1. Someone you would like to spend time with
2. An old person you respect
3. a person who is good at his/her job
4. A school friend
5. a teenager
6. a family you are familiar with (not your own)
7. A person you helped
8. a well-known person
1. A tourist attraction
2. Workplace
3. a place with a lot of water
4. a city you visited
5. Cafe or restaurant
6. a place for shopping
7. a garden you’ve been to
1. A book you recently read
2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child
3. A photo
4. A good law in China
5. Some interesting news
6. A special gift you gave to another person
7. An organization
8. A show/performance you watched
9. Something that you don't know but would like to learn
10. A white lie
11. an important letter that you received
12. TV program
13. second foreign language
14. a website
15. handicraft you made
16. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked
17. a film you watched recently
18. a magazine you like to read
19. an interesting animal
20. an electrical appliance that is useful to you
1. an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to
2. family event (birthday party or wedding)
3. A recent change in your life
4. A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child
5. some good advice you received
6. occasion when you were late
7. project or homework assignment
8. an enjoyable event
9. a time you helped someone
10. a visitor to you home (how you entertained him/her)
A book you recently read
Part 3
What kind of books do children like reading?
Do you think people's reading habits have changed at all in the past few decades?
A game (not sport) you played when you were a child
Part 3
Do children prefer to spend time with other children or with adults?
Do you think it's necessary for children to have after-school activities (= extra-curricular activities)?
what's your opinion about the entertainment choices that children today have?
A photo (對(duì)你產(chǎn)生影響的照片)
Part 3
How has modern science and technology changed photography?
Do many Chinese people visit photograph exhibitions??
A good law in China
and explain its influences
Part 3
How do people in your country feel about the police?
Which job would most people prefer - to be a policeman/woman or a lawyer? (Why?)
What do you think is the importance of having a system of laws?
How successful do you think the laws are in your country? (successful in achieving the aim of the laws)
Some interesting news
and explain how (or why) this story was interesting to you.
Part 3
Do people in China like reading the newspaper (= newspapers)?
Do people in China prefer to read about local news, national news or international news?
Do many people get their news from the internet?
How are modern news media and the old forms of news media different? (Compare them)
Would you say the quality of news reporting is the same on TV, in newspapers and on the internet? (Compare them)
How do you think the future will develop - do you think people will more and more use the internet for getting their news or will they continue to read newspapers? (Compare them)
How do you think a newspaper could increase its readership?
What personal qualities (and skills) do you think a journalist needs to have?
How do you think journalist (or, reporters) can (or do) influence people?
A gift you gave to another person
what the gift was
who you gave it to
why you chose this particular gift
and explain whether this person liked this present or not.
Part 3
On what occasions do people give gifts to others?
When (at what times of the year) do children receive presents in China?
What kinds of gifts do children in China usually get?
Do you think toys have any educational value?
A tourist attraction
Describe a tourist site that you recently visited.
where you went
what you did there
who you went with
and explain what was special about this place.
Part 3
Would you like to live or study at a popular tourist destination?
What are the good and bad effects of tourism for a country?
Do you think it is necessary to take steps to protect tourist sites from being damaged by tourists?
A person you helped
and explain how this person benefited from your help.
Are there any non-government organizations in China that help people?
What kind of people need help in China?
Do you think the government should help these people?
An organisation
Describe an organization (such as a company, a factory, a government organization or a student organization at school).
what it is
how you know about this organization
what kind of people work there
and explain what this organization does (= the purpose of this organization).
Part 3
What would you prefer to work in, a big organization or a small one?
Do you think the size of an organization can give that organization any advantages?
A show/performance you watched
Part 3
What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to dance?
Are traditional art forms performed very much in China? (Give examples)
Something that you don't know but would like to learn.
what it is you would like to learn
why you want to learn this
how you would learn it (or, how you would start to learn this)
and explain what difficulties you think you might have learning this.
Part 3
What practical skills do children learn at school in China?
Do you think children should learn some practical skills at school?
Do you think it’s useful for old people to attend classes to further their education?
Someone you would like to spend time with
what personal characteristics he or she has that you like
Part 3
What kind of people do you like to be friends with?
What kind of people don't you like to be with?
Compare the things you do with your family with the things you do with your friends.
Do you think people can make real friendships on the internet?
Compare the friendships that people have at work with the friendships people have at school.
An old person you respect
Part 3
Who do old people today live longer than in the past?
where this place is
what facilities it has
who you work or study with
and explain how you feel about this place.
