作者:Lamisha Serf-Walls
2015-10-14 09:00
6. You are enough. Second only to fear, feeling not good enough is another way you may be holding yourself back from the life you truly desire. Regardless of what you want to do, you must know that you are good enough and capable enough to do what is needed to succeed. It may take some learning, support, and help from others, but when you trust that you are not only good enough, but worthy too there's nothing you can't accomplish.
7. Be happy first. The belief that when you finally get there (wherever that is) you will be happy is a misunderstanding of how life works. Being happy where you are with what you have is the way you will bring more joy, abundance, and love into your life. Like attracts like and when you are living in a state of joy where you are now, you bring in more opportunities to continually feel joy. Simple, but true.
8. You are more powerful than you know. Most people don't realize how much control and power they truly have over their lives. Every single day you get to choose how you experience life and what thoughts you think. Your thoughts shape your reality and allow you to manifest and create a life that you will absolutely fall head over heels in love with. If that's not power, I don't know what is.
9. There is no better time to begin than now. You can make a bunch of excuses about why starting when you have more experience, money, or time is better, but the truth is your time is now. No matter what dream, aspiration, or desire you have, you will never have more time in your life to bring those desires to fruition. Do your future self a favor, drop the excuses and start now.
10. The magic of life lies just outside your comfort zone. Doing the things that scare and excite you at the same time are exactly the things that will shift your life in incredible ways. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone and stretch yourself a bit. When you do that, you will find strength you never thought you had and you will accomplish things you never thought possible.
11. Your beliefs create your life. What you believe about yourself, the world, and anything else is directly related to how you experience life. If you aren't happy with how things are going for you right this moment, start with your beliefs. When you shift your mindset and what you believe, you have the power to transform any situation for the better.