2016-09-22 22:16
If you have solidskills and work experience but your resume isn’t getting any bites, you might need a resume makeover. ????
如果你有很強的實力,豐富的工作經(jīng)驗,但是你的簡歷沒有任何優(yōu)勢的話,你可能就需要裝飾裝飾你的簡歷 了。
1.In:A professional summary at the top of your resume. This sells you like nothing else on your resume does. ????
正確的做法:在你的簡歷頂部放上一段專業(yè)概要。簡歷上沒有什么比這個更有賣點了。 ????
Out:An objective statement at the top of your resume. Nothing says "outdated" like an objective. ????
:在簡歷頂部放一段目標宣言。沒有什么比目標宣言更土了。 ??
"Ditch it immediately," advises Jack Williams, vice president of national sales and recruiting for Staffing Technologies, in Atlanta. Employers don’t care what a potential hire wants to do. "They care whether they can do what the employer needs them to do," he says.
Jack Williams是亞特蘭大Staffing Technologies公司的國際銷售和 招聘 副總裁,他建議說:“馬上刪除掉。雇主不會關(guān)心一位候選人想要做什么。他們關(guān)心的是該候選人能否按照他們的需求去做。 ?
2.In:Resumes that are easy on the eyes. ????
正確的做法:能夠輕易吸引人注意的簡歷。 ?
"I don’t have time to read through each resume and search for the important points. They need to jump out at me," says Mike Earley, vice president of resource management at MyWire, a media aggregation site. Earley says hot resumes are organized with bullet points, not paragraphs, and have enough white space to look clean and visually interesting. ????
My Wire是一個綜合媒體網(wǎng)站,其人力資源副總Mike Earley說:“我沒時間去看每一份簡歷,然后找出其中的重點部分。它們需要馬上跳入我的眼簾?!盓arley說好的簡歷都是非常有條理地列出要點,而不是一段一段,并且空出很多空白的地方看起來很干凈、有視覺沖擊效果。
Out:Resumes that are "grey," with large chunks of unbroken text that require recruiters to slow down. Chances are they won’t take the time.
錯誤的做法:不起眼的簡歷,一大段文字還不分段, 招聘 人員要慢慢去看。很可能他們不會浪費這個時間。 ????
3.In:A customized resume. Tailor every resume you send out for the job you’re seeking
. ????
Out:A cookie-cutter approach: same resume for every job. These were from the days before home computers, when changing a resume was a really big deal.
錯誤的做法:一刀切的方法:每個職位發(fā)送的簡歷都是一樣。這種是家庭計算機還沒有普及時候的做法,因為那時候改簡歷確實是非常麻煩的事情。 ????
4.In:A two-to-three-page resume when you really need the space. ???
正確的做法:如果真的很有必要的話,兩三頁的簡歷是可以的。 ????
Out:A one-page resume when you really need two or three pages.
錯誤的做法:在你非常需要兩三頁簡歷說明的時候壓縮成一頁。 ?