

此類題多出現(xiàn)在聽力考試第一部分(Section 1),顧名思義,主要考察個人信息的填空,如姓名、地址、電話號碼、國籍等。題目不難,但考點細致,原文會出現(xiàn)較多干擾,要求考生掌握扎實的聽力基本功,能夠快速、準確記錄信息。下面是此類題目中的常見考點。

1. 數(shù)字信息

Telephone / fax/ mobile phone no. 電話、傳真號碼一般為7-8位數(shù)字,有時再加2-3位區(qū)號(area code),分機是“extension”;手機號碼一般為10-12位;
credit card /account no. 信用卡、賬戶號碼一般為16位數(shù)字;
Visa no. 簽證號碼一般為10-12位數(shù)字;
Date and day 日期與星期幾


1. 注意數(shù)字的特殊讀法。如“零”可能讀作:nil,naught,zero等;兩個重復(fù)的數(shù)字讀作double,三個重復(fù)的數(shù)字讀作triple;
2. 日期中月份不能用數(shù)字表達,必須拼寫,如October 22nd,但年月日俱全時可用數(shù)字,如15/01/1980,讀作:fifteenth of first,nineteen eighty;
3. 小數(shù)點讀法,如0.75讀作zero point seven five,或point seventy-five;2.2 讀作two dot two。


house no. 門牌號碼 (e.g. 20A, 注意發(fā)音與28的區(qū)別)
bus no. 公共汽車(e.g. 14A)
passport no. 護照號碼 (e.g. G25688963)
driver’s /driving no. 駕照號碼
licence plate no. 車牌號碼
membership no. 會員號碼
medical card no. 醫(yī)療證號碼
flight no. 航班號碼 (e.g. BA207)
postcode 郵政編碼(e.g. London N12, BS89PU)


1. 和數(shù)字連一起的字母一定要大寫;
2. 注意區(qū)分容易聽混的字母,如M與N(通常考M居多),G與J等;
3. 一些易混淆字母會有解釋,應(yīng)了解常出現(xiàn)的代表字母的單詞,如B for Bravo,D for Delta,G for Golf,J for Juliet,M for Mike,N for November,T for Tango等。

2. 姓名

注意題目要求是填寫Surname(姓)還是Given name(名)。如填寫Name,則都必須寫。如:My name is Paul Smiley. It’s S-M-I-L-E-Y. 雖然原文只拼讀了surname,但答案中兩個都要寫。因為Paul是一個很常見的名,要自己拼寫。


1. ??嫉呐用篈nna, Alice, Cathy, Helen, Jane, Joan,Mary, Rose, Tracy;
2. ??嫉哪凶用篈dam; Bill; David; George; Henry; Jim; Mark; Mike; Peter; Paul; Tom.

3. 國家或國籍

聽力考試中,這是兩個不同的概念,Country: _____必須填寫國家名;Nationality: ___ 必須填寫國家的形容詞形式。


-ish British, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Danish, Irish, Turkish
-an American, Canadian(注意發(fā)音),Australian, Malaysian, Russian,
-ese Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Burmese, Portuguese
-ic Icelandic, Arabic?

?4. 城市名




UK /Britain
England 英格蘭 Scotland 蘇格蘭 Wales 威爾士
Northern Ireland 北愛爾蘭 London 倫敦
Edinburg 愛丁堡(蘇格蘭首府) Cardiff 加的夫(威爾士首府)
Belfast 貝爾法斯特(北愛爾蘭首府)
Liverpool 利物浦 Birmingham 伯明翰
Leeds 利茲 Manchester 曼徹斯特
Bath 巴思 Bristol 布里斯托爾
Cambridge 劍橋 Oxford 牛津
Queensland 昆士蘭州 New South Wales 新南威爾士
Canberra 堪培拉 Sydney 悉尼
Melbourne 墨爾本 Brisbane 布里斯班
Perth 珀斯 Adelaide 阿德雷德
Cairns 凱恩斯 Tasmania 塔斯馬尼亞
New Zealand
Wellington 惠靈頓 Auckland 奧克蘭
The United States of America
New York 紐約 Washington 華盛頓
Los Angeles 洛杉磯 Chicago
Ottawa 渥太華 Vancouver 溫哥華
Toronto 多倫多 Montreal 蒙特利爾
Quebec 魁北克 Victoria 維多利亞
British Columbia 不列顛哥倫比亞省
Berlin 柏林 Athens 雅典
Rome 羅馬 Antarctica 南極洲

5. 地址

常見的考點是門牌號,街道名稱,地區(qū),郵編。注意書寫順序從小到大。如:23C Rose Lane。
? 地點類名詞作街道名,如:Bank, Bridge, Church, Hill, Lake
? 方向作為街道:North, South, (注意與Street連讀時的省音現(xiàn)象),East, West
? 其他普通名詞或形容詞作街道名:Green, Black, Rose, Oak, New, Eagle, Wood, Gold, High, Long
? 復(fù)合名詞作街道名:
Riverside, Woodside, Downland, Upland, Eastwood,


