The COVID-19 pandemic has upended almost every aspect of our normal way of life: socializing, traveling, and even working in the office are mostly off-limits. But now the pandemic has put an end to another thing we’ve always taken for granted: quick Amazon deliveries.

Over the weekend Amazon customers took to social media to complain that items they recently ordered were now showing delivery dates stretching all the way out to April 21—despite being listed as being in stock and available via Amazon Prime delivery, which normally sees most customers getting their items in two to three days. But those days-long ship times are nowhere to be seen on many items now.
周末,亞馬遜的消費者在社交媒體上抱怨說最近下的訂單雖然顯示有貨,Amazon Prime也可以送貨,但要等到4月21日才能送到,平時配送時間也就是兩天或三天。但現(xiàn)在很多東西都不能幾天就送到了。

As Recode reports, the shortest delivery timescale many items are seeing is five days, with some having delivery times as long as four weeks.

Amazon confirmed that its customers weren’t seeing incorrect shipping estimates. The longer delivery times are the new normal for many products on Amazon. As a spokesperson confirmed:

To serve our customers in need while also helping to ensure the safety of our associates, we’ve changed our logistics, transportation, supply chain, purchasing, and third-party seller processes to prioritize stocking and delivering items that are a higher priority for our customers. This has resulted in some of our delivery promises being longer than usual.

The good news is that “essential” items such as food and medical supplies ordered on the platform are being prioritized and shipped relatively quickly. The bad news: nonessential items such as Blu-rays, books, cables, coffee makers, and even clothing are going to take a long time to arrive.

