There?are times when Sorrow seems to me to be the only?truth. Other things may be illusions of the eye or?the appetite, made to blind the one and [w]cloy[/w] the?other, but out of Sorrow have the worlds been?built, and at the birth of a child or a star there is pain. 【朱純深譯本】 歡樂與歡笑背后可能藏著一種性情,一種粗俗、刻薄、冷酷的性情。但悲愴的背后卻永遠是悲愴。痛苦,不像痛快,是不戴面具的 。藝術(shù)的真實,不在于本質(zhì)的意念和偶然的存在之間的任何對應(yīng);不是形與影的相似,或者說形式本身同映在水晶中的那個形式的相似;也 不是空山回音,或者幽谷中的一汪清水,把月亮倒映給月亮,把水仙倒映給水仙。藝術(shù)的真實是事物同其本身的整合,達成的外形表達著內(nèi) 涵,使靈魂獲得肉身,使肉體充滿精神?;谶@個理由,就不存在能與悲愴相提并論的真實。有些時候悲愴似乎是我唯一的真實。其他的可 能是眼睛或口腹的幻覺,變出來蒙蔽一個撐壞另一個。但天地萬象,是以悲愴建造的,一個孩子、一顆星星的誕生,都伴隨著疼痛。 【讀書筆記】 1、correspondence?n.符合;一致;呼應(yīng);相似之處;通信 【舉例】The outcome has little correspondence with/to the prediction.?結(jié)果與預(yù)測不怎么相符。 There is a lack of correspondence between his words and his actions.?他言行不一。 There are many correspondences between the two plays. 這兩個劇本有許多相似之處。 keep up correspondence with sb. 與某人保持通信 2、essential?a.必要的;本質(zhì)的;基本的;精髓的 【舉例】Food is essential to life.?食物對生命是絕對必要的。 an essential difference?本質(zhì)的差別 an essential requirement for the job 這項工作的基本要求 3、hollow?a.空的;空心的;凹陷的;空洞的;虛偽的 【舉例】a hollow tree?中空的樹 hollow eyes?凹陷的雙眼 hollow joys 空歡喜 a hollow friend 假朋友 4、expressive?a.表達的;富于表現(xiàn)力的;意味深長的 【舉例】A baby's cry may be expressive of hunger.?嬰兒的啼哭可能表示饑餓。 She has wonderfully expressive eyes.?她有一雙會說話的眼睛。 an expressive silence?意味深長的沉默 《自深深 處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版 >>
2011-07-11 -
深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Blindness may be carried so far that it?becomes [w]grotesque[/w], and an unimaginative nature, if?something be not done to rouse it, will become?[w=petrify]petrified[/w]?into absolute insensibility, so that while the?body may eat, and drink, and have its pleasures, the?soul, whose house it is, may, like the soul of Branca?d'Oria in Dante, be dead absolutely.? Why did you not write to me? Was it [w]cowardice[/w]??Was it [w]callousness[/w]? What was it? The fact that I was?outraged with you, and had expressed my sense of?the outrage, was all the more reason for writing. If?you thought my letter just, you should have written.?If you thought it in the smallest point unjust, you?should have written. I waited for a letter. I felt sure?that at last you would see that, if old affection,?much-protested love, the thousand acts of illrequited?kindness I had showered on you, the?thousand unpaid debts of gratitude you owed me—that if all these were nothing to you, mere duty?itself, most [w]barren[/w] of all bonds between man and?man, should have made you write 【朱純深譯本】 蒙蔽之深會變成怪異;而一份沒有想象力的心性,如果不去喚醒的話,會變成石頭般的冥頑不靈。如此一來,肉體可以吃可以喝可以享樂,而以肉體為寓的靈魂,會像但丁筆下布蘭卡·德奧里亞的靈魂那樣,永無復(fù)活之日了。 為什么你不給我寫信?是怯懦嗎?是無動于衷嗎?是什么呢?我對你發(fā)脾氣,在信中發(fā)了脾氣,這更應(yīng)該是你寫信的理由啊。如果認為我信中說的有理,你應(yīng)該寫了信來。如果認為我說的有一點點的不合理,你應(yīng)該寫了信來。我等著一封信。