4. “For the First Time in Forever”
4. 《好久沒(méi)在生命里》

Ah, the “I wish” number for a new generation. Bell easily sells the first half of this song with the angelic optimism of a Disney princess and the confident vibrato of a Broadway ingénue, and it’s hard not to love her or what she brings to the princess roster. When Menzel joins in, the magic in Bell’s soaring notes, well, flies. This (along with “Let It Go”) is the top-of-your-lungs shower song you’ve been dreaming of since “Part of Your World.”

3. “In Summer”
3. 《在夏天》

Chalk third place up to Josh Gad’s infectious comic charm, which is conveyed even without seeing the shenanigans onscreen. The lyrics are fun and frothy (you can tell the Lopezes had a ball writing this one), and the casual ominousness (“I’ll be doing whatever snow does in summer”) is just hilariously dark.