

1. 連讀問題


(1) 關(guān)鍵性詞語出現(xiàn)連讀:否定形式

not at all:The meeting yesterday wasn’t at all boring.

(2) 常用性詞語出現(xiàn)連讀

for him


(1) 輔音+元音連讀

I was found on the ground by the fountain about a field of a summer stride.

Not at all.

Rush hour.

This dictionary is not exactly what I wanted but it will do.

Travel agency, travel agent

(2) 輔音+輔音連讀

Some money, bike key

(3) 元音+元音連讀

Be on time

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

(4) H連讀

I lent him a book.

Larry is taking a lot of art, isn’t he?

The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped.

I must have left my keys at my sister’s house.

She learned to use the computer on her own.

(5) 其他特殊連讀

【t】+【j】=【ch】:meet you, hurt you, that your

【d】+【j】=【dg】:would you, hand your, did you

【s】+【j】=【sh】:miss you, this year

【z】+【j】=【g】:as usual, because you

l Example: won’t you, don’t you, didn’t you, haven’t you, hadn’t you, wouldn’t you, weren’t you, last year, next year, not yet, did you, had you, would you, I advice you, I use your, how’s your.

2. 失爆問題


Sit down, good night, friendly

this calculator isn’t working right.

I think you’ve got the battery in upside down.

3. 略讀問題


I am = I’m, you have = you’ve, how is = how’s, that would = that’d

Doesn’t, didn’t, shouldn’t, hadn’t, hasn’t, wouldn’t, won’t

Official guide P199:OK. So we’ve talked about some different types of root systems of plants, and I’ve shown you some pretty cool slides, but now I want to talk about the extent of the rot system- the overall size of the root system…the depth.


I’m, you’re, she’s, they’re, there’s, he’s, who’s

We’ve, he’ll, she’d, she’ll, she’s, they’d, they’ve, they’ll

Can’t, weren’t, won’t, aren’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t

Gotta, gonna

4. 弱讀問題


(1) 介詞弱化:

stay at home, do it for fun, come from China, go in the house, a cup of coffee, the train to Paris

(2) 代詞弱化:

Phone us when you are free.

I’ve lost my book.

(3) 連詞弱化:

Please give me some cream and sugar.

l Either Tom or Peter can come.

5. 英美音差異問題


(1) 【r】音問題

Idea, really

They weren’t at the dorm last night.

(A) They went to the dormitory.

(B) They didn’t go to the dormitory.

The snow is really coming down, isn’t it?

Rarely do we have so much snow in December.

What does the man?mean?

(A) it is typical December weather for this region.

(B) such a large?amount?of snow is unusual for this month.

(2) 【o】【a:】

Glass, class, fast

Hot, box, rock

(3) 其他情況



常見易混音:Course-cause, once more-one small, career-Korea, worse-was, bore-ball, door-doll, core-call, tear-tea, short-shot

不加兒化音的詞:China, Australia, banana, wall

常見英美音不同讀法:Neither, either, record, cupboard, cassette, garage, laboratory, adult, ordinary, secretary, dictionary

6. 詞性變音問題


Method- methodically

校園詞匯的變音:meteorology,?economics, geography