我確實感到,你終究會明白的,如果舊日的感情、那世人頗不以為然的愛、我千百次向你表示的善而不得善報的盛意、你千百次欠我的尚未回報的人情,倘若這一切你認為是不值一提的話,那么光是履行義務(wù),這人與人之間最無情意可言的契約關(guān)系, 也該使你動筆了。 【讀書筆記】 1、rouse?v.喚醒;驚起;激起(情感); 【舉例】rouse sb. from a deep sleep?把某人從沉睡中喚醒 The boat roused wild ducks to flight.?船驚飛了野鴨。 rouse opposition to aggression?激起反侵略的情緒 2、outrage?v.激怒;激起義憤;傷害(感情等);違反 【舉例】He was outraged by the injustice.?他對這種不公正感到憤慨。 Such conduct outrages our normal sense of decency.?這種行為有悖常理。 outrage rules of morality 踐踏道德準(zhǔn)則 3、protest v.抗議,反對;提出異議;申明 【舉例】protest at unemployment and inflation?抗議失業(yè)及通貨膨脹 They protested about her remaining in office. 他們反對她留任。 The defendant protested his innocence.?被告堅決聲稱他無罪。 4、requite v.報答;補償;報復(fù) 【舉例】requite kindness with ingratitude 以怨報德 requite an obligation 還人情 requite one's love 回報某人的愛 requite a traitor with death 以死刑懲處叛徒 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Blindness may be carried so far that it?becomes [w]grotesque[/w], and an unimaginative nature, if?something be not done to rouse it, will become?[w=petrify]petrified[/w]?into absolute insensibility, so that while the?body may eat, and drink, and have its pleasures, the?soul, whose house it is, may, like the soul of Branca?d'Oria in Dante, be dead absolutely.? Why did you not write to me? Was it [w]cowardice[/w]??Was it [w]callousness[/w]? What was it? The fact that I was?outraged with you, and had expressed my sense of?the outrage, was all the more reason for writing. If?you thought my letter just, you should have written.?If you thought it in the smallest point unjust, you?should have written. I waited for a letter. I felt sure?that at last you would see that, if old affection,?much-protested love, the thousand acts of illrequited?kindness I had showered on you, the?thousand unpaid debts of gratitude you owed me—that if all these were nothing to you, mere duty?itself, most [w]barren[/w] of all bonds between man and?man, should have made you write 【朱純深譯本】 蒙蔽之深會變成怪異;而一份沒有想象力的心性,如果不去喚醒的話,會變成石頭般的冥頑不靈。如此一來,肉體可以吃可以喝可以享樂,而以肉體為寓的靈魂,會像但丁筆下布蘭卡·德奧里亞的靈魂那樣,永無復(fù)活之日了。 為什么你不給我寫信?是怯懦嗎?是無動于衷嗎?是什么呢?我對你發(fā)脾氣,在信中發(fā)了脾氣,這更應(yīng)該是你寫信的理由啊。如果認為我信中說的有理,你應(yīng)該寫了信來。如果認為我說的有一點點的不合理,你應(yīng)該寫了信來。我等著一封信。我確實感到,你終究會明白的,如果舊日的感情、那世人頗不以為然的愛、我千百次向你表示的善而不得善報的盛意、你千百次欠我的尚未回報的人情,倘若這一切你認為是不值一提的話,那么光是履行義務(wù),這人與人之間最無情意可言的契約關(guān)系, 也該使你動筆了。 【讀書筆記】 1、rouse?v.喚醒;驚起;激起(情感); 【舉例】rouse sb. from a deep sleep?把某人從沉睡中喚醒 The boat roused wild ducks to flight.?船驚飛了野鴨。 rouse opposition to aggression?激起反侵略的情緒 2、outrage?v.激怒;激起義憤;傷害(感情等);違反 【舉例】He was outraged by the injustice.?他對這種不公正感到憤慨。 Such conduct outrages our normal sense of decency.?這種行為有悖常理。 outrage rules of morality 踐踏道德準(zhǔn)則 3、protest v.抗議,反對;提出異議;申明 【舉例】protest at unemployment and inflation?抗議失業(yè)及通貨膨脹 They protested about her remaining in office. 他們反對她留任。 The defendant protested his innocence.?被告堅決聲稱他無罪。 4、requite v.報答;補償;報復(fù) 【舉例】requite kindness with ingratitude 以怨報德 requite an obligation 還人情 requite one's love 回報某人的愛 requite a traitor with death 以死刑懲處叛徒 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版>>
