What is the psychology behind someone's favorite color?


來自心理學(xué)學(xué)生 @David Lincoln Brooks 的回答:

1. Race

Art teacher and color theorist Josef Albers once conducted an experiment with his students.

He first asked them to paint a canvas with swatches of their favorite colors. Then he hung the results on the walls accompanied by a photograph of each student.

An interesting pattern soon became apparent: people most liked the colors of their own bodies.

Blue-eyed people were smitten with shades of blue. Blondes taken with yellow hues. Redheads were fascinated by various russet shades. Dark-skinned people with browns and olives.

2. Gender

Vance Packard, in his famous book THE HIDDEN PERSUADERS, said that store products— like boxes of detergent—- will sell better to women if they are packaged in red; conversely, he said, men are most attracted to store products packaged in blue.

If a man does pick a red, Packard claimed, it will be an orange-red, while women seem to prefer “cool” reds.

Me, I have recently noticed that many, many products aimed at men will come in a black or gray package, almost as if to say, “If you’re a man, you demand serious, no-nonsense products.” (And women don’t?).

The big question is: do the sexes like these colors because they were taught (brainwashed?) to do so by their parents and societies, or by a shadowy patriarchy? Or is there something more fundamental, even genetic, at work in our color preferences?

N.B.(注:nota bebe,源自拉丁文) I am just tossing up here things I’ve variously read on the subject. I do not submit them here as facts, necessarily, or as my own personal convictions on the subject.