Part 3
What facilities do you think a good school should have?
In general, what do you think are the factors that influence a person's working (or studying) conditions?
Do you prefer to study at school or at home?
In the future, what changes do you think we will see in schools?
Do you think being a housewife should be considered to be 'work'?
an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to
what this problem is
what (you think) the causes of the problem are
how this problem affects people (or you)
and explain how you think this problem could be solved.
Part 3
What are the different kinds of environmental problems that exist right now?
What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China?
Do you think it is the government's responsibility to solve environmental problems or is it the the responsibility of each individual?
What do you think China's environment will be like in the future (e.g., 20 or 50 years in the future)?
Do young people & older people have the same attitudes towards waste disposal?
Do you think that advertising leads to the production of more garbage in society?
an important letter that you received.
who wrote it
when you received it
what the letter was about
and explain why it was important.
Part 3
Do you often write letters to your family and relatives?
Do people today write letters by hand as much as they used to do many years ago?
What is the value of reading letters that famous people in history have written?
Is the handwriting of children today as good as it was many years ago?
TV program
what program it is
what the program is about (or, what type of program it is)
when you watch it
and explain why you like this TV program.
Part 3
How do (or can) TV programs influence children?
Do you think parents should supervise what their children watch on TV?
How has television affected (or, changed) society?
a place with a lot of water
Describe a place that you have been to and that has a lot of water.
where this place is
why (& when) you went there
what people do there
and explain why you like this place.
Part 3
water pollution...what should the government do...?
Do you think it's important to try to save (conserve) water?
Do you think people use more water today than they did before?
What are the reasons for water shortages in (parts of ) China?
family event (birthday party or wedding)
what you did (or, what happened at this event)?
and explain why this event was enjoyable
Part 3
Do you think (most) people spend too much on weddings?
Compare modern weddings in China with traditional Chinese weddings (i.e., weddings many years ago).
Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West
Can you think of any other important family events in China, besides weddings?
Do you think strong families are important for society?
a city you visited
what did you do there?
what do you like and dislike of the city
Part 3
What kind of people do you think would like to live in big cities?
Do you prefer living in a city or a small town?
Why are people migrating from the rural to the urban areas of China?
What's the advantage for a family to live in a big city?
What are some of the (serious) problems associated with living in big cities?
second foreign language
Describe another language that you would like learn.
the name of this language
how you would learn it
what difficulties you think you would have (or, might have) when learning this language.
and explain why you would choose to study this language.
Part 3
Do many people in China study a second foreign language?
Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?
Who do you think is better at learning a language, boys or girls?
Do you think it's important (or, a good idea) to have one main world language? (= 'a universal language')
What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a global language?
Do you think it's possible to learn a foreign culture without learning the language?
a website
and explain why you think this website is (or, was) useful.
Part 3
Do old people access (= go onto = use) the internet very much?
Do you think it is useful to encourage old people to use the internet?
Is the internet used much in schools or colleges/universities?
handicraft you made
what it was
where (and when) you made it
how you made it
and explain how satisfied you were with your work.
Part 3
Compare handmade and machine-made products
What are the benefits of children learning how to make something by hand?
What is the value of encouraging the development of creativity in children?
A recent change in your life
what the change was
when and where this change happened
what the result of this change was
and explain how you felt about this change when it happened
Part 3
Do you think experiencing change is good for children?
How can people make changes to (improvements to) their everyday lives?
A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child
when and where you played it
what equipment was needed for this sport
and explain what benefits you got from playing this sport.
Part 3
In China, what sports are most popular with young children?
Do you think boys and girls should play the same sports? (Why?/Why not?)
What benefits do children (or, young people) derive from playing sport?
Do you think competitive sport is beneficial for children (or, young people)?
In what ways do you think the Olympic Games will effect (change) China?
What effect do you think the Olympic Games will have on China's international relations?
Cafe or restaurant
where it is
how often you go there
what kind of food they serve there (or, what service they provide)
and explain why you like to eat at this place.
Part 3
What are some of the factors that make a restaurant a good one?
an important letter that you received.
who wrote it
when you received it
what the letter was about
and explain why it was important.
Part 3
Do you often write letters to your family and relatives?
Do people today write letters by hand as much as they used to do many years ago?
What is the value of reading letters that famous people in history have written?
Is the handwriting of children today as good as it was many years ago?
TV program
what program it is
what the program is about (or, what type of program it is)
when you watch it
and explain why you like this TV program.
Part 3
How do (or can) TV programs influence children?