2011-06-02 -
深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Where there is Sorrow there is holy ground.?Some day you will realise what that means. You will?know nothing of life till you do. Robbie, and natures?like his, can realise it. When I was brought down?from my prison to the Court of Bankruptcy?between two policemen, Robbie waited in the long?[w]dreary[/w] corridor, that before the whole crowd,?whom an action so sweet and simple [w=hush]hushed[/w] into?silence, he might gravely raise his hat to me, as?[w=handcuff]handcuffed[/w]?and with bowed head I passed him?by. Men have gone to heaven for smaller things?than that. It was in this spirit, and with this mode?of love that the saints knelt down to wash the feet?of the poor, or stooped to kiss the [w]leper[/w] on the?cheek.?When Wisdom?has been profitless to me, and Philosophy barren,?and the [w=proverb]proverbs[/w] and phrases of those who have?sought to give me consolation as dust and ashes in?my mouth, the memory of that little lowly silent?act of Love has unsealed for me all the wells of?pity, made the desert blossom like a rose, and?brought me out of the bitterness of lonely exile?into harmony with the wounded, broken and?great heart of the world. 【朱純深譯本】 悲愴中自有圣潔之境。總有一天你會領(lǐng)悟其中意思。否則就是對生活一無所知。羅比以及像他那種心地的人會明白的。當(dāng)我夾在兩個警察當(dāng)中從監(jiān)獄里被帶到破產(chǎn)法庭時,羅比等在那長長的、凄涼的過道里,我戴著手銬低著頭從他身邊走過,這時他能莊重地當(dāng)眾揚起帽子向我致意,這親切的、簡簡單單的一個動作,一下子讓在場的人鴉雀無聲。比這更小的舉動就足以讓人進天堂了。正是本著這種精神,正是因著這種愛,圣人會跪下給窮人洗腳,會俯身親吻麻風(fēng)病人的臉頰。在這個智慧于我無益,達觀于我無補,引經(jīng)據(jù)典安慰我的話于我如同灰土的時候,那小小的、謙恭的、無聲的愛之舉動,想起它,就為我開啟了所有憐憫的源泉:讓沙漠如玫瑰盛開,帶我脫離囚牢的孤單與苦痛,讓我與世界那顆受傷的、破碎的、偉大的心相依相連。 【讀書筆記】 1、grave?a.嚴肅的;莊重的;嚴重的;低沉的 【舉例】His manner was grave and calm.?他舉止莊重沉著。 a grave disease?重病 a grave decision?重大決定 2、bow?v.鞠躬;下跪;讓步;屈從;點頭表示同意 【舉例】bow to greet sb.?欠身迎接某人 bow to the [w]inevitable[/w]?聽天由命 bow before mone and power?在金錢和權(quán)勢面前俯首帖耳 【相關(guān)詞匯】 bowed?a.低垂的;低頭弓背的 3、seek?v.[過去式及過去分詞:sought]尋找;探求;試圖,設(shè)法(后接不定式) 【舉例】seek a quarrel 尋釁滋事 seek fame 沽名釣譽 He has sought to explain it. 他一直都試圖對這件事作出解釋。 4、exile v.流放;使長期離開家鄉(xiāng) n. 流亡,背井離鄉(xiāng);流亡者 【舉例】He was exiled from his country for life.?他被終生放逐國外。 send sb. into exile 放逐某人 a government in exile 流亡政府 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Where there is Sorrow there is holy ground.?Some day you will realise what that means. You will?know nothing of life till you do. Robbie, and natures?like his, can realise it. When I was brought down?from my prison to the Court of Bankruptcy?between two policemen, Robbie waited in the long?[w]dreary[/w] corridor, that before the whole crowd,?whom an action so sweet and simple [w=hush]hushed[/w] into?silence, he might gravely raise his hat to me, as?