2017-02-21 08:00
Iwan Rheon is going from the inhumane actions of his Game of Thrones character Ramsay Bolton to the inhuman actions of a Marvel Comics character.
在《權(quán)力的游戲》中扮演沒人性的Ramsay Bolton的Iwan Rheon將會(huì)參演漫威漫畫改編的新作品。
Rheon will play the lead in ABC's upcoming Marvel's The Inhumans based on the comic franchise, says The Hollywood Reporter. The eight-episode project was ordered straight to series and, in an unusual move, will see its first two hours hit theaters before moving to the small screen around Labor Day as ABC makes a hard push to get this off the ground.
Rheon將會(huì)主演ABC即將開播的漫威美劇《The Inhumans》。本劇暫定8集,而且在電視屏幕上開播前,還會(huì)有2小時(shí)電影越特別版本,上映日期大概是在勞動(dòng)節(jié)前后。