1. 門牌號注意區(qū)分“十幾”和“幾十”,注意字母與數(shù)字的組合,如20A,不要寫成28;
2. 不同的街道類型,Road(路), Street(街), Avenue(大街), boulevard (大道),Drive(車道), Lane(小路), Close(單行道), Square (廣場)。

6. 度量單位

foot 英尺 inch 英寸 yard 碼
mile 英里 kilometer 公里 block 街區(qū)

Gram 克 kilogram 千克,公斤 ton 噸
Pound 磅 ounce 盎司 galon 加侖

square meter 平方米 acre 英畝 hectare 公頃


Liter/litre 升

Fahrenheit 華氏 Celsius/Centigrade 攝氏

Pound 英鎊 dollar 美元/澳元
Cent 美分 penny 便士



1. 快速掃描表格,先橫后縱。即先掃描最上面的一行,再掃描最左邊的一列。通常橫欄為大的信息,縱列為小的分類;
2. 根據(jù)并列原則,判斷所填寫的信息,如數(shù)字、國家名、或是其他與同列信息類似的名詞、形容詞。


1. 答案的大小寫與表格已給信息保持一致;
2. 注意題號順序。雅思聽力考試一定是按照題目順序放音的。如果表格中提供Example(例子),不管例子在第幾欄出現(xiàn),聽力材料中一定會先提到例子指示的答案。

例題解析 (分類表格題

Cambridge 6, Test 1, Section 1
Questions 1-4
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Notes on Sports Club

Example???????????????????????? Answer

Name of club:??????? Kingswell


Facilities available:???????????? Golf

??????????????????????????????????? 1______________

??????????????????????????????????? 2______________

Classes available:?????? Kick-boxing

??????????????????????????????????? 3 ______________

Additional facility:???? 4 ______________

??????????????????????????????????? (restaurant opening soon)

Questions 5 -8

Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO NUMBERS for each answer.

Membership Schemes


Use of facilities

Cost of classes


Joining fee

Annual subscription fee




Any time


5 ?______



6 ?______

From 7? _to __






From 10.30 to 3.30 weekdays only


8 ?______



1. 考生注意在這之前提到的tennis courts和football均為干擾。tennis court 出現(xiàn)在路標詞Golf之前,不是答案;男生提到football之后,工作人員說“No, I’m sorry.” 從而排除了這個信息。工作人員最后說“We do have a keep-fit studio, which is …”,do have 表示強調(diào),在原文中也重讀。
2. 注意并列詞as well as,之后出現(xiàn)并列的第2題答案,swimming。
3. kick-boxing為路標詞,之后提到的judo and stretch classes是打算增加的課程“We’re planning to add...”,因此不是答案。在yoga classes 之后有表示并列的副詞too,這往往是標識答案的信號詞??忌⒁忸愃频娜鏰s well as,too,another等詞。
4. 男生提到restaurant后,考生就應(yīng)注意答案馬上會出現(xiàn),因為第4題要求是facilities。接下來,at the moment,表示現(xiàn)有的設(shè)施,答案為salad bar。


5. 表格前一列中的數(shù)字250為路標詞,但之后出現(xiàn)的信息£450馬上被否定,最后提到的£500為答案。注意joining fee是指入會費,而subscription fee是年費。
6. 表格第三行題干中silver為路標詞,接下來聽到except一詞,考生要牢記這個經(jīng)常之后出現(xiàn)答案的信號詞,它表示排除,也是在講話中表示強調(diào)信息的詞。
7. 通過題目分析得知空格中應(yīng)填寫兩個時間點,注意介詞between… and… 替換from… to… 。
8. 第7題與第8題之間有較長的間隔,考生不要緊張,只要跟上表格中提到的信息,就不會聽丟答案。離8題最近的信息£50是路標詞。在答案£180出現(xiàn)后又提到一個數(shù)字£15,是指平均每個月的費用,考生應(yīng)熟悉題目要求annual指“年度”的,這樣就不會被干擾。


Key to Sample 2
1. (a) keep-fit studio
2. swimming
3. yoga
4. (a) salad bar
5. 500
6. 1
7. 10a.m.,4.30p.m.
8. 180