[w=handcuff]handcuffed[/w]?and with bowed head I passed him?by. Men have gone to heaven for smaller things?than that. It was in this spirit, and with this mode?of love that the saints knelt down to wash the feet?of the poor, or stooped to kiss the [w]leper[/w] on the?cheek.?When Wisdom?has been profitless to me, and Philosophy barren,?and the [w=proverb]proverbs[/w] and phrases of those who have?sought to give me consolation as dust and ashes in?my mouth, the memory of that little lowly silent?act of Love has unsealed for me all the wells of?pity, made the desert blossom like a rose, and?brought me out of the bitterness of lonely exile?into harmony with the wounded, broken and?great heart of the world. 【朱純深譯本】 悲愴中自有圣潔之境。總有一天你會領(lǐng)悟其中意思。否則就是對生活一無所知。羅比以及像他那種心地的人會明白的。當(dāng)我夾在兩個警察當(dāng)中從監(jiān)獄里被帶到破產(chǎn)法庭時,羅比等在那長長的、凄涼的過道里,我戴著手銬低著頭從他身邊走過,這時他能莊重地當(dāng)眾揚起帽子向我致意,這親切的、簡簡單單的一個動作,一下子讓在場的人鴉雀無聲。比這更小的舉動就足以讓人進天堂了。正是本著這種精神,正是因著這種愛,圣人會跪下給窮人洗腳,會俯身親吻麻風(fēng)病人的臉頰。在這個智慧于我無益,達觀于我無補,引經(jīng)據(jù)典安慰我的話于我如同灰土的時候,那小小的、謙恭的、無聲的愛之舉動,想起它,就為我開啟了所有憐憫的源泉:讓沙漠如玫瑰盛開,帶我脫離囚牢的孤單與苦痛,讓我與世界那顆受傷的、破碎的、偉大的心相依相連。 【讀書筆記】 1、grave?a.嚴肅的;莊重的;嚴重的;低沉的 【舉例】His manner was grave and calm.?他舉止莊重沉著。 a grave disease?重病 a grave decision?重大決定 2、bow?v.鞠躬;下跪;讓步;屈從;點頭表示同意 【舉例】bow to greet sb.?欠身迎接某人 bow to the [w]inevitable[/w]?聽天由命 bow before mone and power?在金錢和權(quán)勢面前俯首帖耳 【相關(guān)詞匯】 bowed?a.低垂的;低頭弓背的 3、seek?v.[過去式及過去分詞:sought]尋找;探求;試圖,設(shè)法(后接不定式) 【舉例】seek a quarrel 尋釁滋事 seek fame 沽名釣譽 He has sought to explain it. 他一直都試圖對這件事作出解釋。 4、exile v.流放;使長期離開家鄉(xiāng) n. 流亡,背井離鄉(xiāng);流亡者 【舉例】He was exiled from his country for life.?他被終生放逐國外。 send sb. into exile 放逐某人 a government in exile 流亡政府 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版>>
2011-06-01 -
到你那兒。即使你拒絕收我的信,我也會照寫不誤,這樣你就會知道,不管怎樣總是有信在等著你。 【讀書筆記】 1、fault?n.缺點,毛??;錯誤;過失 【舉例】merits and faults?優(yōu)缺點 commit a fault 犯錯誤 acknowledge one's faults?承認錯誤 It's not my fault. 這不是我的錯。 2、eat one's heart away/out??因憂慮或渴求而變得憔悴;憂傷 【舉例】For months after her son's death, she simply eat her heart away.?在她兒子死后幾個月里,她悲痛欲絕。 3、dwell v.(尤指作為常住居民)居??;生活,存在 【舉例】dwell on an island?居住在島上 dwell in poverty 生活貧困 There dwells in me a strange feeling that all is not right.?我心中有一種奇怪的感覺,似乎事情有點不對頭。 4、deny v.否認;拒絕;拒不相信 【舉例】The suspect denied having assaulted a policeman.?嫌疑人否認曾經(jīng)襲警。 He denied his signature.?他不承認自己的簽字。 deny one's request 拒絕某人的要求 deny the existence of God?不相信上帝的存在 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Ah! had you been in prison—I will not say?through any fault of mine, for that would be a?thought too terrible for me to bear—but through fault?of your own, error of your own, faith in some?unworthy friend, slip in sensual [w]mire[/w], trust?