When Rupert Murdoch in 1998 announced his abrupt separation from Anna Murdoch, his wife of 31 years, almost nobody at the time, including Anna, had any idea, or could reasonably speculate, that Murdoch, then an old 67, might have a girlfriend.
當(dāng)1998年魯伯特·默多克突然宣布與已婚31年的妻子安娜·默多克(Anna Murdoch)離婚時,幾乎沒有人(包括安娜在內(nèi))會想到或推斷出,那時已67歲高齡的默多克會交上一個女朋友。

But he did. And his divorce and remarriage, and the effect it had on his children, social life and executives, would shape the next generation of his company – a romance for our time, as it were.

With the curt, and blistering, announcement of his decision to file for divorce from Wendi Murdoch, the young woman he met when she was 28 and working for Star TV, his company in Hong Kong, another upheaval begins.

It was two summers ago that Wendi burst into the news and transformed her public self from harridan to heroine by, with lightening fast reflexes, blocking a pie attack on her frail-looking husband in the midst of a difficult testimony in Britain before a committee of parliament investigating the hacking scandal.

Murdoch had told his oldest son, Lachlan, that he'd concluded that marrying Wendi was a "mistake" – or so Lachlan, along with his siblings never a fan of his father's remarriage, was telling people. And during the many months that I was interviewing Murdoch in 2008 for my book about him, we would sometimes meet on weekend mornings at his apartment where it quite appeared he had not slept the night – but, rather, had arrived minutes before me with clothes bundled in his briefcase.

Indeed, if you imagined two opposite people, save only for their evident mutual ambition, it might be Rupert and Wendi.

Rupert, the cold, cryptic, scowling, impersonal, rock-hard conservative Australian aristocrat, with his four adult children unable to get over his marriage to the woman 39 years his junior. And Wendi, the energetic, ebullient, social creature, with natural liberal tendencies, whose first job in the US was at a Chinese restaurant and who had given him – "from the fridge", after his prostate cancer – two young Chinese children (and moved her parents to New York).

And yet, something seemed to work, too.

There was the orange hair die; the workout regimes; his protestations that he had finally learned how to be a good father; and his new friendship with, gasp, liberals. David Geffen, via Wendi, became one of Rupert's closest confidants.
他說自己終于學(xué)會了如何做一個好父親;而他與自由主義派結(jié)下了新的友誼。通過鄧文迪,大衛(wèi)·格芬(David Geffen)成為了魯伯特最親密的知己之一。

Certainly, business seemed to energize them. I often heard them, like teenagers in love, talking on the phone – albeit about business deals and, more than not, from different cities. I even saw them holding hands.

But his children continued to dislike her. Even when they made every effort to tolerate her, it was with clenched teeth. And his mother, who died this past year, always refused to meet Wendi.

For her part, Wendi remained ever-furious with him for not standing up to his children – which included locking their children out of full participation in the trust that controls all the Murdoch assets.

She led a glamorous social life. In effect, she was the center of the jet set. It followed her: Hollywood, the art world, international super stars. She rejuvenated the jet set.

Rumors about their relationship dogged them. When the LA Times threatened to go public with a supposed story of infidelity, News Corp had lawyers debrief both husband and wife and convinced the paper to kill its story.
關(guān)于他們關(guān)系的謠言尾隨而來。當(dāng)洛杉磯時報(LA Times)威脅要將一則不忠的猜測消息公布于眾的時候,新聞集團(News Corp)的律師盤問了兩人,并勸說洛杉磯時報斃了這條消息。

Robert Peston, the BBC's financial correspondent, who is said to be a close friend of Will Lewis, a key Murdoch lieutenant, tweeted that the real facts of the break-up are "jaw-dropping":
英國廣播公司的金融記者羅伯特·派森(Robert Peston)據(jù)說是默多克重要助理威爾?劉易斯(Will Lewis)的密友,他在推特上發(fā)帖說到,二人離婚的真相讓人“瞠目結(jié)舌”:

Am also told that undisclosed reasons for Murdoch divorcing Deng are jaw-dropping - & hate myself for wanting to know what they are
我也被告知了,默多克和鄧文迪離婚的原因讓人瞠目結(jié)舌- 我之前還等著想知道他們的本來面目,我真討厭自己

— Robert Peston (@Peston) June 13, 2013
?—羅伯特·派森(@ Peston)2013.06.13

We can only speculate about what he might mean. However, a year ago, she gave an interview to the New York Times suggesting that they were living independent lives. And Wendi's emails go through News Corp, so the company surely knows who she is talking to and what she is up to.
我們只能猜測他的意思。但是,一年前,她在接受《紐約時報》(New York Times)的采訪時曾暗示二人各過各的生活。而鄧文迪的此番發(fā)言是新聞集團經(jīng)手的,所以公司一定知道她在說什么,也知道她想要干什么。

And yet, during the past year, what people have most noticed is their closeness. She had seemed to become his key adviser, close enough that there has been speculation she would go on the board of the newspaper company being split from the larger entertainment company.

She had also become, to his children's ever-greater consternation, his gatekeeper. Outsiders did not get to Rupert without going through Wendi.

But now the split is dramatic. As harsh as the split from Anna.

And in the fashion that Rupert does things – peremptorily, wrathfully, implacably – it would seem to leave Wendi far out in the cold. There is her 1999 pre-nup, and, to boot, two post-nups. What's more, it is a fearsome thing when News Corp and the Murdoch family close their ranks against you. Indeed, it is not that easy to hire a law firm not conflicted out by its work for News Corp, or the promise of work. Her PR aide, Steven Rubenstein, is on Rupert's payroll – so his help disappears.
按照魯伯特做事的風(fēng)格來說——獨斷、憤怒、執(zhí)拗——鄧文迪似乎頗受苦楚。她在1999年簽訂了婚前協(xié)議,婚后還有兩份。而且,新聞集團和默多克家族把你踢出門外是件很可怕的事情。實際上,要雇請一家不和新聞集團利益沾邊的法律事務(wù)所不是件易事。她的公關(guān)助理史蒂文·魯賓斯坦(Steven Rubenstein)是靠魯伯特發(fā)工資的,所以他是不會幫忙了。

Except, of course, that Wendi knows all Murdoch's secrets. All of them.