Tapescript of Sample 2

Woman: Good morning, oh sorry, it’s gone 12, I’ll start again, good afternoon, Kingswell Sports Club, how can I help you?
Man: Oh, good afternoon. I was wondering if you could give me some information about membership and faciliteis.
Woman: Of course. What would you like to know?
Man: Do you have tennis courts, for example?
Woman: No, I’m afraid we don’t. We’re primarily a golf club.
Man: What about football? I heard you had a team.
Woman: No, I’m sorry. Perhaps you’re thinking about Fresham Sports Centre.
Man: Oh, right. I know it. I’ve played badminton there.
Woman: Have you? They’ve got a lot of facilities we don’t have and vice versa. We do have a keep-fit studio (Q1), which is very popular with members, and then as well as that there’s swmming, (Q2) of course.
Man: Tha’ts good. I like to swim every day.
Woman: We have a range of classes too.
Man: Do you have judo classes? I’m keen to learn.
Woman: Well, at the moment we offer kick boxing. We’re planning to add judo and stretch classes soon. We’re currently running a range of yoga classes (Q3), too.
Man: What about relaxing after exercise? I assume you have a resaurant o something.
Woman: At the moment, we’e got a salad bar (Q4) which is very popular. We’ll also have a fully-licensed restaurant by the end of ye year.
Man: Sounds good!
Woman: What kind of memebership are you interested in?
Man: Um I’m not really sure. What are the options?
Woman: Well, there are three different membership schemes.
Man: I see. What’s the difference?
Woman: Well, the first one’s called Gold, and you can use all the facilities at any time of the day or week. You can also join in as many classes as you like for free.
Man: That sounds good. Is it very expensive?
Woman: Well, you pay a £250 joining fee and then its’ £450 -- oh no, I’m sorry, it’s just gone up by £50, sorry about that -- it’s now £500 (Q5) for the annual subscrption fee.
Man: Right, got that. And what’s the next type?
Woman: Well, that’s Silver -- it’s the same as Gold except you have to pay a small fee of £1.00 per lesson (Q6) for any you do and you can only use the centre at certain times.
Man: I see. So when exactly?
Woman: You can only use the facilities between 10am and 4.30 pm (Q7).
Man: So I couldn’t use the pool at 8 in the morning or evening, then?
Woman: That’s right.
Man: OK. And the price for that? Is the joining fee the same as for Gold?
Woman: Actually, it’s slightly less than the £250 -- it’s £225, but the annual fee is only £300. Does that sound more like what you want?
Man: Well, it’s still rather more expensive than I thought. I’m a student here in England and I’m only here for six months.
Woman: Ah, then the Bronze scheme would probably suit you best.
Man: How is that different?
Woman: Well,some of the facilities have restricted use.
Man: Adn do I have to pay for classes?
Woman: Yes, it’s £3 for each class you join.
Man: I see. And what are the hours then?
Woman: Between 10.30 and 3.30 weekdays only and you pay a £50 joining fee. The annual fee is £180 (Q8) -- it works out at £15 a month, so that would be quite a lot cheaper.?




1. 先找到地圖的起始點、入口或講話人所在的位置;
2. 快速瀏覽圖中已給的信息,如街道、建筑物名稱、方向指示箭頭等;
3. 如果是填圖題,注意聽表示順序的詞,如first,then,next等;如果是配對題,注意表示方位的詞,如north,south,left,right,opposite等。


be ahead of 在??前方 be across from 在??對面
be behind 在??后面 be beside 在??旁邊
be far from 遠離?? be in front of 在??前面
be next to 緊挨著 be in the corner of 在??拐角處
be parallel to 與??平行 be nearby 在附近
be on your left/right hand side 在你的左/右邊
go along/down 沿著?? go through 穿過
take the first turning on your left 第一個路口左轉(zhuǎn)
turn your first left 第一個路口左轉(zhuǎn)
access 通道,入口 side access 側(cè)門
rear access 后門 wheelchair access 輪椅通道
annex/wing building 付樓/翼樓 arrow箭頭
aisle 通道 basement 地下室
balconly 陽臺 corridor 走廊
clockwise 順時針的 counter-clockwise 逆時針的
escalator 扶梯 lift 升降梯
landmark 標志性建筑 pavement 人行道
stairs 樓梯 signpost 路標
crossroad/intersection 十字路口 T-junction 丁字路口
underpass 地下通道 zebra crossing 斑馬線

1. 地圖題分為兩類:填圖題和配對題,注意不同的做題方法;
2. 通常會出現(xiàn)錯綜復(fù)雜的街道、地名等,要熟悉表達方向的詞匯、句型;
3. 如果地圖的入口在上方,注意“左”、“右”與看圖的方向相反。



Cambridge 4 , Test 1, Section 2

Questions 14-20
Label the plan below:
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

1. 首先,找到地圖的起始點,即圖的下方entrance;
2. 瀏覽途中題目的序號,地圖填空題一定是按照題號的順序介紹的;
3. 注意圖中已給的信息,如Car Park,The Engine Room等,在以這些地點為參照時能夠迅速在圖中找到其位置。
4. 14題在圖的下方,注意聽力材料中提到the bottom時,會出現(xiàn)答案;
5. 15題在入口的右邊,在聽到“entrance”之后,注意immediate to our right。地圖填空題不需要考生在圖中找方向,而是聽到方位詞后捕捉地點名詞;
6. 接下來材料提到car park,應(yīng)該預(yù)測16題的答案即將出現(xiàn);
7. 17題距離較遠,要注意提前定位序號。原文先說到答案才提到位置,有一定的隱蔽性,在聽到“a stone house”時就應(yīng)提高警惕;
8. 緊接著出現(xiàn)方位詞,“on the top right corner”,注意尋找下一個題目序號18題;
9. 19題以Gringding Shop為參照,比較容易定位;
10. next to為路標詞,注意答案的單詞拼寫。

Ticket Office
Gift Shop
Main Workshop