[w=misapply]misapplied[/w], or love ill-bestowed, or none, or all of?these —do you think that I would have allowed you?to eat your heart away in darkness and solitude?without trying in some way, however slight, to help?you to bear the bitter burden of your disgrace? Do?you think that I would not have let you know?that if you suffered, I was suffering too: that if?you wept, there were tears in my eyes also: and?that if you lay in the house of [w]bondage[/w] and were?despised of men, I out of my very griefs had built a?house in which to dwell until your coming, a treasury?in which all that men had denied to you would be?laid up for your healing, one [w]hundredfold[/w] in increase??If bitter necessity, or [w]prudence[/w], to me more bitter?still, had prevented my being near you, and robbed?me of the joy of your presence, though seen through?prison-bars and in a shape of shame, I would have?written to you in season and out of season in the?hope that some mere phrase, some single word,?some broken echo even of Love might reach?you. If you had refused to receive my letters, I?would have written [w]none the less[/w], so that you should?have known that at any rate there were always letters?waiting for you. 【朱純深譯本】 ??!要是換成了你在監(jiān)獄——我不說是因為我的過失,要是這樣那太可怕了,我承受不了的——而是因為你自己的過失,你自己的錯誤:交錯朋友、信錯人、愛錯人、在人欲的泥淖中失足,或者這些都不是,或者這些都是——在這種情況下,你想我會讓你在黑暗與孤寂中凄慘度日,而不想辦法,哪怕是多么微不足道的辦法,幫助你去承受恥辱的重壓嗎?你想我會不讓你知道嗎,你受苦,我與你同在受苦;你哭泣,我眼中也會充滿熱淚?你想我會不讓你知道嗎,假如你幽困于縲紲之室,為人所不齒,我會用滿心的悲哀去構(gòu)筑一處寶屋,百倍加添地存起世人不讓你得到的一切,等著你的歸來,伴著你的康復(fù)?如果出于令人痛苦的需要,或是謹慎——對于我這是更加的痛苦——我不得與你接近,被剝奪了與你相見的快樂,即使是透過鐵窗看看里面囚首垢面的你都不行,我也會一年四季地給你寫信,希望哪怕是一些只言片語,甚至不過是愛的不成聲的回音,也許會傳到你那兒。即使你拒絕收我的信,我也會照寫不誤,這樣你就會知道,不管怎樣總是有信在等著你。 【讀書筆記】 1、fault?n.缺點,毛??;錯誤;過失 【舉例】merits and faults?優(yōu)缺點 commit a fault 犯錯誤 acknowledge one's faults?承認錯誤 It's not my fault. 這不是我的錯。 2、eat one's heart away/out??因憂慮或渴求而變得憔悴;憂傷 【舉例】For months after her son's death, she simply eat her heart away.?在她兒子死后幾個月里,她悲痛欲絕。 3、dwell v.(尤指作為常住居民)居?。簧睿嬖?【舉例】dwell on an island?居住在島上 dwell in poverty 生活貧困 There dwells in me a strange feeling that all is not right.?我心中有一種奇怪的感覺,似乎事情有點不對頭。 4、deny v.否認;拒絕;拒不相信 【舉例】The suspect denied having assaulted a policeman.?嫌疑人否認曾經(jīng)襲警。 He denied his signature.?他不承認自己的簽字。 deny one's request 拒絕某人的要求 deny the existence of God?不相信上帝的存在 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版>>
2011-06-06 -
出身的這個家系,與之聯(lián)姻是可怕的,與之交誼是致命的;其兇殘的手,要么自戮,要么殺人。在每一個小小的場合當(dāng)你我命途相交,在每一個或至關(guān)緊要或像是無關(guān)緊要的時刻,你來我處尋樂或者求助,在那些不起眼的機緣和不足道的偶然之中——對生活而言,它們像是浮沉于光影中的纖塵、飄落于樹蔭下的枯葉——在這些時候,毀滅都尾隨左右,像哀號的回聲,像猛獸撲食的陰影。 【讀書筆記】 1、discern?看出,覺察到;認識,識別? 【舉例】discern good and/from evil?識別善惡 We could discern from his appearance that he was upset.?從他的臉色我們可以看出他的不快。 2、import?此處是“含義;重要性”的意思 【舉例】the import of one's words?某人話中的含義。 A man of great import?要人 3、flutter?飄動;晃動;(鳥等)振翅,盤旋;忙亂;顫抖 【舉例】The curtain fluttered in the wind.?窗簾在風(fēng)中飄動。 The?women are all fluttering about making preparations for the wedding.女人們都在奔忙著為婚禮做準(zhǔn)備。 His fingers fluttered. 他手指顫抖。 4、prey 獵物;捕食的習(xí)慣。常引申為“犧牲品,受害者”。 