【雅思聽力】劍橋中最難的十個Section 之一:劍三、劍四
其中test 4 section 3是較難的一篇。這篇是討論學(xué)生所寫論文的修改。題型是選擇+搭配+填空題。第一個難點(diǎn)出現(xiàn)在第3題。
23 Amina was surprised because she
A thought it was bad.
B wrote it quickly.
C found it difficult to do.
此題和上一題距離非常近,在做題時極容易由于還在思考上一題的答案而忽略此題的答案。其次此題的文字答案是That's amazing because I really didn't find it a bit easy to write...這邊surprise和amaze的同意互換相當(dāng)有難度。而選項B wrote it quickly中的wrote,非常容易成為干擾選項。
Questions 24-26
What suggestions does Dr Bryson make? Complete the table as follows.
Write A if he says KEEP UNCHANGED
Write B if he says REWRITE
Write C if he says REMOVE COMPLETELY
Chronology 26? .................
AMINA:? What about the chronology ... the list of dates? I wasn’t sure whether I should rewrite those.
BRYSON:? My advice on that is to take them out. I feel it makes the whole piece appear too simplistic.
這邊學(xué)生詢問是不是應(yīng)該rewrite,而教授的觀點(diǎn)是應(yīng)該take out,因此應(yīng)該選C,但是很容易受到前面的rewrite影響而錯選擇了B。
Read 27 '................' by Kate Oakwell.
Make changes and show to 28 ................ .
Do 29 ................ by 29 June.
BRYSON:? And then I think you need to think about ways of representing interview data. Have a look at Sight and Sound by Kate Oakwell.
AMINA:? Sight and Sound.
BRYSON:? Then you know I’m going away on holiday next week . . .
AMINA:? Yes.
BRYSON:? So when you’ve made the changes I suggest you show the work to your Support Tutor.
AMINA:? Support Tutor . . . right. . .
BRYSON:? Then you do the proof reading . . .
AMINA:? Proof reading . . . uh-huh. When by, do you think?
27題的答案是sight and sound,極容易寫成site或cite,讀音一致但是意思差很遠(yuǎn)。28和29題詞匯有一定難度,尤其是28題不可以漏寫Support,這些會帶來不少麻煩。
32 Corporate crime does NOT include
A employees stealing from their company.
B unintentional crime by employees.
C fraud resulting from company policy.
So crime like theft by employees - things like embezzlement or fraud against one's actual employers are excluded according to this definition.
首先題目中的NOT include在聽力中是用exclude作為互換的,比較難反應(yīng)過來;其次這道題的答案是倒置出現(xiàn)的,也就是在exclude這個詞的前面;最后由theft和答案中的stealing作互換,也比較頭疼。而且后面出現(xiàn)的生詞embezzlement和fraud也會影響聽力,更加糟糕的是錯誤答案C中出現(xiàn)了fraud這個詞語,很容易會導(dǎo)致選錯。
35和36題答案為specialist knowledge和unaware,這兩個詞語較難寫,尤其是第二個很容易聽成 'underwear' 這個讀音很像但是意思完全錯誤的詞語。
12. Travelite currently offer walking holidays
A. only in Western Europe
B. all over Europe.
C. outside Europe.
13. The walks offered by Travelite
A. cater for a range of walking abilities.
B. are planned by guides from the local area.
C. are for people with good fitness levels.
14. On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay
A. the same as other clients.
B. only a little more than other clients.
C. extra only if they stay in a large room.
15. Entertainment is provided
A. when guests request it.
B. most nights.
C. every night.
We offer guided working tours ... in twelve different centres throughout the whole of Western Europe. ... All are planned in detail by our highly trained guides, who all work in a variety of different Travelite locations, ... we offer three separate works catering for all skills and fitness levels. ... we guarantee that no single client will pay more, even when only double rooms are available for them. ... Entertainment is laid on nearly every night...
這邊的答案分別為A, A, A, B,但是第12題由于whole的影響,容易錯選B;第13題由于前面波浪線的這句話而選擇B,也可能由于聽到了fitness level而錯選C,而答案A是由于a range of和all的同意互換產(chǎn)生的;第14題可能由于后面的double room而錯選C;第15題由于every前面的nearly讀的很輕,導(dǎo)致錯選C。
第17題的答案是nearest station,由于爆破和吞音的影響,導(dǎo)致會聽成near或者nearer而造成失分。