Susan and Mike finally tied the knot.
Tie the knot = get married
American wedding customs
Bachelor/Bachelorette parties
I’m serious. You, me, just screw it all. Let’s run away together.
Screw it = forget it
Screw it, I’m not gonna study anymore.
Screw (it) up = mess it up
Your piano recital is tomorrow. Don’t screw it up!
Don’t screw up on your piano recital.
Screw (crude)
Screwdriver drink = vodka + orange juice
Well I heard that you were expecting, but I had no idea how far along you were.
“We’re pregnant”
“We’re expecting”
Give birth
When I borned a baby →WRONG!!!!
When I had my daughter/son
What to expect when you’re expecting
Psycho mom at five o’clock.
Psycho = crazy
Psycho cat/dog/person
My boss is psycho. He makes me write down what everyone says during meetings word for word.
The neighbor’s psycho cat tried to bite me the other day.
“Psy” is short for Psycho
Look, I mean, I get not wanting to scare the kids but to keep all of our friends in the dark its…
To “get” something = to understand something
Do you get it?? Yeah, I get it. (emphasizes an understanding)
Got it? Yeah, I got it. (strictly information)
In the dark = uninformed
I can’t believe my parents kept me in the dark about our vacation plans.
I wish Edie were here. Without her there’s no one here to give us the dish.
Dish = gossip
What’s the scoop?
Share the smut!
Give me all the dish about this guy you’re dating.
Ok, now you gotta dish about your date last night.