【舉例】 beasts/birds of prey 猛獸/猛禽 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德 被判“有傷風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦 ,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家, “唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有 戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray), 以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 Of course I discern?in all our relations, not?Destiny merely, but Doom: Doom that walks?always swiftly, because she goes to the shedding of?blood. Through your father you come of a?race, marriage with whom is horrible, friendship fatal,?and that lays violent hands either on its own life or?on the lives of others. In every little circumstance in?which the ways of our lives met; in every point of?great, or seemingly trivial import in which you came?to me for pleasure or for help; in the small chances,?the slight accidents that look, in their relation to life,?to be no more than the dust that dances in a [w]beam[/w], or?the leaf that flutters from a tree, Ruin followed, like?the echo of a bitter cry, or the shadow that hunts with?the beast of prey. 【朱純深譯本】 當(dāng)然,你我所有的交往,我看不光是命中注定,而且是在劫難逃:劫數(shù)從來是急急難逃,因為她疾步所向的, 是血光之地。因為你父親的緣故,你所出身的這個家系,與之聯(lián)姻是可怕的,與之交誼是致命的;其兇殘的手,要么自戮,要么殺人。在每一個小小的場合當(dāng)你我命途相交,在每一個或至關(guān)緊要或像是無關(guān)緊要的時刻,你來我處尋樂或者求助,在那些不起眼的機緣和不足道的偶然之中——對生活而言,它們像是浮沉于光影中的纖塵、飄落于樹蔭下的枯葉——在這些時候,毀滅都尾隨左右,像哀號的回聲,像猛獸撲食的陰影。 【讀書筆記】 1、discern?看出,覺察到;認識,識別? 【舉例】discern good and/from evil?識別善惡 We could discern from his appearance that he was upset.?從他的臉色我們可以看出他的不快。 2、import?此處是“含義;重要性”的意思 【舉例】the import of one's words?某人話中的含義。 A man of great import?要人 3、flutter?飄動;晃動;(鳥等)振翅,盤旋;忙亂;顫抖 【舉例】The curtain fluttered in the wind.?窗簾在風(fēng)中飄動。 The?women are all fluttering about making preparations for the wedding.女人們都在奔忙著為婚禮做準(zhǔn)備。 His fingers fluttered. 他手指顫抖。 4、prey 獵物;捕食的習(xí)慣。常引申為“犧牲品,受害者”。 【舉例】 beasts/birds of prey 猛獸/猛禽 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版>>
2011-05-03 -
本是最為客觀的藝術(shù)形式,在我手里卻成為像抒情詩和商籟詩那樣抒個人情懷的表達方式,同時范圍更為開闊、人物更為豐富;戲劇、小說、韻律詩、散文詩、微妙含蓄或奇妙非凡的對白,我筆之所至,無不以美的新形態(tài)展現(xiàn)其美;我讓真實本身不但顯其真,同樣也顯其假,亦真亦假,以此作為它天經(jīng)地義的內(nèi)涵,顯明了無論真假,都不過是心智存在的形式。我視藝術(shù)為最高的現(xiàn)實,而生活不過是一個虛構(gòu)的形態(tài);我喚醒了這個世紀的想象力,它便在我身邊創(chuàng)造神話與傳奇;萬象之繁,我一言可以蔽之,萬物之妙, 我一語足以道破。 【讀書筆記】 1、distinguished?a.卓越的,杰出的;著名的;地位高的;顯得高貴的 【舉例】a distinguished performance?出色的表演 He is distinguished for his [w]erudition[/w].?他以博學(xué)而著稱。 a distinguished guest?貴賓 He looks distinguished in his custom-made suit.?他穿上定制的西服顯得氣度不凡。 【相關(guān)詞匯】 distinguish v.區(qū)分;辨認出 distinguish A from B 使A區(qū)別于B distinguish oneself 出人頭地,享有盛名? 2、alter?v.改變,改動 【舉例】alter one's attitude?改變態(tài)度 alter one's mind?改變主意 alter course?改道 3、enrich?v.使富裕;使豐富;裝飾,美化;濃縮 【舉例】The expanding economy enriched the peasants.?不斷發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟使農(nóng)民們富裕起來。 Foreign words and phrases have enriched the English language.?眾多外來詞豐富了英語。 