Do you think parents should supervise what their children watch on TV?
How has television affected (or, changed) society?
a place with a lot of water
Describe a place that you have been to and that has a lot of water.
where this place is
why (& when) you went there
what people do there
and explain why you like this place.
Part 3
water pollution...what should the government do...?
Do you think it's important to try to save (conserve) water?
Do you think people use more water today than they did before?
What are the reasons for water shortages in (parts of ) China?
family event (birthday party or wedding)
what you did (or, what happened at this event)?
and explain why this event was enjoyable
Part 3
Do you think (most) people spend too much on weddings?
Compare modern weddings in China with traditional Chinese weddings (i.e., weddings many years ago).
Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West
Can you think of any other important family events in China, besides weddings?
Do you think strong families are important for society?
a city you visited
what did you do there?
what do you like and dislike of the city
Part 3
What kind of people do you think would like to live in big cities?
Do you prefer living in a city or a small town?
Why are people migrating from the rural to the urban areas of China?
What's the advantage for a family to live in a big city?
What are some of the (serious) problems associated with living in big cities?
second foreign language
Describe another language that you would like learn.
the name of this language
how you would learn it
what difficulties you think you would have (or, might have) when learning this language.
and explain why you would choose to study this language.
Part 3
Do many people in China study a second foreign language?
Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?
Who do you think is better at learning a language, boys or girls?
Do you think it's important (or, a good idea) to have one main world language? (= 'a universal language')
What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a global language?
Do you think it's possible to learn a foreign culture without learning the language?
a website
and explain why you think this website is (or, was) useful.
Part 3
Do old people access (= go onto = use) the internet very much?
Do you think it is useful to encourage old people to use the internet?
Is the internet used much in schools or colleges/universities?
handicraft you made
what it was
where (and when) you made it
how you made it
and explain how satisfied you were with your work.
Part 3
Compare handmade and machine-made products
What are the benefits of children learning how to make something by hand?
What is the value of encouraging the development of creativity in children?
A recent change in your life
what the change was
when and where this change happened
what the result of this change was
and explain how you felt about this change when it happened
Part 3
Do you think experiencing change is good for children?
How can people make changes to (improvements to) their everyday lives?
A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child
when and where you played it
what equipment was needed for this sport
and explain what benefits you got from playing this sport.
Part 3
In China, what sports are most popular with young children?
Do you think boys and girls should play the same sports? (Why?/Why not?)
What benefits do children (or, young people) derive from playing sport?
Do you think competitive sport is beneficial for children (or, young people)?
In what ways do you think the Olympic Games will effect (change) China?
What effect do you think the Olympic Games will have on China's international relations?
holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked.
Part 3
During their holiday time, do most people in China prefer to stay at home and relax or do they prefer to travel?
Why do people enjoy traveling?
What (kinds of) places do people in China prefer to travel to, as tourists?
Do you think your hometown is attractive to tourists?
a person who is good at his/her job
who the person is
what job they do
what impresses you about the way they do their job
and explain what influence this person has on others at work.
Part 3
Do you thinks schools and universities have a responsibility to prepare students for work?
In high school in China, are there many opportunities for you to gain practical work experience? What about in university?
What is the usual retirement age for people in China?
If someone who is older than the retirement age wants to and is able to continue working, is he or she allowed to do that?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring young people and of hiring older people for work?
A school friend
what he looks like
how you knew him
what you did together
and explain why you remember him well
Part 3
Do you think friends are important?
Do you think it's easier to make friends today than it used to be?
Why do some people choose to make friends on the internet?
What are the qualities of a good friend?
some good advice you received
Part 3
Do you think teachers should give students personal advice or just academic advice?
Have you ever received advice from a trained person?
What personal qualities do you think these professional advice givers should have?
occasion when you were late
when this happened
what occasion you were late for
why you were late
and explain how you felt when you were late / the result of your being late. *
Part 3
Do you think it's important to be punctual?
How do you feel when others are late, keeping you waiting?
What are some examples of occasions when punctuality is especially important?
Do you think that ideas about being 'on time' are the same in the West and in China?
Do you think modern technology has given us more time than before?
Project or homework assignment
Describe a project that you were once involved in.
when and where you did this project
how difficult this task was (or: what the easiest and most difficult parts of this project were)
and explain what you learned from this experience.
Part 3
Do you think students in China have too much homework? (Why do you say that?)
Do you think homework is important (or, necessary)? (Why?/Why not?)
What modern technology is used in classrooms in China today?