enrich the walls with frescoes 用壁畫裝飾墻壁 enriched uranium 濃縮鈾 4、fiction?n.小說;虛構(gòu)的事;謊言 【舉例】Truth is often stranger than fiction.?真相往往比小說還要離奇。 The reason he gave was pure fiction.?他給出的理由完全是杜撰。 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 The gods had given me almost everything. I had?genius, a distinguished name, high [w]social position[/w],?brilliancy, intellectual [w]daring[/w]: I made art a?philosophy, and philosophy an art: I altered the?minds of men and the colours of things: there?was nothing I said or did that did not make people?wonder: I took the drama, the most [w]objective[/w] form?known to art, and made it as personal a mode of?expression as the lyric or the [w]sonnet[/w], at the same time?that I widened its range and enriched its?characterisation: drama, novel, poem in [w]rhyme[/w], poem?in [w]prose[/w], [w]subtle[/w] or fantastic dialogue, whatever I?touched I made beautiful in a new mode of beauty:?to truth itself I gave what is false no less than?what is true as its rightful province, and showed?that the false and the true are merely forms of?intellectual existence. I treated Art as the?supreme reality, and life as a mere mode of fiction: I?awoke the imagination of my century so that it?created myth and legend around me: I summed up?all systems in a phrase, and all existence in an?[w]epigram[/w]. 【朱純深譯本】 諸神幾乎給了我一切。天賦、名望、地位、才華、氣概。我讓藝術(shù)成為一門哲學(xué),讓哲學(xué)成為一門藝術(shù);我改變?nèi)说男撵`、物的顏色;我所言所行,無不使人驚嘆;戲劇,這本是最為客觀的藝術(shù)形式,在我手里卻成為像抒情詩和商籟詩那樣抒個人情懷的表達方式,同時范圍更為開闊、人物更為豐富;戲劇、小說、韻律詩、散文詩、微妙含蓄或奇妙非凡的對白,我筆之所至,無不以美的新形態(tài)展現(xiàn)其美;我讓真實本身不但顯其真,同樣也顯其假,亦真亦假,以此作為它天經(jīng)地義的內(nèi)涵,顯明了無論真假,都不過是心智存在的形式。我視藝術(shù)為最高的現(xiàn)實,而生活不過是一個虛構(gòu)的形態(tài);我喚醒了這個世紀的想象力,它便在我身邊創(chuàng)造神話與傳奇;萬象之繁,我一言可以蔽之,萬物之妙, 我一語足以道破。 【讀書筆記】 1、distinguished?a.卓越的,杰出的;著名的;地位高的;顯得高貴的 【舉例】a distinguished performance?出色的表演 He is distinguished for his [w]erudition[/w].?他以博學(xué)而著稱。 a distinguished guest?貴賓 He looks distinguished in his custom-made suit.?他穿上定制的西服顯得氣度不凡。 【相關(guān)詞匯】 distinguish v.區(qū)分;辨認出 distinguish A from B 使A區(qū)別于B distinguish oneself 出人頭地,享有盛名? 2、alter?v.改變,改動 【舉例】alter one's attitude?改變態(tài)度 alter one's mind?改變主意 alter course?改道 3、enrich?v.使富裕;使豐富;裝飾,美化;濃縮 【舉例】The expanding economy enriched the peasants.?不斷發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟使農(nóng)民們富裕起來。 Foreign words and phrases have enriched the English language.?眾多外來詞豐富了英語。 enrich the walls with frescoes 用壁畫裝飾墻壁 enriched uranium 濃縮鈾 4、fiction?n.小說;虛構(gòu)的事;謊言 【舉例】Truth is often stranger than fiction.?真相往往比小說還要離奇。 The reason he gave was pure fiction.?他給出的理由完全是杜撰。 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版>>
2011-06-17 -