Do you think it's important (or, necessary) for children to go to school to be educated or is it possible for a child to be educated at home, without attending a school?
a place for shopping
when you usually go there
how often you go there
what this place sells (or, what you usually buy there)
and explain why you like to shop at this place
Part 3
Why do some people like shopping and others not like it?
Compare big shops such as supermarkets & department stores with small shops.
Do you think the increase in the number of big supermarkets and department stores will cause the eventual disappearance of the small, family-owned shops?
What do you think of buying things on the internet?
How has advertising influenced the way you do your shopping?
What do you think is the most effective form of advertising?
a teenager
Describe a teenager who you know.
You should say:
how old he or she is
how and where you met him or her
what you and this person do together
and explain what kind of person he or she is.
Part 3
What's the difference between children and teenagers?
How is the life of teenagers (or children) today different to what it was 20 or 30 years ago?
Would you say life for teenagers today is better than it was several decades ago?
What do teenagers think about old(er) people?
What do you think about the so-called 'generation gap'?
a family you are familiar with (not your own)
Describe a family (not your own family) that you know well.
You should say:
where this family lives
who the members of the family are
how you know them
and explain how you feel about this family.
Part 3
What do you think are some of the advantages and some of the disadvantages of big and of small families?
In Chinese families, who usually makes the major decisions?
Do you think it is good for grandparents to help bring up their grandchildren?
In your opinion, what are (some of ) the attributes (= the qualities) of 'a good parent'?
Do you think parents today should spend more time with their children than they do at the moment?
In their free time, do families in China go out much together?
a film you watched recently
Describe an interesting film you saw recently.
You should say:
when & where you saw it
what type of film it was
what the film was about (= what the contents of the film were)
and explain why you think it was interesting.
Part 3
What are some of the benefits from watching foreign films?
Do you think (watching) films have (has) any educational benefits?
Are people attracted (or influenced) by advertisements (or previews) for new films?
What are the differences between documentary films and films purely for entertainment?
a magazine you like to read
Describe an interesting magazine.
You should say:
What magazine it is
what information it contains
who you think reads this magazine
and explain why you think this magazine is interesting.
Part 3
What are the main differences between news magazines and newspapers?
Some people say we can't believe everything we read in newspapers and news magazines. What do you think?
What do people in China prefer to read, magazines or newspapers?
an interesting animal
Describe an interesting animal you have seen.
You should say:
what animal it was
where you saw it (or, where it lives)
what it looked like
and explain why you thought it was interesting.
Part 3
什么動(dòng)物在中國(guó)常見(jiàn)What animals are most common where you live (or, in your country)?
Do people in China still use animals for work?
Do people today treat animals the same as they used to do, several decades ago?
Do you think it's suitable to keep pets in the city or is it more suitable to have a pet only if you live in the countryside?
an electrical appliance that is useful to you
Describe a useful piece of (electrical) equipment other than computer that you use at home or at work.
You should say:
what it is
how long you have been using it
how you learned to use it
And explain why this item is useful to you.
Part 3
Have (the item you chose to talk about) changed much over the years?
What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in daily life?
Do you think we can now live without electrical appliances? What's your opinion of this? Is that a good situation?
Do you think science and technology will one day completely eliminate traditional technology and equipment?
Do you think people rely too much on machines nowadays?
What are the advantages that we get from using modern home and office equipment?
What do you think is the most useful thing that man has ever invented?
a garden you’ve been to
Describe a garden that you visited and that you liked.
You should say:
where it is
what it looks like
what people do there
and explain why you liked it.
Part 3
Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit?
Do you think gardens have any value for children?
an enjoyable event
Describe a recent event that made you feel happy.
You should say:
what the event was
when and where it happened
what you saw or did
and explain why this event was so enjoyable.
Part 3
Are the things (or, the events) that make people happy today the same as several decades ago?
Do you think money makes people happy?
Do you think people mostly remember sad events or happy events? (Why?)
Do you think there is any relationship between government and the happiness of the citizens?
a visitor to you home (how you entertained him/her)
Describe a person who visited your home.
You should say:
who the person was
why they visited your home
how you spent the time with this visitor (or how you entertained this visitor)
and explain how you felt about the visit.
Part 3
When you travel to another city, do you prefer to stay in a hotel or with friends? (Why?)
In China, when people visit other people in their homes, do they usually bring a gift?
Are people in your country very hospitable to guests?
What kinds of things do foreigners need to pay attention to when they travel in your country?
If you were visiting another country, what do you think would be the biggest problem(s) you would have?