不到,從窮人家里也會要到一點的。東西很多的人常常貪婪成性,自己沒什么的人總是與人分享。只要心中存有愛,我不介意夏天里在涼氣襲人的草地上過夜,冬天里在干草堆邊、在大谷倉下避寒。身外之物對我似乎是毫無意義了。你看,我的自為主義已經(jīng)達到一種多么強烈的地步,或者更應(yīng)該說是正在達到這種地步,因為路途還遠著呢,而“我行走的地方布滿荊棘”。 【讀書筆記】 1、candid?a.坦率的;直言不諱的;公正的;抓拍的 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? n.抓拍的照片,快照 【舉例】He is candid about his opinion.?他對自己的意見向來直言不諱。 To be candid with you....?實話對你說吧…… a candid decision?公正的決定 a candid picture of children playing 孩子們玩耍時抓拍的照片 2、beg?v.乞討;乞求;請求;規(guī)避 【舉例】beg one's way along?一路行乞 beg a favour of sb.?請求某人幫助 beg the real problem 回避要害問題 3、shelter?v.遮蔽;庇護;提供避難所;避難 【舉例】The wall shelters the garden from the north wind.?這堵墻為花園擋住了北風(fēng)。 shelter the night?收容某人過夜 shelter from trouble 避開麻煩 4、provided conj.以……為條件;只要;假如 【舉例】We shall go provided that the weather is fine.?假使天晴,我們就去。 You were permitted into the conference hall, provided that you keep quiet. 只要你們保持安靜,就準(zhǔn)許你們進入會場。 《自深王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷風(fēng)化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。 作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導(dǎo)“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。 【原著選段】 I am completely [w]penniless[/w], and absolutely?homeless. Yet there are worse things in the world?than that. I am quite candid when I tell you that?rather than go out from this prison with?bitterness in my heart against you or against the?world I would gladly and readily beg my bread?from door to door. If I got nothing at the house?of the rich, I would get something at the house of the?poor. Those who have much are often [w]greedy[/w]. Those?who have little always share. I would not a bit mind?sleeping in the cool grass in summer, and when winter came on sheltering myself by the warm close?[w]thatched[/w] [w]rick[/w], or under the [w]penthouse[/w] of a great?barn, provided I had love in my heart. The?external things of life seem to me now of no?importance at all. You can see to what [w]intensity[/w] of?individualism I have arrived, or am arriving rather,?for the journey is long, and “where I walk there are?[w=thorn]thorns[/w].” 【朱純深譯本】 我是完完全全的身無分文,實實在在的無家可歸??墒澜缟线€有比這更慘的呢。實話告訴你,與其心懷對你或世人的怨恨出這監(jiān)獄,我還不如高高興興地挨家挨戶要飯去。如果從大戶人家要不到,從窮人家里也會要到一點的。東西很多的人常常貪婪成性,自己沒什么的人總是與人分享。只要心中存有愛,我不介意夏天里在涼氣襲人的草地上過夜,冬天里在干草堆邊、在大谷倉下避寒。身外之物對我似乎是毫無意義了。你看,我的自為主義已經(jīng)達到一種多么強烈的地步,或者更應(yīng)該說是正在達到這種地步,因為路途還遠著呢,而“我行走的地方布滿荊棘”。 【讀書筆記】 1、candid?a.坦率的;直言不諱的;公正的;抓拍的 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? n.抓拍的照片,快照 【舉例】He is candid about his opinion.?他對自己的意見向來直言不諱。 To be candid with you....?實話對你說吧…… a candid decision?公正的決定 a candid picture of children playing 孩子們玩耍時抓拍的照片 2、beg?v.乞討;乞求;請求;規(guī)避 【舉例】beg one's way along?一路行乞 beg a favour of sb.?請求某人幫助 beg the real problem 回避要害問題 3、shelter?v.遮蔽;庇護;提供避難所;避難 【舉例】The wall shelters the garden from the north wind.?這堵墻為花園擋住了北風(fēng)。 shelter the night?收容某人過夜 shelter from trouble 避開麻煩 4、provided conj.以……為條件;只要;假如 【舉例】We shall go provided that the weather is fine.?假使天晴,我們就去。 You were permitted into the conference hall, provided that you keep quiet. 只要你們保持安靜,就準(zhǔn)許你們進入會場。 《自深深處》讀書筆記系列>> 點擊進入滬江下載庫下載《自深深處》雙語版>>